Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] go " in BNC.

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1 At the back , the defence went to work and Paul Reece performed his tricks again to keep Oxford in command .
2 See how the response goes with this and then
3 Yeah what about the income going into the house ?
4 A New Year appeal by the Premier went unheeded .
5 However , that does have its positive side — it gives my staff the opportunity to go to meetings and take responsibility when I 'm not there , so it can be used in quite a developmental way .
6 If we could be certain ( as we ought ) that every person of 16 had the opportunity to go on to further education or practical , examinable work , then we could drop the 16+ examination without loss , and with a possible simplification of the school curriculum up to that point .
7 This gave excitement , the opportunity to go off duty early or at least to return to the warmth and relative conviviality of the police station , as well as prestige …
8 ‘ By the end of a show my fingers are pretty loose and I feel pretty good , so I use the opportunity to go to my hotel room and play some more .
9 For your evening entertainment you should try to take the opportunity to go to the theatre or enjoy a concert or maybe you would prefer to relax in one of the many wine cellars or bars .
10 ‘ Dennis had played a seasson for Northants and I got the opportunity to go and see him in Perth , ’ he explained .
11 Her studies were interrupted by the opportunity to go into local politics , from which she has never looked back .
12 The opportunity to go over to regain my citizenship was a must because of the pressure I was under .
13 I would have had another one on the third day as well , but I gave it up for the opportunity to go rabbiting with the lad who worked for Brian .
14 All staff in these offices were offered the opportunity to go to Bristol to work at the head office .
15 She slipped the newspaper cutting into the top drawer of her bedside chest , then took the opportunity to go for a walk by herself , without Josh .
16 " If we disobey him I may lose the opportunity to go to Canton , " he said shortly .
17 The table shows the enthusiasm with which centres took the opportunity to go beyond straightforward transfer of old courses .
18 And literacy is not the end of the road : there is the added incentive that those adults who can read and write now have the opportunity to go on to higher education through a special rural matriculation scheme .
19 In recent months I have had the opportunity to go to Kashmir by arrangement with both the Pakistani Government and the Indian Government , and I have seen the profound suffering among Kashmiris of both religions — Hindu and Muslim .
20 Moreover , we regard such fees as undesirable because we are keen that there should be no avoidable barriers to access on the part of people who have not traditionally had the opportunity to go into higher education .
21 My hon. Friend the Member for Halifax made the point that the rundown of long-stay care for the elderly in our health service and the move towards the elderly having the opportunity to go only into private nursing care is to be deprecated .
22 Members have the opportunity to go on weekend projects , conservation working holidays and training courses run by BTCV all over the country .
23 Radio Tanzania on Sept. 18 cited Diria as saying that both sides were being given the opportunity to go home and clarify their positions .
24 I suppose my shadow calculated that I would soon come in off the streets , or perhaps he was using the opportunity to go through my baggage .
25 My preferance would be to play either Strachan and Rocky together with Speed in the Batty role , this would give him the opportunity to go forward if required plus utilise his good ball winning skills or if i had to choose between the two I would pick Rocky providing he was fit .
26 Well that 's why I did it because I do n't often get the opportunity to go out and enjoy myself like that .
27 IN THE UNITED STATES , citizens are presented with the opportunity to go to the polls at frequent and fixed intervals to elect at national , state , and local levels a host of legislators , executive heads , councilpersons , officials , and even , in some states , judges .
28 and you would n't have the opportunity to go along
29 So you would still be able to identify targets but those targets may become a bit more general , I E because in the past the landlord as a class had always sided with the Kuomintang then i it gives you the opportunity to go back and attack them , almost the landlords per se in a way you could n't during the Japanese war because clearly loyal landlords were fighting the Japanese .
30 It will only be small at the outset for example one might get the opportunity to go in and on or might get the opportunity to go and advise on P R P or something and it 's not suddenly going to result in an invitation er to .
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