Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] be " in BNC.

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1 ’ I just hate categories and sometimes new age can connotate airy-fairy , ridiculous things , whereas the synchro-energiser is based on scientific research . ’
2 The algorithm is modified , since only some set of the higher probability letters are selected as candidates to be chosen between , instead of choosing between all possible candidates .
3 The algorithm is used both for originally arranging the array , and to check whether a particular value is present .
4 The algorithm is supplied with a heuristic function , called f , and it chooses nodes from OPEN in order of their f values .
5 The heuristic component of the algorithm is given by some estimate h(N) which is a guess at the cost of a cheapest path from N to a goal .
6 The algorithm is :
7 Each component of the partition is a cluster , and the algorithm is intended to find clusters which are as far apart as possible .
8 If the algorithm is to do all we want , contexts should be allowed to include some variables too .
9 Garg and Gotlieb have developed a method that is related to interpolation searching , and in which the algorithm is based on an analysis of the key sequence , rather than on a presupposition such as the effectiveness of any particular procedure — say mid-square or division .
10 The algorithm is described by Walker .
11 For the UB-level the algorithm is more sophisticated and two subsidiary procedures coefficients and optimum are called .
12 The algorithm is very simple .
13 The algorithm is : —
14 In outline the algorithm is as follows : —
15 Otherwise , the algorithm is impractical ( e.g. if run-time is > Cn ) .
16 If the algorithm is not admissible then the decision to end the search is fairly arbitrary .
17 In Fig. 8.1. the algorithm is misled into taking the leftmost path because its actual cost , 3 , is less than the estimate , 4 , ( though not the actual cost , 2 ) of the correct , rightmost path .
18 and the algorithm is guided just by the cost so far , g(n) .
19 However , if certain conditions hold , it can be shown that the algorithm is near admissible .
20 If the estimates are used to prune paths , the algorithm is no longer guaranteed to find the optimal path , though it may be possible to prove that the probability of doing so approaches 1 .
21 As the estimate is simply the maximum that any hypothesis can achieve for the remainder of the utterance , the estimate is always optimistic and the algorithm is admissible .
22 Later information could score better than the path so far , the estimated score ( extrapolated from the current score ) therefore no longer functions as a reliable upper bound , and so the algorithm is no longer admissible .
23 Thus the cost of a path can not increase , it can only stay at the same level or decrease , and the algorithm is admissible .
24 The algorithm is not continuously diverted from depth-first into breadth-first search simply by virtue of picking up additional cost , as is the shortfall method .
25 The algorithm is breadth-first ; each state at time t is advanced before updating states at t+1 .
26 The algorithm is fast , taking under a second to order 1150 clones and 180 probes from the S.pombe YAC library and under 3 seconds to order 667 probes and 2837 clones from the S.pombe cosmid library on SUN SPARCStation II .
27 The algorithm is implemented in the program yacorder and is used for positioning contigs which do not contain any mapped probes and so can not be positioned directly .
28 As this encoded beam passes through a second optoelectronic array , the various stages of the algorithm are executed .
29 As this encoded beam passes through a second optoelectronic array , the various stages of the algorithm are executed .
30 To address this difficulty the algorithm was changed to a depth-first one .
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