Example sentences of "[art] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 Lay the curtain out flat with the interlining uppermost and apply the hemmed lining to it in the same way as for Lined Curtains , but lockstitching along the same lines as the interlining and along all seams .
2 The algorithm and the file keys have to be analysed , which can be done either by writing an analysis program and inputting the keys , transforming them into addresses and recording the numbers of synonyms , or by using a standard analysis program .
3 In this , as in his support for the elaboration of monastic customs , Anselm 's expansiveness stands in striking contrast both to the intimacy and austerity of his personal devotion , and to the new trend towards simplicity and severity which this type of devotion stimulated among the Cistercians .
4 Friction , jealousy and suspicion of all kinds , of course , persisted , but without any doubt , even before American entry into the war , the intimacy and exchanges between the two nations were beginning to exceed the norms to be found within the ordinary run of international partnerships .
5 The restoration of musical priorities means that the Kyrie and the Gloria , which were key movements in settings of the Mass , have now returned to their former place simply as part of the Introductory Rite .
6 Inter-governmental action , recognising the inter-relationships and interdependence between the richer and poorer countries in Europe have been severely hampered by a lack of willingness to surrender national sovereignty and self-interest .
7 We strongly support the emphasis on the inter-relationships and fragility of coastal ecosystems and estuaries .
8 For the garnish , heat the oil and quickly sauté the chilli and peanuts .
9 One of the staff had the chilli and curry powder and was running around throwing it all over us .
10 Needle-knife papillotomy is probably a safer option than pre-cutting with a sphincterotome where the wire emerges from the end , as the direction of the cut is easier to control with the needle-knife and there is less danger of damage to the pancreatic duct .
11 The Grocers did not take kindly to the breakaway and , with the support of the Lord Mayor , the Commons were approached to revoke the decision .
12 In both conventional , terrestrial over-the-air broadcasting and , more broadly , in telecommunications , the state monopoly was grounded in legislation extending back to 1837 ; the need to police the air-waves and the limited capacity of the spectrum were used in its justification .
13 I turn to the next document on the tag and suddenly I am in a quite different and entirely familiar landscape of calm , double-spaced , wide-margined , cleanly typed Government A4 .
14 From amongst the numerous citations which could be made from the judgments and speeches in those cases , I am content to take the judgment of Byles J. in Cooper 's case , 14 C.B.N.S. 180 .
15 So I 'm afraid you 'll just have to contain your Aries impatience a little longer — unless , of course , you intend to call the porter and have me put out … ’
16 There was no other way in except to walk through the priory , but a stranger would be stopped by the porter and seen by any of the community , be it nun or one of the lay workers .
17 Both the porter and the guards welcomed him like a long-lost brother .
18 Let the porter and the groom ,
19 Patrick made sure the porter and the bell-boy each got another packet of Kent King Size .
20 Athelstan turned to the porter and tossed him a silver coin .
21 He participates enthusiastically in all the activities and is good in all of them .
22 This knowledge is also recursive , in that the competent policeman or woman needs to know which criminals have a common-sense knowledge about the activities and deployment of the police , which requires that they have the additional common sense to confound the criminal 's working knowledge of the police .
23 Receiving a copy of the AGM Minutes from the Branch prompts Air Mail to give a little space to describe the activities and efforts being made by the Branch Committee , a committee which has been virtually unchanged since the Branch was re-activated six years ago .
24 Great interest is shown in the activities and scenes depicted : the skill and panache with which cat 's cradle is demonstrated is commented on , the speed and technique of the weavers astounds , the making of crayfish pots and operation of eel weirs is studied intently .
25 Some of the activities and resources are such that the parties engage or wish to engage in them or possess them only because of the conflict .
26 This directed attention towards the activities and values of key officials — the ‘ urban managers ’ — who , through their positions in influential institutions such as local authorities , building societies , estate agents and the like , could allocate scarce urban resources and thus influence service provision locally .
27 The activities and policies of the Union are decided by the students through discussion and votes at meetings on each of the four University campuses .
28 The activities and policies of the Union are decided by the students through discussion and votes at meetings on each of the four University campuses .
29 They had defined the activities and work committees , carried out a financial review and reorganisation of staff at Radford Park and the recreation ground .
30 This need is currently most acute in relation to the measures aimed at implementing the Social Charter , in that the measures proposed have a more profound effect on the activities and cost structures of companies in the UK than other Member States .
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