Example sentences of "[prep] first [det] " in BNC.

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1 Newry only had a couple of first half chances , with big Barry Hunter cancelling out the first when he intercepted a Gary Hughes shot .
2 The 2-1 in Latvia came courtesy of first half goals from Jim Magilton and Gerry Taggart .
3 The first generation will be scalable to 128 processors with up to 25 GFLOPS performance , expected to be available in first half 1994 , and the firm aims to improve performance by at least an order of magnitude per generation .
4 Adoption of Motif application programming interface specifications by X/Open Co Ltd offers a politically acceptable means for Sun Microsystems Inc to offer Motif products on its price list for the first time : its SunSoft Inc subsidiary plans to market Santa Cruz Operation Inc-owned IXI Ltd 's Motif toolkit under a deal already signed and due to be revealed soon ; subsequently SunSoft will offer a combined ‘ MoLook ’ -type COSE toolkit in first half 1994 .
5 The first generation will be scalable to 128 processors with up to 25 GFLOPS performance , expected to be available in first half 1994 , and the firm aims to improve performance by at least an order of magnitude per generation .
6 Its first PowerPC machines will appear in first half 1994 , and the Centris 610 and 650 computers , Mac IIvx and IIvi , Performa 600 and Quadra 800 systems will be field-upgradable to the new CPU .
7 Shipments of products to the standards are expected in first half 1994 .
8 Its first PowerPC machines will appear in first half 1994 , and the Centris 610 and 650 computers , Mac IIvx and IIvi , Performa 600 and Quadra 800 systems will be field-upgradable to the new CPU .
11 LYMM DAM : Bream , skimmers and small roach are bound to provide lively fishing for first few weeks .
12 PORT Vale celebrated their first visit to Wembley with victory in the Autoglass Trophy , thanks to first half goals from Paul Kerr and Bernie Slaven .
13 At first many people may have been tempted to discount it .
14 At first many of the new recruits were from Mosley 's New Party ; some were old followers from the ILP .
15 At first many counties established county-wide committees , but these either degenerated into battlegrounds for county/district rivalries or else atrophied through lack of business ( Alexander 1982a:37 — 8 ; 58 — 9 ) .
16 At first many American officials in the Truman administration were sympathetic to his cause and exasperated by British greed .
17 At first many people , including Israel himself , argued that since black holes had to be perfectly spherical , a black hole could only form from the collapse of a perfectly spherical object .
18 At first that fight was an uphill struggle .
19 At first that change was gradual but it soon accelerated .
20 Er , I do n't know if you er , meant er er er the various plans to achieve er , i in that order but I certainly want obey patient 's choice er , er er a a at first that 's the reasons I 've found .
21 I heard , when I started looking into the project at first that erm , the women used to do most of the weaving but you do n't actually do the weaving now , and they used to basically you know make up the , the larger part of the work force , is that the case now ?
22 You could be forgiven for thinking at first that Quick Help for WordPerfect has very few advantages over the help already supplied with WordPerfect .
23 The Manwarings ' family notified the police days after the murders , fearing at first that father and daughter might have been kidnapped .
24 You wonder that it should seem to me at first all illusion But how natural — It is true of me … very true … that I have not a high appreciation of what passes in the world under the name of love ; & that a distrust of the thing had grown to be a habit of mind with me when I knew you first .
25 At first all seemed to go well , and photographs were taken for inclusion in the annual report of cheerful and industrious moran wielding their instruments of labour .
26 This was chiefly because Mr Jones was absorbed with what he had read about ‘ problem children ’ being in desperate need of love and attention and at first all he wanted was professional guidance on how to give it more effectively .
27 At first all I could see was the hazy black outline of a jagged peak , little more than a shadow on the pallor of a dead calm sea , and then , as the air shimmered and danced and drew nearer , I could make out colours , mostly green .
28 At first all went well , and they were able to pass through Genappe despite the fugitives and baggage cluttering the town .
29 At first all criticism of the running of the war was muted and was aimed at measures rather than men .
30 At first all went well with the beetles .
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