Example sentences of "[prep] me the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Which is one thing about me the murderer does n't know .
2 ‘ Later , my mother told me of her terrible foreboding that she had about me the day we made that first daylight raid on Berlin .
3 Through me the defendants tender their sincere apologies to the plaintiff for the distress she was caused by the publication of the article . ’
4 Though Conrad 's Narcissus runs it close , Crime and Punishment remains for me the most accessible and exciting novel in the world .
5 Duval agrees : ‘ For me the real issue is programme choice , in the sense of what is actually scheduled .
6 A recent first visit to the USSR brought into focus for me the large question of evaluating music whose basis of appeal is grounded in extra-musical circumstances .
7 When he was hot , he was hot , but for me the whole thing was not so good .
8 I speak personally when I say that for me the Eucharist represents God 's powerful declaration that I am ‘ ransomed , healed , restored and forgiven ’ .
9 Second , for me the sacrament of Holy Communion is a focal point of feeding .
10 Nevertheless , for me the house had always seemed to stand a little aloof , and as well as a respectful reserve I felt still the restriction of a child in the company of old people : ‘ Not too much noise , dear , because …
11 Yet for me the ice is here , the ice is there , the ice is all around .
12 He is for me the epitome of the Italian style at its best — he is Spanish , of course , but he has the true Italian style .
13 And for me the beginning was when I was young ; before the Soviets , before the Nazis .
14 For me the European theatre is where it 's at — a physical art rooted in the circus . ’
15 ‘ I do n't care where it 's done — for me the play is the thing , ’ she says .
16 As I say , for me the important thing is the play , not any feminist axe-grinding .
17 These syllables are for me the quintessence of the Beautiful , the Worthy , they are an inspiration , a political confession of faith and a moral and spiritual claim ’ .
18 The young men had been playing football against a team from the small local college at Adrar , the town which was for me the end of tarmac and the beginning of the desert ; for these city boys , it was the last outpost .
19 For me the mystery of the enemy 's identity had been increased by the peculiar sort of war I had fought .
20 For me the war was over .
21 The strong simplicity of his ideas about life and the universe made it easy to link him with other men of understanding , so that for me the book seemed to be ringing with echoes of Hamlet and Richard Jefferies and the New Testament .
22 But what was , for the archaeologist the end of a job , was for me the beginning .
23 For me the transcendent landscape has taken on the aspect of patterned fields , or small patches of flower beds .
24 His poem exemplifies for me the many wonders and the brilliant light of the transcendent ; and also the unity of our soul as it basks in the warmth of that light .
25 Colin Patterson on the other hand writes what is for me the most scholarly paper in the volume , pointing out that , from the transformed cladist point of view , the much discussed and abused term ‘ homology ’ actually refers to those characters that define natural groups of organisms and need have no evolutionary connotations .
26 For me the chief attractions of this programme were the two pieces by Hans Gàl , whom I knew towards the end of his long and fecund life ( he died in October 1987 , at the age of 97 ) .
27 ‘ I do n't know anyone else would stick up for me the way you do . ’
28 Paris remains for me the most exciting City in Europe .
29 For me the high point of the week at Sunningdale was my first chance to commentate for the BBC .
30 We all enjoy a British victory and Nick did a great job in pulling his game back in the last four holes but for me the victory was soured by the silly and jingoistic utterances of the Radio 5 team .
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