Example sentences of "[prep] them against " in BNC.

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1 I am happy to say that the farmers of the United Kingdom believe in this ministerial team and in the Government , who are fighting for them against the proposals of the European Community .
2 ‘ We will have the psychological edge over them , ’ Jonah Barrington , the coach , said , even though he had seen Del Harris , Bryan Beeson and Jason Nicolle fail to purloin even a single game between them against their rampaging opponents .
3 ‘ Take Dean Saunders and Dalian Atkinson — they scored three between them against Boro — and Mark Hughes and that fabulous Arsenal strike force .
4 In 1905 , at age 48 , he walked 200 yards , ran 200 yards , cycled 200 yards , rowed 200 yards and swam 200 yards , all in under a total of eight minutes , and in 1903 he had swum five miles in the Thames ( two of them against the tide ) .
5 However , it has been as captain that he has excelled ; as the record of his club 's ‘ Cinderella side ’ demonstrates — 12 wins , seven draws and only seven losses ( two of them against immeasurably senior opposition ) .
6 As far as I could tell Frank had recovered from the breakdown we witnessed in late 1986 and , despite the months alone and the awful beatings he 'd received in the Pigsty , he still had a great sense of humour and told us hysterical episodes from his life , many of them against himself .
7 Fred , who died before Christmas only a month shy of 93 , had a rich fund of stories , most of them against himself .
8 Peebles played 18 games for the Ports during an extended loan period , and scored three goals — ironically one of them against the Blues in that 3–0 win on the last day of the season .
9 Only with the evidence of spiralling inflation did the government attempt to negotiate a " social pact " with employers and trade unions , but it then succeeded in uniting both of them against itself .
10 It 'll be four hundred and fifty of them against the fifty enemy horse waiting there , and easy enough , you would think .
11 In all he fought 257 combats at Verdun , most of them against heavy odds , and shot down eleven planes .
12 Touring with them against the top countries , ‘ not hiding , getting thrashed from time to time , but facing the top teams , learning all the time , and accepting that if we 're going to stay as a competitive group we 've got to be as far ahead of the others as possible ’ .
13 No doubt they chose their paper partly with that bias in mind while they felt that television bias was being inflicted upon them against their will .
14 As they try tomorrow to do against the brilliant Brazilians what was beyond them against the amateurish Americans , the Liverpool new boy is reminded of Nottingham Forest 's brave battle against relegation .
15 Grudging Polish promises to end serfdom , made when the szlachta thought this was the only concession that would rally the peasantry to them against foreign aggression , came too late and in any case lagged far behind the pre-emptive Prussian declarations ending serfdom .
16 I 'm sure Linfield would rather have got to the first round proper by playing football but at least they 've played it by the rules and good luck to them against Copenhagen .
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