Example sentences of "[prep] to [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Its actual meaning here corresponds therefore to an interception of to at the final point of its movement .
2 The potential meaning of to with the infinitive can therefore be diagrammed in the following manner : The potential meaning of to as described above fits in with that of the bare infinitive in the following very simple way : the latter evokes that which defines the end-point of the movement denoted by to .
3 In order to discern the reason for the use of to with the infinitive in passive sentences of the type just mentioned , we must begin therefore by trying to observe the kind of meaning which these sentences express and the type of context in which they are used .
4 This means that we must examine the data carefully to see whether there is any difference in meaning between the uses with and without to , and then seek an explanation for the curious appearance of to with this sense of know .
5 The distinction just seen with noun objects is also applicable to examples with the infinitive and will allow us to account for the distribution of to with cause and make .
6 What is more , the use of to with the infinitive seems to betoken , as with prepositional to , a relation involving a spatial entity : a preposition relates an element conceived as a spatial entity ( a substantive or pronoun ) to something else .
7 At the same time as the non-past is undergoing this shift , the use of to with the infinitive is being extended beyond its concrete directional sense to cover all cases of subsequent potentiality and subsequent actualization , for which the bare infinitive had formerly been adequate : " … the use of the to infinitive in the place of the bare or plain infinitive increased rapidly during the late Old English and early Middle English periods " ( Visser 1966 : 948 ) .
8 Here , then , not only is there no contradiction between the former analysis and the more complete view of the infinitive taking into account its generalized person , but the latter actually gives a fuller understanding of the posteriorizing movement of to by specifying its starting point and its end-point : the positions occupied by the two representations of person involved .
9 The existence of two different ways of actualizing the potential meaning of to in discourse is clearly seen in sentences which can be ambiguous : ( 6 ) I got up and opened my mouth to commence a downright torrent of abuse .
10 This accounts for the use of the to and not the bare infinitive here , the actual meaning of to in this type of use being of course the result of a final interception , as in the case of usage in the active .
11 The only explanation proposed to date for the absence of to after the modal auxiliaries ( Mittwoch 1990 : 127-9 ) is , by the author 's own admission , " entirely syntactic " : to is analysed as a modal itself , and since the grammar " must include a constraint against two modals in sequence in order to rule out examples such as * If John agreed to baby-sit , we would can go " , it follows that to and the modals can not co-occur .
12 Comments on the meaning of this construction bring out an interesting contrast between the infinitive and a that-clause , which will help to explain the use of to before the infinitive here .
13 This , it will be argued , corresponds in fact to the way allow ( and also permit ) represent permission , a way of viewing this notion which calls for the use of to before the infinitive .
14 The reason for the verbs of perception being construed with to in their conceptual sense is suggested by comments made by Cotte ( 1982b ) and Gramley ( 1987 ) .
15 There are numerous examples of the operative sense construed with to in British English as well : ( 112 ) I had never known him to pass the garden-gate before .
16 The VOR flag will change from FROM To at the Abeam position …
17 It 's a box trickle filter — as is the new unit from Top-Up Aquatics designed to use the new British Filter Coral from to with media ; add for powerhead and air pump supplied ( technical review next month ) .
18 And er she wanted er you know she has visions of us filling the streets of from to with banners waving and the we asked for no banners in the first rally we had back in October because we did n't want it to be seen as some thing that had you know big sort of take over and everybody you know the Communist Party and the language people and er all the different factions being able to wave their banners you know , We support the Blaenau quarry men .
19 It does not just consist of a single transition from to for each rotational level ; it includes lots of lines due to transitions with , where J is the general rotational quantum number .
20 er and therefore for that very reason do not like to see the Government going in for a whole series of embarrassing defeats er and erm getting into very grave difficulties with an important Bill and I therefore arise only to ask my Noble Friend er at the last minute would like to consider very seriously erm a conciliatory reply of whether accepting er the amendments with er or er or some of them er with er er er view to their reconsideration or asking those who propose them to defer them from to from today 's sitting , there 's still further sittings ahead , but whether he was prepared to ask them to give him a chance to reflect without incurring serious Government defeats to reflect further on whether further amendments can not and should not be made .
21 And churning and the carrying water for er for to for for the household and needed a lot of water when you were churning to wash the the butter properly .
22 As for to in its use with the infinitive , it signifies a relation between two spatial entities in time — the non-ordinalized general person incorporated in the infinitive and the often-ordinalized extra-verbal person of which the infinitive is predicated in a particular use .
23 For one thing , Fender seemed to deserve Tokai 's kick up the backside , since apparent mismanagement and increasingly poor quality control meant that from the early '70s through to about ‘ 82 , Fender simply were n't offering the musician a consistent , value-for-money product .
24 Very difficult to look through to through a lens with two eyeballs at the same time !
25 and the microphone on to on top .
26 What would be easier would be a simple board with everybody 's name and you just sort of erm put it across to in or out as you are coming up .
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