Example sentences of "[prep] you make " in BNC.

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1 Er I do n't know how many of you made wills but er draw him out on other things if you 've got any problems I mean we we had quite an interesting session at one of the power station talks on a er tenant er tenancy agreement that a chap had been bothered about for some years .
2 The point a lot of you made was that the course does seem to be very based on one text , the Arnold text and you 're quite , well you 're almost right about that .
3 and Ruth says I commit myself to him , he will now be my god , and therefore your people will be my people , your home will be my home , your destiny will be my destiny the way is clear , she makes that greatest decision of her life , a decision that will affect the whole of her life but its not as say a life decision is a commitment now , we , we , we are always confronted , day after day we are confronted to make decisions , some of you make decisions and were not too committed about them , and if things alter they will change our minds , not just a ladies prerogative to change her mind , men do it as well and things happen and we think oh no well , I wo n't go through with that I 'll change my mind before its too late , but here Ruth she is not just making a decision , she is making a total commitment , a commitment that is worth time of the whole of her life , to promised to be loyal to de to Naomi and her deceased husband , she promises loyalty to Naomi 's race and the people of god , but above all she acknowledge 's Naomi 's god and her willingness to follow him to the end , you know this , how she finishes of this commitment where you die I will die its to the end its to the end of my life , I will not walk out of it and even after you 've gone mother in law , even after you are dead I am still committed to that decision , this decision I am making today where you die I will die , there I will be buried , and here she sorts of puts this solemn vow to this commitment , thus may the lord to do me and worse if any thing but death parts you and me .
4 Leave enough space between you and the vehicle in front so that you can pull up safely if it slows down or stops suddenly , the safe rule is never to get closer than the overall stopping distance shown below , but on the open road in good conditions leave a gap of one metre for each mile an hour of your speed or a two second time gap may be enough , they will also leave space for an overtaking vehicle pulling or wet or icy or the gap should be at least double that , drop back if you know that taking vehicle closing gap in front of you make way for ambulance , fire engines , police or van emergency vehicles when their blue lamps are flashing or their bells , two tone cones or sirens or .
5 ‘ I 've had enough of you making a fool of me , Nicky Scott Wilson !
6 For any of you making the trip to Florida next year and finding yourselves on the Gulf Coast anywhere near St Pete 's beach , a visit to MULLIGAN 'S SUNSET GRILL must be included .
7 ‘ It 's kind of you to make me so welcome , ’ she said , dazzling him with a very personal smile .
8 She said it was very kind of you to make her a cake , and she 's asked you to tea at her house ! ’
9 ‘ How good of you to make tea .
10 Try to have your progress reviewed regularly with your nurse manager , so that neither of you makes misleading assumptions about your ability to cope or happiness in the job .
11 right and there why , why , I mean I 'm not saying , at the end of the day its all taxed up towards you making money
12 The the only job which I told Neil I do not expect him to take is working for waste disposal because he did that , this time last year and before he started he was full of big talk about you make a lot of money and you get a lot of tips at Christmas he found that you do not make a lot of money and you do not get generous tips at Christmas
13 ‘ Everything about you makes me feel that , ’ he murmured .
14 You 're hopeless at keeping a secret for you make it so obvious that people are sure to keep probing until they 've winkled it out of you .
15 Your doctor and the hospital will arrange for you to make regular visits for antenatal care .
16 If you would like to know more about O.C.D.P. they have a development co-ordinator who would be pleased for you to make contact .
17 I 'm not waiting all day for you to make your minds up .
18 All I would want is for you to make the journey into the burning , and then come back and report .
19 Or is it still too young for you to make any evaluations apart from tentative ones ? ’
20 Your employer might be willing to purchase an annuity for you to make a one-off lump sum in commutation of your pension rights .
21 If , for example , the reasons described seem unfair or conflict with what was said to you at the time of your dismissal , and you are eligible for unfair dismissal rights , the next step might be for you to make a complaint to the industrial tribunal .
22 If your elderly parent is in the habit of doing this , the only way around it is to tell her quite frankly , as kindly as possible ( even at the risk of giving some offence ) , that there are certain times of the day when it is very difficult for you to make or receive phone calls except in an emergency .
23 If your elderly parent is faced with this problem , the most sensible first step towards a solution will be for her to spend a longish ‘ holiday ’ in your home before making a final decision , or for you to make an extended ‘ visit ’ to her if you are thinking of going to live in her home .
24 It may be difficult for you to make instantaneous response to what is said .
25 A way for you to make up to me for murder . ’
26 I would have sworn there had n't been time for you to make any kind of progress since last night .
27 ‘ Come , lad , now is the time for you to make up your mind .
28 It will , I know , be a tough decision for you to make , Les , because it is common knowledge that Terry has you in his back pocket , but he is the weak link in the team this year .
29 While it might be to your advantage to do so at the earliest opportunity , there is nevertheless no legal urgency for you to make the journey other than at your convenience .
30 Because of what transpired in the latter part of 1989 , seldom has your insight been so penetrating and accurate , and between now and August is a time of unrivalled opportunities for you to make your mark .
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