Example sentences of "[prep] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 Without doubt one of the liveliest and most sought after of the Tyrolean resorts , Kitzbuhel offers everything .
2 President : Gen. Denis Sassou-Nguesso ( since 1979 ) , who is also C.-in.C. of the armed forces .
3 A fear that ‘ techne … will soon be silenced by the high technology ’ ( Amalgamemnon : 5 ) lurks behind the futuristic tales of these novels which echo the suspicions first hinted at in Out of the intentions of those who implement technological innovation .
4 In Paris , Menem and his entourage met with President François Mitterrand and French ministers on Feb. 17 during of a three-day visit .
5 Now that I think is , is the position as of the spring of nineteen forty
6 Cosloy , impressed , invited the band over to play at this summer 's New Music Seminar in New York , where they pulled apart the Knitting Factory with a glorious show that proved to be one of the most talked about of the week .
7 A typical clause on the sale of an unregistered title is as follows : All that property known as Together with the rights and Except and Reserved and Subject as mentioned in a Conveyance ( hereinafter called " the Conveyance " ) dated and made between of the one part and of the other part .
8 Yeah , the barrels , I mean , of of no value , I think to , a layman
9 The high speed video camera facing the golfer filmed the shot at 200 frames per second and a shutter speed of of a second .
10 He becomes the prime minister of of a relatively united Italy erm in eighteen er eighteen sixty .
11 Because it , cos people were you know erm as is often said generally of of a of a general staffs of armies .
12 There 's a very strong religious tinge er er to this and it 's argued that the holy alliance is perhaps an expression of of a significant religious revival that 's going on erm in Europe in the early nineteenth century .
13 I would surely settle for an error of of a degree at that distance .
14 The speed of of a second per counting speed is much quicker than any known counting process .
15 I take in my opinion the size , scale of settlement that is being pursued by erm North Yorkshire is of sufficient size , erm my experience erm are twelve fifty to fifteen hundred new settlement is sort of of a size that can sustain a reasonable balance of community facilities , I think in looking at the new village and in the context of P P G thirteen its highway implications , we see from table one of er Mr Curtis 's supplementary statement that public transport , I E bus and train , in terms of journeys to work to the Greater York area amounts to about eight percent of all journeys made , now I think if we were to follow Mr Curtis 's view through and put all development on the periphery of York , if we put two hundred to the North , two hundred to the East , two hundred to the South and so on and so forth , the contribution that those , that new housing can make to improving the public transport system , will be very small , if you concentrate your developments in a new settlement , or or maybe two new settlements which is another point , erm you have a better opportunity to provide a public transport system which would not only serve that new village , but also settlements in the surroundings , and I think you will find that the percentage of people in the new village who are reliant on public transport as a means of getting to work is greater that what you find in the Greater York area at the present time .
16 So to summarize that in terms of a of of a kinetic diagram , we can basically write that channels exist in closed and open states .
17 Notwithstanding that position , the Council clearly had a number of reservations about the design , alignment and environmental impact of of a western relief road and we 've asked the County Council to pursue its proposals for a western relief road on the basis of a single carriageway all-purpose road , and to give further consideration to ways in which environmental concerns can be ameliorated .
18 Now Professor Lock referred to allocations and I think that 's probably and the front of his mind er having regard to his own comments , but I I would put it more widely as just erm exceptions which could be either individual allocations or indeed erm policies of of a local plan .
19 Now how you watch look at the relationship what your communication 's like how much trust and how much you got co-operation you 've got will depend on what type of of a relationship you have .
20 There was great scope we saw for matching marketing , the due diligence product outside er Manchester area er that has been particularly successful we are going to have , well all of you are probably aware of of a significant increase in the in the of due dili due diligence work er very encouraging that er most of it I think I 'm right in saying has come , certainly the bigger ones have come from out with the region er and have been introduced to us from bankers er in London , er initially we 've had er a lot of support from our er colleagues in London who 've effected the introductions in the first place , precisely how the partnership virtually work .
21 Now he was talking in the context of er of of a , er but it is something that I think the government does need to look at because given the nature of multi-national companies or even the nature of public companies and private companies in this country where there is a public interest , not just in efficiency but also in probity .
22 Oh I tell you what we used to have a dresser like this in front of of of a of a h of a of a at home and er mother used to make a a jelly and she used to put it underneath the dresser and put a plate on on top of it in case the mice would get it .
23 I see a set of conclusions that achieve almost everything that was demanded at that time and I am grateful to everybody concerned who 's actually sat down and actually really thought about what we 're trying to do and everybody has made some compromise here and I shall certainly support this amendment and I shall make the compromise because the one thing in here that I thought was necessary that is n't there is the statement that there will be a head of centre and having actually worked in a project , head of sorry , head of project and having actually worked in a situation where I was a joint manager erm in the long run I think people will see the the wisdom of of a single head of project .
24 Yes of course it is and er , that , that points er to the the danger of of a the disintegration of the Soviet Union , I , I .
25 In our view such developments will only be attracted to an area if there is a clear prospect of of a site being made available as an exception to normal blank policies to meet those very specific requirements .
26 When we 're talking about the negligence factor , obviously the insurance does n't cover the negligence of of a repairer , erm any faults inherent at the time of purchase are obviously not our responsibility and I do n't think any reasonable person would expect us to cover that because obviously we 're we 're in insurance , we 're not taking on risks already , we 're taking on a risk of mechanical failure of items after they 're sold , not obviously before they 're sold .
27 ‘ Those of my colleagues and fellow theatregoers who constantly compare British theatre unfavourably with the depth , vitality and style of of the European stage should cop a load of this . ’
28 Mr Major said Mr Patten had been ‘ the architect of of the campaign that has won us this victory …
29 Bill Hughes , deputy chairman of of the Scottish Conservatives , said he was elated about the election results and stressed that the Union was safe in Tory hands .
30 John Pearson , who appears at the Wine Garden , Alton , on Tuesday , of of the 1960s decade of British blues musicians , acknowledged to be coming of age in the 1990s — their mature talents now best equipped for the task of bringing that conviction to their music that only age and experience can provide .
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