Example sentences of "[prep] too [det] " in BNC.

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1 Were these real tears , or was he just squeezing them out after too much cognac ?
2 Put it down to exhaustion after too much cricket !
3 Cynical and astringent too , which she found satisfying after too much flattery .
4 The traditional British verve for raiding had been restored after too many years under the shadow of the World War I failures at Gallipoli .
5 He 'd met Elaine on several trips around the island which Christina had arranged , including a hilarious afternoon when the three of them decided to try out the hotel 's water sports and attempted to learn to water-ski after too many rum sours at the Reef Bar .
6 Nina was built too late to compete with other accelerators that had done most of the early work , leaving Daresbury with little else to follow up , says Irvine : ‘ It was a classic case of too little , too late . ’
7 Officials admit that the replanting of the hillsides is crucial for the success of the programme and yet the replanting only started in 1981 and seems a case of too little and too late .
8 Their doubt is a result of too little involvement in the world rather than too much .
9 Standing behind them looking at the steaming urn on the barrow , I felt worse than hungover ; it was a mixture of too little sleep , being hot and unwashed , completely unaware of what was going on , and worst , I was hungry .
10 Too much product of too little quality has meant that both manufacturers and retailers have become heavily overstocked .
11 She complained of too little to do now that she lived in the village as companion to an elderly lady .
12 Here we see that Bourdieu criticizes structuralism for its assumptions , not of too little , but of too much scientific objectivity .
13 " Oh , " Quiss said , shaking his great bearded head quickly as though the whole subject was of too little consequence to be worth discussing , " they said they 'd see what they could do .
14 Not , however , the old story of too many banks chasing too little commission income ; compared to most markets , conventional Eurobond commissions are very generous .
15 This is seen most clearly in the song of Eliot 's Blackshirts , whose bitter irony should be set against remarks concerning the undesirability of too many free-thinking Jews in After Strange Gods .
16 It is the victim of too many boats discharging effluent straight into the water according to lake ranger Tony Hill in his annual report .
17 But there were probably a great many more who simply took advantage of too many of the free pints they were offered too often and slipped into alcoholism .
18 But there was an introversion to that which meant that too few readers of too many newspapers knew what it was there for .
19 But there was an introversion to that which meant that too few readers of too many newspapers knew what it was there for .
20 A group of too many curved lines , without the structural rigidity of straights , tends to become sweet and sentimental .
21 The problem of too many men wanting to become ministers and too many lay preachers who inevitably lowered the educational average pointed up a fundamental dilemma .
22 The method clearly does not extend to the keeping of too many of the ‘ real books ’ themselves . )
23 The popular wisdom disapproves of favoritism for blacks and of too many written-in rights for minorities of all sorts ’ ( Murray , 1984 , p. 146 ) .
24 He should have said it 's a sign of too many people .
25 This was the lot of too many nice people .
26 This arrangement can be mathematical once the play is under way ; a conductor or driver may soon assume responsibility for matching passengers to seats and the children will encounter problems of too many , not enough , empty , etc .
27 It can also control both the quantity and quality of fruit by preventing the overproduction of new , sappy growth at the expense of the fruit , and by halting the production of too many fruit buds at the expense of new , healthy growth which will result in poorer fruit and gradually weaken the vine .
28 It is probably true ; he is unlikely to win the votes of too many trade union delegations on a manifesto that promises to reduce their power .
29 Both girls had a terrible faraway look in their eyes ; the result of too many alien monsters , meteor showers and allegories in the now terribly politically correct New Generation series .
30 If you do n't , you may find yourself unable to add the subtitles because to do so would entail the loss of too many good shots .
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