Example sentences of "[prep] these same " in BNC.

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1 A lot of these same people would become suedeheads though — but it was more a matter of two styles merging .
2 But of course , some of these same kind did become skinheads — frequently the most fastidious dressers .
3 Yet industrialised countries either ban or tightly restrict the use of these same chemicals .
4 Yet to another social actor , unaware of these same micro-processes , the daily details of what planners do , planning may be seen as a broad process , a part of a general phenomenon of bureaucracy , of governmental meddling and red tape , a manifestation of the ideology of the Welfare State .
5 But at the same time , away from public scrutiny , many of these same stores reduced the risk of their credit being abused through a semi-secret organization known as The Mutual Communications Society which circulated to its members the names of habitual defaulters .
6 Actual guides were waiting for them on the Scots side , from the Graham tower , producing a grim smile from Douglas , for one of his principal headaches as Keeper of Liddesdale was apt to be the inroads and cross-border raiding of these same Grahams , Kirkandrews prominent .
7 The safety of these same trees is being discussed at the Summit , yet those protecting them ( sometimes with their own lives ) , those in the front line against destruction of the rain forest , are being given no support form the host government .
8 The consequences of these same changes can also be seen at the other end of the life course , in old age .
9 Sivapithecus combines some of these same characters of the distal humerus with primitive characters of the humeral shaft , and this confuses the issue still further if it is grouped in the orang-utan clade , for this indicates that some of the postcranial characters shared by the orang-utan and the African apes must have evolved independently .
10 Hybridization of these same probes to lung sections from untransfected animals served as a negative control against nonspecific hybridization ; neither the human CFTR probe ( g-i ) nor the hisD probe ( j-l ) hybridized to any mRNAs in the lungs of untransfected mice .
11 Most of these same forces were also involved in some way in GEC 's attempted hostile takeover of Plessey .
12 Klein s work rests upon a moral and normative order which can either , as in the work of other object-relations theorists , become associated with a particular status quo in terms of family structure and roles , or else , if rechannelled , be used for a radical critique of these same institutions ( e.g. Frosh 1987 ) .
13 I realized I had seen a few of these same processions on my way north through eastern Czechoslovakia , in Ovitkov and in Ostrava .
14 And , granted that much , " We " then further discriminate ourselves from other men by elaborations of these same three distinctions :
15 Another element that has some of these same properties is silicon .
16 It 's a scandal , and it 's got to be stopped It 's these same senior directors of these same utility companies who are lecturing our members about the problems facing their industries .
17 The records will also be used to identify the characteristics of the mother 's usage of these same words .
18 Some of these same men now say the Army is treating them like ‘ dirt ’ and is trying to force them out of a job .
19 Many of these same themes , including what Whyte called Cornerville man , recur in the postwar Chicago work .
20 The rhetoric of most Third World governments and radical researchers on the damage done by FDI in general and specific TNCs in particular , seems at odds with the almost universal scramble of these same Third World governments advised by ( in some cases ) the same radical researchers to create policies to attract more and more FDI into their countries .
21 These poor people have done no harm to anybody and a lot of them will have fought wars for a lot of these same people who are now deciding to put them out of their homes in the twilight of their lives .
22 Since last May many of these same passers-by have come face to face on their TV screens with the agony , desolation and despair of the people of Ethiopia and the Sudan .
23 All the experiments discussed so far have made use of a two-stage procedure — an initial phase of discrimination training intended to render the cues distinctive , followed by a test in which the nature of the task is changed but which still requires discrimination between these same cues .
24 Consequently , many beaches designated as being clean by the current " blue flag " scheme , could , in fact , still carry a high risk of viral infection for people swimming in the sea off these same beaches .
25 During these same revolutionary years , others took advantage of the breakdown of press censorship to publicize doctrinal positions which were far more unorthodox .
26 During these same months , Henry was also pursuing an alternative strategy to obtain the annulment by sending his agents to rifle through archives in England and on the continent in the hope of uncovering precedents to support his claim that the pope had no right of judgment over his marriage .
27 His rise to prominence in political leadership was punctuated by long periods of withdrawal enforced by the colonial government : in this respect he was like Nehru during these same years , also held incommun-icado by the colonial power .
28 Meanwhile he continued also to operate as a moneylender , advancing large sums on bond during these same decades , and was appointed to a royal commission on the cloth trade in the late 1630s .
29 For these same reasons , some farmers who were thinking of selling have changed their minds and fewer farms are for sale .
30 The tunnel had taken several months to build and some of the accusations which had been made against these same people now looked rather silly .
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