Example sentences of "[prep] take i " in BNC.

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1 If she chose to stay in London to nurse spotty Magnus instead of taking me sailing she was worse than everyone .
2 And we had a sort of desperate broken conversation , Caliban trying to get out of taking me to hospital , I insisting that he must .
3 Did not get the job — dear , former [ xx ] Manager , drove me up there ( 6 miles north of Perth ) and then on to Dunkeld where he insisted on giving me lunch — he had originally thought of taking me to Gleneagles , but I had to get back to the outplacement people — and did so , only to find ‘ my ’ counsellor had , for the third time , failed to keep an appointment with me .
4 Refusing to rise to the bait , she visualised and counted ten elephants , a hangover habit from her childhood , then , her voice tightly controlled , asked , ‘ Would you please explain why you insisted on bringing me here instead of taking me to the Trevi ? ’
5 You know where er that circle is where there 's the shops , well instead of taking I know , instead of taking one road I took another and I got completely lost !
6 ‘ And you did very successfully , until your mother saddled you with taking me back to my hotel . ’
7 Signe drove the old VW carefully — she was a good driver — and insisted upon taking me the prettiest way to Inkeroinen , which meant through the little side roads around Kouvola .
8 By the third morning , however , I was so weak and the pain so unbearable that they had little difficulty in taking me up to the theatre and performing the necessary operation .
9 Whether he had had plans laid for me at the time , or whether at the back of his mind , hidden from consciousness , he knew that in taking me to live with him he would be enrolling someone to deal with the business side of his life , I was never sure .
10 Thank you for taking me to see Lina . ’
11 Thanks for taking me .
12 thank you for taking me .
13 ‘ Luke had his reasons for taking me out , and I can assure you , Rob , that they had nothing to do with — with his liking me . ’
14 Only a man could say such cruel things , ’ and then , belatedly , remembering her manners , which her mama had so often told her she was always forgetting , ‘ But I must thank you for taking me in .
15 ‘ 'T WAS little enough payment for taking me to Winchester . ’
16 Thank you for taking me for that delectable breath of fresh air — it 's something I 'll always remember . ’
17 Forcing a smile , she turned to him and said , ‘ Thank you for taking me to see Aunt Bertha .
18 ‘ I never thanked you for taking me out today , ’ she said quietly , looking up at him .
19 She said , ‘ Thanks for walking me home , and thank you again for taking me to Pepe 's . ’
20 I could have smacked your bottom for taking me by surprise .
21 She rather thought then that they would be returning to their hotel , and , because she had enjoyed everything so much , she added sincerely , ‘ And thank you for taking me around , and for showing me so much . ’
22 Thanks for taking me down anyway .
23 ‘ How about taking me on as a lift attendant ? ’
24 ‘ Do n't bother about taking me home .
25 She sighed , wondering why the mere thought of it made her feel depressed , then she turned to Silas and said hastily , ‘ So there 's no need for you to worry about taking me to see a kiwi .
26 What about taking me on sometime ? ’
27 How about taking me out for a drink then ?
28 He 'd only met Bogie and I — over in the pub , the Dirty Duck , for about half an hour when he insisted on taking me round to Shakespeare 's birthplace .
29 Original vocalist Caron Wheeler makes a welcome return on Take Me Higher , but my favourite moments are provided by Jazzie B himself , whose pseudo-scientific raps are delivered with a London accent and all the assurance of a crackpot dictator .
30 The big boys tried to make me feel at home by taking me to the greasy spoon for a pie but what did I care for food as the table rang with drug quips and acerbic one-liners about Danielle Dax from Gavin Martin , James Brown and Danny Kelly .
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