Example sentences of "[prep] what might " in BNC.

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1 Possibly , after what might be described as puritanical streaks through the 1980s , and after the theorising of desire and the occasional turning of the body into a no-go area , there is a need to explore pleasure — in the artist , the artwork and the audience ; the pleasure in that three-way encounter .
2 It is worth spending a moment considering what might seem a very technical matter , but it is one with important practical implications .
3 And in a way this interferes with acting in advance of the disaster , or indeed acting perhaps not immediately , but spending a little time considering what might be the priority needs and then going in with it .
4 The five-year-old writes below what might be transliterated as :
5 The Court did not however think that it fell so far below what might properly be imposed by way of sentence so as to justify the Court in interfering so as to increase the sentence .
6 There seems no reason , and the very business of raising such questions is itself part of a widespread collusive conjuring of absences and of whole worlds of what might have been .
7 It is at any rate a sketch of what might be involved in restoring a writer — in this case , the young Pound — to the highly specific social milieu , that of Edwardian England , in which he moved and on which he impinged .
8 Ms Doi is an avowed addict of what might be described as watching hundreds of tiny steel balls clatter through a maze of pins on a vertical board .
9 Sir Arthur Evans bought the hill of ruins in 1900 and ‘ reconstructed ’ part of it according to his idea of what might have been .
10 What is especially fascinating about this text is that a rehabilitation of masculinity coexists with an ironic repudiation of it , and a critique of what might be called masculinity 's cultural unconscious .
11 One was not then justified in thinking and functioning in terms of what might be in the national interest , what might ultimately be a desirable development for NATO strategy or defence strategy .
12 That is to say he is not in the least drawn to the idea that Christ came in the flesh , and he finds the simplicity and literalism of what might be termed ‘ mere Christianity ’ frankly unacceptable .
13 Fears of what might happen in the East are one reason EC leaders have been willing to offer some help to those on the other side of the broken Berlin Wall .
14 ( It is in lesbian writing that one finds a sense of what might be possible if women 's desire was autonomous and acknowledged . )
15 Her mind kept flicking back to the python smile of the assassin , conjuring images of what might have been : death , blood , pain .
16 IN A desperate attempt to cheer ourselves up at one particularly gloomy moment last week , my Somerset neighbour William Rees-Mogg and I were trying to construct the scenario of what might happen if Labour scraped into power .
17 One of the very first of them was Rossini 's Elisabetta Regina d'Inghilterra , which revolves around a real enough subject : the execution of what might now be called political prisoners .
18 A penny novelette plot you might think , but Susan Hill deals with the themes of love and jealousy with such delicacy and such understanding of what might happen but never does that this , her first novel for 16 years , is equal to her best .
19 At the same time the Island women showed greater signs of what might be called normal anxiety .
20 Although the Club was for Brakspear 's an outlet for their products without many responsibility of property up-keep , their generosity was far in excess of what might be expected on strictly commercial terms and doubtless when their relationship and arrangements were terminated in 1983 , the Club 's former President , John Chalcraft , also the Brewery 's retired Managing Director , must have felt some regret .
21 The transfer ratios differ in different applications of what might appear to be the same thing : V8 Ninety — 1.222:1 ; V8 One Ten — 1.410:1 and V8 Range Rover — 1.192:1 .
22 Back in Via Manzoni , continue north to pass the church of San Francesco di Paola , a fine example of what might be termed flowery Baroque .
23 Now however she was standing , part of what might be described as a lively merry family scene , upon the landing , watching the descent of the divan bed from the second floor .
24 His father had warned him of what might happen , but not about how he would feel .
25 As it is , Manea ( pronounced Mainy ) remains a tiny hamlet in the Ouse washes , haunted by the ghost of what might have been .
26 Then , quickly she opened the door and went out and left them standing in a half circle , silent , no laughter on their faces now , just memories of what might have been if they had had a child like the little girl who used to run into them , and a daughter as she was now .
27 ‘ Our research is into prevention , ’ he said , rather than the simulation of what might happen in an accident .
28 Meanwhile , potential creators of university-related science institutions in the UK could do worse than read Koppes 's book for some idea of what might await them .
29 The year 1982 was , perhaps , a matter of what might have been .
30 Slowly , as quietly as he could , Jack pushed through the undergrowth , trembling slightly in anticipation of what might happen .
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