Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Ach they 're too busy playin' tae a system now tae score goals .
2 Ye ken , ye walk up tae a door and it opens of its ain accord .
3 tae a hairst o winter paets ta cut an cure :
4 ‘ Efter we get alang here a wee bit , ye come tae a loch , then roon' the bend is a castle , then we cairry oan up the road a bit till we cam tae anither loch … ’
5 Still , the activity all around him was reassuring , for every yard was another step nearer a payment to him .
6 I 'm nearer a pensioner .
7 The Danish eluded her but the tone of voice nearer a growl than a polite question suggested she was being asked to state her business .
8 You see , every time he lets Hitler dictate to him , his ignominious peace takes a step nearer a war . ’
9 Sandstones with compositions which plot in this area are therefore much more susceptible to diagenetic change than those with compositions nearer a quartzose sandstone ( Fig. 5.42 ) ; they thus have a much higher diagenetic potential .
10 ‘ I 've sent for a breakdown lorry-from a garage , so we may be able to salvage the car before it goes right under . ’
11 ‘ Come indoors fer a minute an' I 'll tell yer .
12 They'se helpin' their Dad at the moment seein' as there 's no school fer a bit .
13 ‘ S'pose you 'll be wantin' to stay fer a bit , eh ? ’
14 It wo n't do him no harm to be out of his mother 's apron-strings fer a bit longer .
15 We could ‘ ave tea at Ma 's , and then go up West in the evenin' fer a bit of all right . ’
16 As I said before , we can stop over the ovver side o' the water fer a celebration drink .
17 It finished 'is boxin'. 'E was goin' ter fight fer a title before 'e went in the army . ’
18 If yer remember , yer 'ad ter send Bessie out fer a couple o' pound last Friday ter tide us over till Monday . ’
19 I need you to cover me fer a couple of hours at th'most .
20 All I 'm askin' is that you stall fer a couple of hours .
21 ‘ Oh , git the hankerchiefs out fer a weep , ’ groaned George , pretending to play the violin .
22 An ’ my guess is he 'll be layin' low fer a while , tryin' t'save his own hide .
23 They scotched 'is little caper an' what was left was too small fer a cartage business so 'e pulled out .
24 I 'd be grateful fer a lift ter the site if yer do n't mind , ’ the constable asked .
25 I 'll teach you to write yer own name fer a beginnin' . ’
26 I want us ter prosper fer a number o' reasons , Don , ’ she said with conviction .
27 ‘ My ole lady threatened ter chuck me out if I did n't look fer a job , ’ he said suddenly .
28 It 's always the same story when yer go fer a job .
29 ‘ I did n't 'ave the guts ter go fer a job before , yer see .
30 Anyway , I 'm goin' fer a job now , but I tell yer , Annie , if they turn me down that 's me lot .
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