Example sentences of "[prep] few [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This is a period about which little is known for few records survive of those days .
2 It may be possible , due to restricted publicity and advertising , for few tenders to be submitted and personal friends or acquaintances of the agent to be able to submit a low offer , or arrange for an offer to be submitted once all the tenders have been opened .
3 At present , the awards in successful cases are paid to the company — which makes , unsurprisingly , for few suits .
4 Just sit down for few minutes , you are probably worth more than you think .
5 Tamar stood for few moments studying the turbulent river , which seemed to reflect the turmoil of her thoughts .
6 The life of a business or operation may also be at risk for few industries have such a strong and demanding legal code where failure to comply may result in immediate closure or prosecution .
7 It 's a time for few windows and we have many , and maybe it 's even a time for living in town or city with lights and movement and not just the dead nettles of the water meadow to gaze at .
8 Conversely , musculo-skeletal problems , which account for few deaths of those aged 65 + , are a major cause of disability in the community .
9 You know when I look vexed , I goes , because I hav n't seen you for few weeks , and he walked away , come are you walking back with us ?
10 You may not be aware of the Hayes Society , for few talk of it these days .
11 Women had all the constraints of family life to cope with ; children at school , shopping and housekeeping , but no sympathy was expressed by male members of the group as to the comparative hardness of the women 's lives in terms of demands on them , such as few hours of sleep .
12 What Alianor had failed to realize was that , under the sombre cloak , she was wearing a new and quite beautiful pale-pink gown trimmed with dark fur — a gown such as few maidservants would set eyes on in a lifetime , much less wear .
13 I went , the last time I played it , which was erm , about few weeks back , few weeks back , I had all the
14 So he 'd been to the doctors about few weeks ago and he 'd been repairing his shed , said there was water coming in and he went to he said oh you 've pulled a ligament or something he said , it 'll take weeks for it to clear up but anyhow he went back again about a fortnight ago .
15 After few moments he hung up .
16 Daley 's 66th-minute decider was one of few moments of excitement though , once in front , Villa could easily have sealed their victory with two more goals in the ensuing five minutes .
17 The type is one of few aeroplanes which can be adapted for those with any form of physical handicap , which would otherwise preclude them from captaining a ‘ normal ’ aircraft .
18 Oxfordshire is one of few counties in the south-east in which we have a surplus of holes in the ground and so Oxfordshire is one of those counties that has to help London out .
19 Certainly of few things more uninteresting .
20 Employing one of those supremely disingenuous somersaults of logic that only long training in double-speak and the official brand of British arrogance can confer , Mr Howard told a Westminster audience of backbenchers that ‘ If the Commission were to take us to the European Court I can think of few things more calculated to bring the Commission into disrepute ’
21 She was one of few women to comment on Ashdown the hunk : ‘ I prefer the darker type , you know , with smouldering eyes . ’
22 The other cause of the present crisis was Ben , a man of few principles , whose only view of life was through the bottom of a tankard , riddled as he was with guilt and arrogance .
23 They are men of few principles .
24 In other cases , strong feelings have been aroused , and there has been one electronic punch-up. stated quite reasonably that Sheffield United are crap , and Julie Donnelly , a list member with Blade tendencies , told him what she thought of that in many words of few syllables .
25 ( I miss out the word puking from this Shakespearean phrase since I know of few instances in which a baby has strained the cassock of the clergyman baptising it , though doubtless readers may know of one . )
26 In the 1984 debate on the shipbuilding industry Peter Shore , the opposition spokesman on Trade and Industry , said : ‘ I can think of few industries where the medium to long-term view of demand is more necessary . ’
27 Zoser appeared to be a man of few friends .
28 At a time of few exchange controls , vast sums of money can be freely moved around by companies , investment managers and individuals to obtain the best return and seek the safest protection of capital .
29 One of few optimists is Sir Lawrie Barratt , who claims pent-up demand after years of inertia will lead to a housing recovery this year , starting in the South East .
30 Mainz was a see where Staufen interests were strong and a majority of the princes elected Lupold , bishop of Worms , a strong adherent of Philip , and a man of few scruples .
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