Example sentences of "[adj] time [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the short period of Post-glacial time the ice sheets have not completely melted with the result that present sea level is probably lower than it was in some of the interglacial periods .
2 It is high time a border poll was taken with all citizens of voting age here asked ( a ) their religion and ( b ) whether they want a united Ireland or not , to find out just how many Catholics really do want the British to leave .
3 Is n't it high time the NCCL thought of protecting their rights ?
4 It 's high time the Foreign Secretary realised there 's a war on . ’
5 It 's high time the scales fell from our eyes , and our bathrooms .
6 It is high time the variable quality of international referees and the anomalies that abound in interpretation were sorted out by an International Board Survey .
7 An MP wrote to me , saying it was high time the Commission dropped all this ‘ Victorian nonsense ’ and abandoned such rules .
8 It 's high time the insurance companies allowed buyers to take out a special policy to cover the first month in a new home .
9 It 's high time the label told us something of the state of a pot plant 's native habitat , as well as which windowsill to grow it on .
10 ‘ It is high time the Government did something to stop these bombers .
11 It 's high time , it 's high time the leader of the Conservative Party le learnt to recognise that the Lord Mayor was on his feet and should sit down
12 That 's what this house is here for , it is here to introduce primary legislation if we need it and in my view we do need it in this area and it is it 's high time the government recognised that and should not be afraid t t t to take action simply because primary legislation is required .
13 It is clear from the above figures that the Liberal Democrats get a rotten hand at each game of election poker and it is high time the system was changed .
14 He said : ‘ It is high time the council chased the laggers who refuse to pay through the courts . ’
15 However , he added : ‘ We think it is high time the French government took responsibility for their citizens and should pay for this kind of damage . ’
16 David Robertson : high time the French took responsibility
17 1 Homework in language teaching should be : an additional practice on what has been done in class a test of what has been previously learnt an opportunity for written work 2 Before setting homework , consider : the free time the students have to do it in their level of attainment , their general level of ability , their purpose in learning the language .
18 That afternoon in free time the sergeant stopped her , and told her the work had n't been done properly .
19 The success you have in rehabilitating Chloe Joe depends on your sensitivity towards her and the infinite time an patience you are prepared to spend — remember , one lapse of patience could set her back by weeks .
20 There was no sign of Carrie and although it was milking time the cows were still in the field .
21 Other day-to-day situations that may not be attributed to visual difficulties include the extended time the children may need to complete tasks , their need to come close to the blackboard or to demonstrations , and their apparent clumsiness in certain practical activities and sports such as ball games .
22 Also basing his work on media language , written as well as spoken , Bell ( 1985 ) studies in real time the spread of a process of determiner deletion in noun phrases which has become common in news reports , as demonstrated in 35 as opposed to 36 :
23 The omission of the verb gives an immediacy which would be missing from a construction such as It is a virgin scene ( where the present tense is a direct attempt to make a coding time and content time the same ) .
24 However , there was no computer system to manage the exercise — when the nav wanted a position line or fix he pre-warned the instructor , who sat the other side of the ‘ cockpit ’ facia , and at the appropriate time a piece of paper was pushed through the wall with the details scrawled upon it !
25 In all your efforts to help her at this crucial time the most important thing to remember is to try to reduce her anxiety by being as relaxed and quietly optimistic about her future as you can , and to restrain her from making any major decisions hastily , regarding such matters as the disposal of property or moving house , as she may regret this later on when she is feeling less depressed .
26 British executives spend more than three years of their working lives travelling and waste £7.5bn a year in lost time every year — equivalent to a 4p cut in income tax .
27 This time is not the period required overall but the actual time the chemical is in contact with the soil and is known as contact time .
28 If the PB is identified as being that the child does not go to bed until very late , the most suitable way of setting a baseline is to note over a week or two the actual time the child does go to bed .
29 When hiring tools from HSS Hire Shops you only pay for the actual time the equipment is in use ; in addition you have the HAE assurance that the tools you select are regularly maintained , and are in a safe condition .
30 ‘ An unconditional order in writing , addressed by one person* to another , signed by the person giving it , requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to , or to the order of , a specified person , or to order ’ .
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