Example sentences of "[adj] than [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Hence the UK framework is far more lenient with regard to non-price than price restraints .
2 It seemed to Marx that nothing could be more different than kinship relations and relations in the labour market .
3 These findings suggest that fixed-term contract workers and agency workers are not always direct substitutes for one another ( in other words , that resort to one might be made for reasons very different than resort to the other ) .
4 The lives of articulate people can be more interesting than fiction , but in general they would bore viewers more than the new vogue of delving into every aspect of sexual behaviour in discussion programmes .
5 This kind of ‘ layering ’ is most effective in producing a texture which is more interesting than homophony , yet is still very clear and simple .
6 In a sense , just as out and out dementia is less interesting than neurosis and eccentricity , so the music of these episodes , with their rather obvious distortions and wrong attributions of earlier themes , is less gripping than the Passacaglia , where Grimes was still somewhat in control of his faculties .
7 The business league proves more interesting than sport Outlook .
8 ‘ They 'd be more interesting than business letters , I 'll give you that , ’ said Joe , ‘ but no , that 's not me .
9 And where should I go to see something a bit more interesting than garden birds ?
10 Inevitably skills analysis is more general and less definitive than task analysis although many of the same procedures for extracting evidence might be used .
11 More grave than life
12 There is again the advantage for some people new to banking that the hours during which post offices are open to cash cheques are more generous than bank hours .
13 She understood now that any deal would be no more adequate than baby clothes thrown into the shade of a seagrape tree .
14 devalue the role of ideology and signification , on the grounds that they are more distant and theoretical than consciousness .
15 Strangely enough , for a series often stamped as more British than tea and crumpets , Doctor Who 's principal creator was not an Englishman , but a Canadian-born TV entrepreneur named Sydney Newman .
16 Anna was much more oppressed by the society around her because her affair was more public than Dona 's and also because the surrounding she was living in were so suffocating .
17 ‘ They 're more popular than gravy and curry sauce , ’ he said .
18 There are a number of sports that are not supported by public funding and they include angling and archery , which are more popular than rugby league .
19 It is far more popular than rice or pasta , and is an ingredient which is an essential item in every Cypriot store cupboard .
20 Opinion poll results showed that he was consistently more popular than Bolger with the electorate , and many commentators expected him to launch a challenge for the party leadership .
21 Television may be much more popular than radio , but radio plays still deserve their place amongst the airwaves , and they are worth listening to .
22 How do smaller companies meet their capital raising requirements , particularly in emergence from recession ; particularly in the face of venture capitalists , many of whom have become more renowned for risk averse than risk taking strategies ; particularly in the face of clearing banks ' policy which does not exactly involve them rushing to throw loan finance about as they emerge from one of the most traumatic periods in their history ; and particularly in the face of the closure of the Unlisted Securities Market ( USM ) with no successor currently in sight ?
23 For this is the Tetley Bitterworld of BIVOUAC , slightly inbred young Middle Englanders who would much rather plod their way to the top than dance with Nirvana , learns KEITH ‘ Plodcore ’ CAMERON .
24 The ex-Manchester United star admitted : ‘ I 'd rather quit at the top than drop to a lower level .
25 The clash is expected to be resolved via government pressure and the spat is more sound than substance , say analysts .
26 Lyons , in fact , concedes ( b ) : ‘ I am only too prepared to accept that in other traditions scribal records either are not or are not seen to be intrinsically more reliable than memory and oral transmission . ’
27 There is now a specific blood test which is far more reliable than stool tests .
28 And for both , morbidity statistics are less accessible and less reliable than mortality data .
29 This is why in most cases an eyewitness account is more reliable than rumour or hearsay , or why the conclusions of a scientific experiment are likely to be accepted above the claims of a spaced-out acid head .
30 And in misty conditions following a bearing will prove more reliable than path traces .
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