Example sentences of "[adj] men [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Hand-beating an aluminium panel does not necessarily make for a better car , confers no empirically measurable added value : nonetheless , it is the hand-wroughtness of Aston Martins that make otherwise sensible men write out cheques for £120,000 .
2 On Dec. 24 Israel released three Lebanese men abducted by SLA militiamen in November .
3 The flames which belched from every opening caused the two struggling men to fling themselves flat on the ground to escape their scorching blast .
4 Poole was as quick to recognize , however , that Coleridge himself was someone of ‘ splendid abilities ’ , and before the day was over , the two very different men had established a lasting friendship .
5 With few exceptions , villages were tiny , shrinking communities with the irreducible minimum of the poorest people : at Hawling , where the population was well short of a hundred , only three of the twenty different men recorded in the combined muster and subsidy were assessed at less than £2 , and none out of eleven at tiny Batsford .
6 The " anarchist Prince " , Petr Kropotkin , who was a boy in the Corps des Pages in the late 1850s and a revolutionary in exile by the time the reign ended , thought Alexander suffered from a split personality : " two different men lived in him , both strongly developed , struggling with each other …
7 On his way back through the crowd three different men joggle and spill parts of the beer .
8 An interesting study , this , of the varying techniques with which different men approached the moment of truth .
9 I had taken a package tour to Moscow and Leningrad primarily for the White Nights Festival of the Arts in June — an annual event of Soviet cultural life when the sun hardly sets for a fortnight and old men sit in the public gardens for half the night playing speed-chess .
10 At the bar half a dozen very grey old men sit and grimace at each other , saying absolutely nothing .
11 Boys and old men drove donkeys , which carried baskets of sand from where it had blown into the town at one end , to be taken off by the wind at the other .
12 Through the cloudburst I could see the old men laying out their prayer carpets under the arches , then , on a signal from the mullah , a line of bottoms rose and fell in time to the distant cries of ‘ Allah hu-Akbar ! ’
13 Lisabeth and Fenella were coo-ing sympathetic noises and tut-tutting a lot and were riveted to the porthole window like two old men sharing a What the Butler Saw machine .
14 The correspondence between camp and suburb diminished as children grew up and married , as old men died , as men moved away to new cities and new occupations .
15 The old men wore that .
16 Old men get things wrong sometimes . ’
17 Amiss departed , leaving the four old men calming down Fagg .
18 ‘ The place was full of old men wearing thick glasses scratching around trying to find tiny pieces of paper . ’
19 Also , you do n't get a queue of aggressive-looking old men trying to sell you E all night .
20 One man , Hamad Hasan al-Harash , had a notebook in which he wrote down important events as he came across them : some were reports of what very old men had told him thirty or forty years ago ; others were things he had read ; others still were things which had happened to him .
21 She had n't become a whore because she wanted to ; it was because the money of perverted old men had offered her an easy way out of poverty — those same old men who would clamour for the investigation to be dropped .
22 For a moment , until the old men had been dragged back to the barricade , all was chaos .
23 Henry of Huntingdon had in his youth heard very old men speak of the slaughter of Danes in England during the massacre of St Brice 's Day in 1002 , but neither he , nor his contemporaries Florence and William of Malmesbury , relied solely on such evidence .
24 Gnarled old men ignore the chaos sipping coffee and chatting with fishermen as they untangle their nets .
25 The more stubbornly East Germany 's old men resist change , the greater becomes the danger that the whole edifice they have constructed will collapse around them , threatening stability in Europe and raising the question of reunification for which no one is prepared .
26 What effectively , I think , I mean I 've never actually sat down because it would be an enormous mistake and nobody would thank me for it , but my guess is that those enormously complex classificated can be understood as a method by which old men rig the system for their own benefit and hide this kinds of ridiculous anonymous and the anomaly basically is the young men end up with old wives
27 There is , in a sense , an ideology of scepticism within clearly defined boundaries and as old men die out of the system and younger ones join it the tradition becomes cumulative and socially-constructed rather than just an individual matter .
28 After all , old men die .
29 The three old men seated on chairs in the dark shop were looking at her as though she were an amusing variation on their usual routine of watching the shopping .
30 Petrified , all the old men gazed at their food or their newspapers : the silence was palpable .
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