Example sentences of "[adj] every [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Try to avoid telling your child to be careful every time it goes to play with a friend .
2 She had had enough shocks for one day , and her nerves threatened to become more raw every time she looked into those familiar dark brown eyes .
3 The subtraction from ‘ traditional ’ aid flows implied by Western Europe 's impassioned concern for East Europe has worried the Third World , as its diplomats make clear every time they find a receptive ear .
4 The Soul II Soul stand was jampacked every day .
5 It is an increasingly competitive market and conference organisers whose function it is to provide complete package deals for buyers are continually looking for new hotels and venues that can provide something different every year .
6 Well that 's it , when Shakespeare wrote a play and the text has survived and , but the way of of joshing the people on the way they do it is different every generation and even most of the people in the same generation would would have a different way of doing it .
7 Well that 's it , when Shakespeare wrote a play and the text has survived and , but the way of of joshing the people on the way they do it is different every generation and even most of the people in the same generation would would have a different way of doing it .
8 I 've been on this big rant lately of how transition is natural , continental drift , the seasons , the weather 's different every day , people grow older and change …
9 Different every day cos everything is different all the time , it keeps changing .
10 ORAN MUDA A change of government ; an old peasant saying meaning , ‘ The dirt in the river is different every day
11 We do something different every day to keep them interested .
12 I was somewhere different every day .
13 ‘ There are certain songs now that I leave open for improvisation ; I play something different every night instead of playing the solo from the record .
14 and then it happened different every night as well
15 It is only the two relevant words which are different every time .
16 Do I really see something different every time ?
17 Only a minority of real aficionados , identified by the survey as ‘ interpretive listeners ’ , can say that ‘ when you go to a concert it 's totally different every time . ’
18 Sensitivity to initial conditions ( explained in Section 24.2 ) makes this different every time .
19 You can use DATA in conjunction with READ to include data in your program which you may need to change from time to time , but which does not need to be different every time you run the program .
20 Speaking as an old university hack who 's been teaching courses in this place since nineteen sixty two , the Shakespeare course is the one thing which is utterly and deeply different every time I teach it .
21 Speaking as a , an old university hack who 's been teaching courses in this place since 1962 , the Shakespeare course is the one thing which is utterly and deeply different every time I teach it .
22 erm there it is very difficult , all the cases we work with are fairly miscellaneous , so therefore have very individual problems , you know , that are different every time , so the anger is going to be different , but we come down to a lot of fundamental erm similarities erm often to do with bureaucracy and structures erm which people just do n't fit into , you ca n't force people to fit into boxes .
23 Well I 've er I 've done , just done something er different every week , last week I were like er listening to them all read
24 Different every morning and absolutely free !
25 The nearer we came to Halifax , we found the houses thicker , and the villages greater in every bottom ; and not only so , but the sides of the hills , which were very steep every way , were spread with houses , and that very thick ; for the land being divided into small enclosures , that is to say , from two acres to six or seven acres each seldom more ; every three or four pieces of land had a house belonging to it .
26 The more I drink , the more I am persuaded that young wines offer most pleasure ; a constantly renewable resource , popping up fresh every year .
27 The beans for the house coffee are roasted fresh every day in the Fazzis ' other premises in Clyde Street .
28 ‘ They get them fresh every day , ’ said Lili .
29 All that beautiful silver and the linen , which was fresh every time , and the staff were so friendly .
30 Half an hour together regularly and uninterrupted every evening is tremendously helpful to some couples .
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