Example sentences of "[adj] to have [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Claudia winced ; it was doubly painful to have Roman know how much his marriage to Dana would affect her .
2 Some say this is in fact useful because it keeps people busy at a time when , as we have seen , it is probably too painful to have time on your hands to sit and reflect .
3 When I insisted , she flew into a rage , and the newly-weds had a very public row in the course of which I was termed a wet-rag and a killjoy who was too old to have fun any more .
4 I am in the middle now , too old to have hair that remains an unadulterated chestnut , too young to feel entirely comfortable with going grey .
5 Walking towards the station , having promised to bring back with her all sorts of expensive food items Tina had requested from Selfridges ' Food Hall , Cecilia thought how much she liked living on her own and that at seventy-six she was too old to have Jasper and Bienvida running around her , fond of them as she was , not to mention Tina 's boyfriends and the odd hours she kept and her lying in bed till noon .
6 Additionally , FMEs are free to have prisoners transferred to hospital .
7 Are you free to have dinner with me tonight ? ’
8 An illustration of this can be found in cross-examination of a defendant in one of the trials we considered in the court files : Prosecutor : Why did n't you ask her if she was prepared to have intercourse with you ?
9 Is the Minister aware that in Scotland we have gained the impression that while the Secretary of State for Scotland is prepared to have meetings about the industry such as the one that he had yesterday with the shadow Secretary of State for Industry — the man with the real power in relation to the steel industry , the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry , is not prepared to lift a finger to help secure a future for steel production in Scotland ?
10 At the start of the recession , we had to be prepared to have regard to its length , its depth , its breadth and to adapt policies and to be flexible .
11 Very few people indeed are always ready and willing to have sex .
12 Even the freeholders in the fields — who were willing to have enclosure so that they could farm more efficiently or sell land for building — were helpless in the face of the burgesses who might have no land but who hoped to get a piece in time , or who already held these rights to graze their cattle and sheep .
13 Yesterday her lawyer told the court : ‘ These boys were more than willing to have intercourse .
14 I knew I 'd be willing to have AID .
15 ‘ Obviously it is not acceptable to have cigarettes for sale on the trolley service and the Ladies Committee has been asked to remove them , ’ he said .
16 ‘ It is not acceptable to have people who require a home confined to long-stay institutions when they could be in more domestic settings .
17 It would be interesting to have research into the period of initial onset of the illness and the ability of families to obtain specialist advice for the sick family member , particularly as in this illness the patient has rarely the insight to see the need for medical assistance .
18 ‘ It 's not that we think it 's wrong to have girl-friends , we just choose not to at the moment .
19 But if you only had a small place it 'd be more economical to have labour than it would to buy paying out thousands of pounds for machines and
20 Participation and active citizenship therefore have a limited role due to the desire to preserve stability and the claims that it is unrealistic to have citizens active in decision-making ; ‘ the electoral mass is incapable of action other than stampede ’ .
21 It is quite unrealistic to think that you can spend every waking moment working , but it is equally unrealistic to have hobbies and interests which fill every evening and the weekend and for you to expect to pass the course .
22 In the UK all Iraqis were from Jan. 19 required to have visas to enter the country , and strict registration procedures were laid down for Iraqis who were in the UK on limited leave ; as of Jan. 29 , out of 101 Iraqis detained since the beginning of the year 42 ( together with seven Palestinians ) were currently in detention awaiting deportation , 21 had left or had been deported and three had been released ; 35 serving members of the Iraqi armed forces were being held in military custody .
23 As we have seen , they are much more likely than average to have bank accounts .
24 This is why it is crucial to have involvement early in the life cycle of the system .
25 It would be so easy to have hens here , and a cow and a goat and even a pig or two .
26 ‘ Well , it is n't that easy to have property demolished — ’
27 The judges at the Rutland Forest Eyre in 1269 ordered that they should be reduced to the customary and reasonable number , which was five walking foresters and one riding forester with one page , and that no walking forester in that forest was in future to have pages under him .
28 It is much more straightforward to have warrants set aside and negotiations entered into in the County Court whereas Magistrates Courts are usually unwilling to reconsider until a warrant has been returned to the court .
29 So , although I 'm sorry he 's dead , I 'm rather relieved to have Bridget this year . ’
30 ‘ It 's unseemly to have women on stage . ’
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