Example sentences of "[adj] get [adv] " in BNC.

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1 John Smith was now committed to clobbering the poor by reversing their tax cut as soon as Labour got in .
2 The obscure and the struggling got just the same treatment .
3 These pictures function as rituals of reassurance , demonstrating that when there was a job to be done , the British got down to it .
4 The British got there in their usual resourceful way .
5 Then , and only then , begin the side-slip and use up sufficient height to be sure that full airbrake will be more than adequate to get down for a spot landing .
6 Erm I do n't know the figures , but the feeling certainly was that everybody wanted to get out , and thy wanted to get out as quickly as they could .
7 And God 's blessings came to Ruth only as she was willing to get out and do something .
8 The trouble was , of course , that among Henry 's sort of person , a rugby-playing surveyor , for example , or the kind of dentist like David Sprott who was n't afraid to get up on his hind legs at a social gathering and talk , seriously and at length , about teeth , he was considered something of a subversive .
9 But she sat , afraid to get out and face some possible disappointment .
10 Possibly the most trouble-free and profitable course in the first year is to grass-let part of the farm , on your own terms , thereby keeping the farm in work whilst leaving you free to get on with your development plans .
11 ‘ I thought it would be good to be free to get on with my own affairs , ’ she said , ‘ but I suffered quite severe depression .
12 In this way the haulier spends as little time as possible on the matter and is free to get on with what he does best — haulage .
13 He leaves me free to get on with it and I like that .
14 Beneath this is a system which takes charge of managing computing parameters , leaving each application free to get on with its job .
15 ‘ Well , you are free to get on with your lives , ’ Ruth told him quietly .
16 The sexual revolution was beginning and it was very exciting to get away from home and enjoy yourself in a relatively guilt-free way . ’
17 percentage of a fixed got there .
18 Yesterday the Labour coordinating committee met for its annual get together , now this is the body that has set itself the task of modernizing the Labour Party , a difficult task at the best of times , made more difficult now because there is a growing shortage of volunteers for the cause , they ca n't even raise enough members to fill their own executive .
19 Mouthing dialogue in mime is an easy get out !
20 and erm but erm even so getting to and from the bus was a bit of a problem , unfortunately I 've never had erm been one of these people who have got the nerve to erm go about a great deal by themselves and erm being up in London you know , immediately before the war I had erm , it was n't very easy getting about so erm and erm I was n't very
21 For the Ego , it is highly dangerous to get too close to anyone .
22 Nevertheless , it is dangerous to get too carried away with the similarities since they can blind even the best researchers to new observations .
23 In a running-down case it is quite simple to get round this problem .
24 But I fancy that England is content to get on with the war , and that things take a more practical turn at home .
25 Obviously I can go to the US or China to see mining practices there if I choose to , but it 's not easy to get away .
26 Hugh was nearest to her , and if she arranged to be on the side of his wounded arm she thought it would be easy to get away .
27 It was ridiculously easy to get away and her own skill brought a grin to her face .
28 It is not always easy to get up to date information on which to set the quotas , especially in a small area sample .
29 He had never found it easy to get up in the morning , and being under sentence of death did not make the prospect of a new day any more enticing .
30 Yes , the body was spotted by one of our patrol boats , but it was low tide , you see , and not easy to get ashore from a boat just then .
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