Example sentences of "[adj] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You need the help I can give you because if you unknowingly make a false move or fail to react promptly because you 're not sure what to do , your daughter will be dispensed with as being too risky a property .
2 What is more , financial intermediaries may have the expertise to be able to assess just how risky a loan is .
3 It suddenly seems as peculiar a notion as the balance of one 's mind .
4 Yeah , but you know how peculiar a lot of people are !
5 That she was looking her best , or that Ven appreciated her appearance was made thrillingly clear a minute later , when she entered the sitting-room .
6 ‘ Conflict ’ is not as clear a concept as one might think .
7 So I mean there are other advantages , and the answer is that in in in the long term you are getting your name down for one , so clear a space on your desk
8 Where it is clear a person has some deficits in functioning then an advocate should be appointed , a relative , friend , solicitor , or occasionally the social worker .
9 That much is made clear by Shakespeare , early on in the sequence , as if to forestall suspicion or criticism , in Sonnet 20 , which his protagonist addresses to the deuteragonist ( if I may borrow the terminology of the historians of drama to stress the fictive , dramatic status of the personae in these poems ) : That is as clear a statement of the non-sexual relationship between the two personae as could be wished for , and a wittier one than most .
10 But it does make clear a belief that the divine being reveals or manifests its nature in the world .
11 The destruction of old furniture and structural timber is as horrendous a thought to many woodworkers as the burning of the rainforests .
12 Of course , it is always possible to say that people are suffering from false consciousness ( women , for example , are continually suffering from the illusion that they are not being exploited in the home ) but that is surely too patronising a view to be taken at all seriously .
13 and you li , it 's a bit late you have to wait longer but apart from that like , when we 're on the bus it 's hot or so it has had to be set , it 'll probably still be runny a bit .
14 In the treaties with the States-General of 1654 and 1667 the English government succeeded in having its claims accepted by its rival ; and so sensible a man as Sir William Temple felt that nothing had ever given him greater pleasure than forcing the Dutch to give way once more on this point in the peace negotiations of 1674 .
15 One way of answering the question might be that Stalin was as unorthodox a Marxist as Makarenko , but this avoids the crucial problem of political control .
16 To have continued to be so dependable and at the same time so exciting a batsman for so long , shows him to have been one of the greats of the game .
17 Though fugue is regarded as too tonal a form to be of any use , many other old contrapuntal devices of the Renaissance and Baroque periods have been revived in serial composition , especially canon in its many forms .
18 I do n't get the feeling that they particularly care whether this murder is solved or not ; anyway they want it solved on their terms and if it 's going to muddy a lot of their holy bloody waters they 'd like us to go away .
19 A senior security service officer had been machine-gunned a week earlier in Fayoum town ( about 100 km from Cairo ) as local tensions that dated from the previous year had flared up .
20 The Parks Department 's budget might be dwindling all the time , but with the help of local businesses , the Council 's spending what little money it does have adding a splash of colour to otherwise rather ordinary landmarks like shopping centres and roundabouts .
21 And frowned at each other , as ill-coordinated a double-act as Fanny and Johnny Cradock : it was hard to tell which one found the other most irritating .
22 With its equally seductive central Romance it is unaccountable that this sonata has not become as popular a success as the ubiquitous Franck .
23 But advertisers love it — it means more air time to sell products because the more popular a show is , the more people watch the ads .
24 Finally , John , does it make a difference how popular a horse race is and how many horses there are in a race as to the odds against winning or the odds in favour of winning ?
25 And they were popular a lot of people bought them
26 It might destroy part of the ozone layer , which would permit the sun 's ultra-violet radiation either to tan us or fry us , depending upon how large a hole had been blasted in the stratosphere : it might equally well cause the onset of a nuclear winter , which is so popular a topic among both scientists and laymen these days .
27 The social isolation of women is not nearly as popular a cause for concern as it was in the 1970s .
28 It was recognised by local authorities , however , that to classify as offensive so popular a trade dealing with food was a drastic step .
29 I also had odd ends of three cones of that random yarn that was so popular a number of years ago .
30 It was as conspicuous a warren as could well be imagined .
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