Example sentences of "[adj] and [adj] " in BNC.

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1 While a ‘ lay ’ person witnessing such scenes would probably react emotionally , the professionals regularly involved in such work remained detached and unemotional .
2 Vocally , however , he inhabited a different plane , some Olympian plateau of detached and perfect judgement whence the most trivial phrase descended as a profound statement of intellectual certitude .
3 Although higher education institutions are supposed to embody a detached and rational stance towards the world , they seem to behave much as any other kind of institution when faced with the need to determine internal priorities or fend off external threats .
4 So the arrangement was tenuous and Modigliani revealed his feelings about his dealer in the 1916 portrait which shows Paul as a worldly , superior-looking figure , detached and ironic .
5 The declaration stated that , whereas heretofore , to wit , etc. , in consideration that the plaintiff , at the request of the defendant , had then consented to allow the defendant to weigh divers , to wit two , boilers of the plaintiff , of great value , etc. , defendant promised that he would , within a reasonable time after the said weighing was effected , leave and give up the boilers in as perfect and complete a condition , and as fit for use by plaintiff , as the same were in at the time of the consent so given by plaintiff ; and that , although in pursuance of the consent so given , defendant to wit , on , etc. , did weigh the same boilers , yet defendant did not nor would , within a reasonable time after the said weighing was effected leave and give up boilers in as perfect , etc. , but wholly neglected and refused so to do , although a reasonable time for that purpose had elapsed before the commencement of this suit ; and , on the contrary thereof , defendant afterwards , to wit on , etc. , took the said boilers to pieces and did not put the same together again but left the same in a detached and divided condition , and in many different pieces , whereby plaintiff hath been put to great trouble , etc .
6 They represent the classic disproof of their own claims for the detached and context-free qualities of writing .
7 The presenter treated the election in the same detached and cynical way , assuming that the candidates were players in some electoral game .
8 There was no anger in his voice , only a detached and impassive acceptance of the facts .
9 The overt display of wealth and consumption by Veblen 's leisure class is challenged by a more subtle , detached and inconspicuous form to be appreciated only by those sufficiently cultivated or civilized .
10 Admitting that to someone as detached and uninterested as the man standing in front of the fireplace was going to take all the courage she had …
11 Instead it is presented as though it really were neutral , detached and scientific , and that the description reliably tells us of Wolof mental states rather than of Wolof cultural conventions .
12 The eyes of four respectable women , bright with friendly interest , were looking eagerly towards him and somehow he found himself unable to explain that he had been making a study of extra-marital relations , detached and scientific though this had of course been .
13 They have a high wall around them , more profound than most people , more detached and scientific .
14 It was not a situation which worried him ; as he told George Baker , the best position for any poet was to have enough financial security to view in a detached and unenvious way the temporary reputations of more fashionable writers .
15 The analysts had so far carried out a largely theoretical exercise , developing models in a detached and objective way so that broad-based ideas about future strategies could be discussed with the College Principals and officers from the LEA headquarters .
16 And yet , despite the extremely personal aspect of so much Cubist painting , the movement remained free from introspection , and the painters continued to view and record their ideas of the material world of their immediate experience in a detached and objective way .
17 It was very detached and clinical .
18 Despite the fact no-one doubts that popular opinions on crime and its containment are extensively and deeply held , whenever Criminal Justice Bills are before the Commons the atmosphere seems detached and wary , with few MPs participating and a majority keeping the subject at arms length .
19 In the walk , the back movements are more visible ; in the pace ( simultaneous advance of the hind and front limbs on one side ) , they are more pronounced and strongest of all in the gallop , when the back is arched like a spring and throws the body forward .
20 What at first sounds like Americans with too much free time on their hands soon evolves into a startlingly open-minded and enriching panorama of soundgames and rock ‘ n ’ roll graffiti .
21 In this he or she follows very broad lines of action , trying to be as open-minded and receptive as possible , seeing all the patterns that begin to emerge .
22 A new breed of archaeologist is emerging — more open-minded and willing to see significance in the detail of the countryside which is slowly disappearing .
23 Individuals who seek homoeopathic treatment tend , on the whole , to be open-minded and willing to recognize the relationships between man and nature .
24 Dealing with guilt for past behaviour by making direct amends to those who have been harmed , dealing with shame by accepting one 's self as having an illness and therefore worthy of self-forgiveness , and dealing with damaged relationships by being honest , open-minded and willing , all help to reestablish the general sense of well-being that is the hallmark of someone in recovery .
25 She 's noticeably more open-minded and lively than her daughter , who 's divorced and living alone .
26 He added that the MBR 's task at the time of the coup had been to establish the basis " for a profound transformation … in the juridical-political and socio-economic areas " .
27 Yes , it 's rather the kind of correspondence one might expect Tod Friendly to go in for : unvarying , humourless and one-way , like junk mail .
28 The sale of Scottish and sporting pictures and silver is one of the most important of the year held in Scotland by Sotheby 's .
29 Small friendly candlelit restaurant with Scottish and Continental dishes .
30 Unlike their prototypes ( The Monkees , The Archies ) , the Rollers were all hideously ugly , wonky , Scottish and gonky .
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