Example sentences of "[adj] for social " in BNC.

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1 It is possible for social inequality to exist without social strata .
2 It is therefore perfectly possible for social care to be provided in an ordinary household with rehabilitation and personal development as its main purpose ; in other words , the therapy itself is of a social care nature .
3 Pupils need to be able to discuss the contexts in which Standard English is obligatory and those where its use is preferable for social reasons .
4 Thorn 's ( 1968 ) classification is in many ways the most interesting for social geographers .
5 Historians lack the skills , or the evidence can not exist , to settle in any precise way the question of why and how conditions of war seem propitious for social reform .
6 This type of open learning environment is after all standard for social workers and counsellors , and there is no reason why it should not be equally standard for teachers .
7 However , the preference for a ‘ local ’ authority has not led to local government control , considered appropriate for social services .
8 It is particularly appropriate for social work practice with vulnerable elderly people .
9 The task of child protection is , in a sense , the other side of the coin and one that can not be made easy for social workers , despite the sharper and hopefully more effective legal tools they will now have for the job .
10 It may not be easy for social work training to take account of this adequately but it is highly desirable that more attention should be paid , in the making of a social worker , to the sexual side of his or her personality and sexual adjustment .
11 : In some environments ( e.g. doctors ' note-taking on hospital wards ) speech or typed input would be deemed inappropriate for social reasons , whereas handwritten notes are already an established procedure ;
12 They were unusual for social science research : attempts at controlled experiments in selected communities of different kinds in different parts of America .
13 Most women who have come , either as mums or as mums-to-be , have found the group useful for social & emotional support and also for practical swapping of ideas and solutions for the minor and not so minor problems we all have as new mums .
14 Most women who have come , either as new mums or as mums to be , have found the group useful for social & emotional support and also for practical swapping of ideas and solutions for the minor and not so minor problems we all have as new mums .
15 ‘ Poland is too poor for social experiments , ’ he likes to say .
16 Since Alexander Pope declared that ‘ the proper study of mankind is man ’ it would seem reasonable for social scientists to observe the behaviour of their fellow men and women .
17 It emphasises the need for participation rather than representation ; a call in short for social and political structures which offer people the possibility of control of the resources of modern society to care for each other in an active , convivial manner .
18 In the theatre was a model , indeed a sustained exploration , of the role-playing which was so important for social mobility , the appropriation and successful deployment of power .
19 It is a source of cleavages which are as important for social action in general and voting behaviour in particular as production-derived social class .
20 Most decisions made by individuals , organisations and administrators involve some degree of risk or uncertainty about the outcome , and it is therefore important for social scientists to be able to understand , explain and predict behaviour when risk and uncertainty is involved .
21 A spokesman for Essex County Council , which is responsible for social services supporting the elderly , handicapped and those on low incomes , said it was impossible for the county council to comment on something political .
22 When interest group activity is added to electoral pressure , the ‘ shame ’ attached to being held responsible for social dissensus , lead to changes which may have been a voluntary response or have been supervised by a state responding to legitimate protest .
23 Before , therefore , exploring any further the phenomenon of policy implementation , a brief account of the main groups of people responsible for social policy implementation in Britain is appropriate .
24 He suggested , as I describe earlier , that the NHS should confine itself to health care , and local authorities should be responsible for social care .
25 First Vice-President ( responsible for social issues ) : Germán Ferrano Pinto .
26 It was also announced on the same day that the Greek government was to replace Vasso Papandreou as the Commissioner responsible for social affairs and employment , education and training , and human resources by Greek Finance Minister Ioannis Paleokrassas .
27 Not only did we want to improve something but we have created the wealth to make more resources and improvements available for social needs .
28 However , the absence of any immediate military threat enabled him to reduce naval expenditure in this and the succeeding Budget , thus leaving a small amount of revenue available for social expenditure .
29 Groups of bed-sitters with communal lounge facilities have been tried , and in some places the shared lounge has been available for social facilities for the old people of the neighbourhood .
30 ‘ We support the principle that there should be a director of social work accountable for social work services , ’ he said .
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