Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] see " in BNC.

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1 It had been much more exciting than seeing a weka for the first time .
2 Some aposematic prey that are conspicuous when seen at close quarters appear cryptic when living in family groups and viewed from a distance .
3 Nothing is more heartbreaking than to see a beautiful glider damaged by incompetent handling on the ground .
4 Nothing is more touching and sad than to see how these people — cast out and despised by everyone including their kin , living in and for their regular ‘ balls ’ where they compete to dress up to act out , for a moment , the roles they would like to play in real life , and know they ca n't — reconstruct their own human groups .
5 For example , many Westerners are indignant when seeing an Indian mahout raise high his ankus ( an iron rod with a hook at one end ) and bring it down smartly on the head of his inattentive elephant .
6 Money-dominated Zermatt is synonymous with the unreal pyramid of the Matterhorn ( which is unrecognisably ordinary when seen from Italian Cervinia , next door ) .
7 There are few sights more thrilling than seeing a Harrier jump jet being put through its paces .
8 Louis was a year older than the Stone boy , and the difference in age between seven and eight is quite remarkable when seen through juvenile eyes .
9 This makes the water appear chalky white when seen from an orbiting satellite .
10 But in case we should be so facile as to see this as a Grimes leitmotif in the Wagnerian sense explicitly rejected by Britten , we must notice the somewhat complex history of the theme after its first full appearance , as well as the fact that almost every theme in the opera ( apart from the non-recurring tunes of some , but not all , of the individual songs ) could be called a " Grimes " leitmotif , which would leave us where we began .
11 The artist slips easily between human experience and the organic as seen in the works ‘ Placenta Tree ’ and ‘ Split ’ .
12 Sunrise and sunset are particularly breathtaking when seen from these summits .
13 Erm , but in the end th o only one had any impact and in general , see seeing a female professional was , I have to say , a lot more helpful than seeing male professionals .
14 The chances of seeing wildlife on a wildlife trail are about as good as seeing Frank Sinatra play a gig at The Milton Motor Hotel in Fort William .
15 But these histories are more intelligible when seen as part of a whole and when it is understood that the forces that encouraged or hindered their growth were deeply rooted in the local society of which they form so characteristic a part .
16 Although the skirt panels look perfectly flat when seen on air , in reality they follow varying angles to the original base vertical planes , bending ever so slightly as they rise up from the fender section to join up at the midriff .
17 These produce higher frequencies of digestion , with more than half the teeth in their prey assemblages suffering damage ( Table 3.12 ) , but the degree of digestion is not as great as seen in the species of category 5 .
18 The number of tree species with high proportions of ‘ barked ’ trees is low , but bark of a few species is pulled off in strips up to 10m long as seen in Bombax brevicuspe ( Bombacaceae ) and Lannea welwitschii ( Anacardiaceae ) .
19 Altair is flanked to either side by a fainter star , Gamma or Tarazed and Beta ( 3.7 ) ; Gamma is a K-type star , very clearly orange when seen in binoculars .
20 Iota and Delta have K-type spectra , and are clearly orange when seen through binoculars .
21 Both it and Eta have M-type spectra , and are obviously orange when seen through binoculars ; it is interesting to compare their colours , and I have often found Eta the more strongly coloured of the two , though the difference is very marginal .
22 Epsilon and Psi ( 4.4 ) are orange when seen in binoculars .
23 A common practice is to define women 's responses as moralistic and emotional while seeing those of men as rational and hard-headed .
24 For example , the caterpillar of the cinnabar moth ( Callimorpha jacobea ) resembles the flower head of its food plant ( ragwort ) from a distance but its black and yellow stripes are aposematic when seen from nearby .
25 Of course , where the money is no longer legal tender as seen with half crown coins and sixpences in R v Thompson [ 1980 ] QB 229 , or where it is being transferred because of its curiosity value ( Moss v Hancock [ 1899 ] 2 QB 111 ) , or because of its inherent value such as Krugerrands , in these circumstances " money " can be considered to be " goods " for the purposes of the statutory definition .
26 Alpha is not hard to find , because it is decidedly isolated and forms an equilateral triangle with Regulus and Pollux ; it is of type M , and very red as seen with any binoculars .
27 Ingleborough is not in view from Clapham and the near presence of the mountain , so dominant when seen from other directions , is not suspected by the many admiring and envious visitors who parade the charming byways of this most delightful of Yorkshire villages .
28 It is possible for there to be unrestricted-use three party debtor-creditor-supplier agreements , but the requirements are more exacting as seen under s12 ( c ) : an unrestricted-use credit agreement which is made by the creditor under pre-existing arrangements between himself and a person ( the " supplier " ) other than the debtor in the knowledge that the credit is to be used to finance a transaction between the debtor and the supplier .
29 The bland slopes bordering and beyond the river , innocuous when seen from the train , abound in hidden secrets that yield to discovery only after a search for them .
30 That result applies still , even if the public has access to the house for purposes other than seeing exhibits , e.g. to visit the tea-shop .
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