Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Two normal forms programs are semantically equivalent if and only if they are syntactically equivalent in a simple way .
2 The project attempts to account for the variety of economic strategies fishermen have adopted through an examination of their behaviour as entrepreneurs , employers and employees .
3 If removing all possible rewards means turning off the TV or record player so that other people 's enjoyment is affected then , again , total removal is necessary .
4 According to Mr Kell Gatherer , managing director of London-based scouts Location Work Limited , the pleasures of seeing your house on film can be outweighed by the inconvenience .
5 In immune deficient states Cryptosporidium is also found attached to crypt epithelium within the crypt lumen , indicating differences in the extent of colonisation of the mucosal surface in the two conditions .
6 ‘ With Doctor Who , as on any programme , it 's very important to have discussions with the Technical Operations Manager about where lights should be positioned to create the mood you 're after .
7 What specific meanings Dicey himself intended when writing the Law of the Constitution matters little .
8 The Urey-Miller experiment was repeated by Israeli researchers Askiba and Burit Bar-nun at Cornell University , by subjecting ammonia , ethane and water vapour to a shock wave .
9 DROMORE High lifted their third successive High Schools ' Cup when they defeated perennial opponents Limavady High in yesterday 's final shoot-out at Ravenhill .
10 Among the private groups BP Exploration transferred 400 jobs to Glasgow this year .
11 It may be unfair on clubs who could lose out as a result of weak Quins combinations , but I would hate to see the Football League system of fining clubs for this practice being brought into rugby .
12 PLENTY of good , home-made hot dishes at Willows , a new-ish and informal place in Richmond upstairs inside the Gray Friars arcade past some cartoons of a dog named Sam .
13 Although the principle seemed not unfair , the practicalities of introducing such a system proved to be complex , not least because for historic reasons unit costs vary very considerably between one institution and another .
14 City : Property without solid foundations Bricks and mortar were once thought to be be as good as money in the bank .
15 Beyond the relationship between parents-in-law and children-in-law , there is little evidence of support , except in cases where for individual and idiosyncratic reasons people happen to form a good relationship , say with a sister-in-law .
16 This implies splitting up the data for each time period ( each day , say ) , into that relating to the individual outstanding futures contracts .
17 However , unless you are a professional personnel officer , one of the proofs of your success will be in the fact that you do not have to exercise your interviewing skill too often , because you consistently choose the right people for the right jobs and they are therefore happy to stay .
18 Professional personnel specialists from the industry have been asked to comment on the questionnaire to ensure the survey is asking the right questions .
19 Tim is installing massive wall charts in the original operations room of the Western Approaches and Combined Operations wartime command HQ .
20 Solly Zuckerman and J. D. Bernal were roped into Combined Operations Headquarters ( COHQ ) by Lord Louis Mountbatten , along with that lateral thinker Geoffrey Pyke ( New Scientist , 30 July 1981 , p 302 ) , the inventor of the giant iceberg ship Habbakuk and many other projects which did not quite come to fruition .
21 Only one more raid was mounted in 1940 and that in July , when Lieutenant-General Alan Bourne of the Royal Marines was temporarily running Combined Operations Headquarters ( the name used throughout this book for the directorate , although in fact having some variations of title ) before Keyes 's appointment .
22 Courtney 's canoeists with ten Folbots ( see diagram p. 25 ) were the first of what became the Special Boat Section , formed after their leader had given a practical demonstration of the canoe 's military potential , a potential doubted by even the adventurous characters in Combined Operations headquarters until Courtney paddled out one summer night in 1940 to a carrier ship moored in the Clyde .
23 Within weeks Combined Operations headquarters were to take on a new vitality .
24 In December 1941 , under the new management , Combined Operations headquarters promoted three major raids .
25 However , the value of assault pilotage was recognised at Combined Operations headquarters .
26 Others , who unlike the Combined Operations staff , had expected a second front in Europe that summer , saw what forces would be needed to invade Europe .
27 A genuinely corinthian sailor who spurns sponsorship , she shoe-horns her racing and preparation into a few weeks ' annual holiday taken from London-based solicitors Farrers and Co .
28 As far as any future evaluation is concerned , if we adopt this definition of support teaching , it is obvious that more than just the traditional concerns with pupil progress in specific skills areas will need to be taken into account .
29 Specifically though the European Programmes Division with the department will lead the development of our programmes in Eastern Europe .
30 I am Michael Taylor and I 'm the Director of the United Kingdom and European Programmes Department of the Save The Children Fund .
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