Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 PSBR near-twice total for 1991
2 26 April : The Mail on Sunday comments on the calculation that the cosmos will remain habitable for 10 to the power of 76 years .
3 They were getting very scarce about 1921–1922 , when I went to Burstead 's .
4 ‘ For instance , there is at present an order outstanding for two dozen piranha fish . ’
5 Many of the debts sued for , all undefended , had been outstanding for three , four , five and six years , or even for a longer period .
6 It is outstanding for thousands of wigeon , teal , mallards and brent geese , plus oystercatchers , dunlins , curlews and foraging groups of snow buntings .
7 If rent remains outstanding for 21 days after the due date , forfeiture proceedings may be brought against a dilatory tenant by a strongwilled landlord .
8 For instance , if one of your customers is in financial trouble and he owes you money which is due in 20 days , you are much better off than if the debt does not fall due for 100 days .
9 After debriefing , he was due for two full days of leave .
10 On Jan. 17 an agreement was reached with Italy for $400,000,000 due for 1986-88 to be repaid by the end of 1997 , with the first instalment to be paid in mid-1993 .
11 In his report to the 65th session of the IMO Council meeting on Nov. 5-9 , he said that the organization had so far received only 63 per cent of the contributions due for 1990 — the lowest figure for many years .
12 Observers expect the Santa Cruz Operation to announce a profit for its first quarter shortly : the market is expected to want the company to prove it can be profitable for one further quarter through to March — without Larry Michels — before issuing an initial public offering next April with the aim of going public in June .
13 What 's right for one family is n't necessarily right for another .
14 They rap , they rock ( rack ? rop ? ) , they 're tighter than a miner 's shopping budget , they scare the shit out of the entire convention with a brutality that could put Rollins to shame and they are so flabbergastingly right for 1992 they ca n't possibly fail to sell , ooooh , millions .
15 It is right for 1992 that the House should approve the draft order .
16 That 's right for three weeks and erm then I was n't impressed by it , I was much more interested in China .
17 A total of 2421 singleton boys were born alive during 1907–24 and had their birth weight and either head circumference or both head diameters recorded .
18 Moreover , despite the ideological differences on the Left , which were most acute between 1929 and 1934 , there were strong sentiments in favour of " working-class unity " in the abstract .
19 The proposals , described as the most far-reaching for 50 years , were expected to be the subject of intense lobbying from the financial and banking sectors when they came before Congress for approval .
20 He named it Latimeria and informed an astonished world that a creature thought to have been extinct for 70 million years was still alive .
21 I 'm usually very sore for two days after a race .
22 The figure for companies ' cash , deposits and marketable securities relative to their quarterly sales was 63% in 1990 , well above the 45% or so that was normal between 1974 and 1986 , before the liquidity boom .
23 The currency has been stable for six months .
24 The solution is stable for 2 weeks .
25 Heliposis , bought unraced out of Guy Harwood 's stable for 7,400 guineas last year , will now attempt to improve Hammond 's jumps total .
26 Now his working for nine thousand , I think he thinks his working for pittance .
27 There 's one at sixty odd which is , I think ri quite reasonable for three but eighty odd for three of them !
28 Erm a letter was sent to all district secretaries , who I think in mo , most cases sent these round to churches to see if we could get some idea from you as to what sort of increase in contributions could be possible for nineteen ninety three .
29 It is possible for two productions to be mounted so that numbers are divided — possibly four productions may be put on , if that is thought worthwhile .
30 This is possible for two reasons : a reduction in internal losses and increased lamp efficiency due to a much higher operating frequency .
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