Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] time " in BNC.

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1 All these functions can be combined to give you the advantages of traditional cooking in less than half the normal cooking time .
2 Allow about one third of the usual cooking time .
3 What will be the normal response time at terminals used for each system and transaction type ?
4 One of the serious limitations is the total interaction time with the microwaves , limited to a few milliseconds by the speed of the atomic beam and by the separation of the two Ramsey regions .
5 in 1989 , gives a total interaction time of a large fraction of a second , allowing the possibility of a linewidth some two orders of magnitude smaller than in the conventional arrangement .
6 Working mothers are faced with two choices : follow the male career route and spend little time with their children or sacrifice their prospects , knowing that working part time means low status and low wages .
7 My research post had been extended by my working part time , but in 1986 funding ran out .
8 Your leader article ‘ action now for science literacy ’ ( 3 March p 566 ) quotes the Royal Society 's recommendation that all fourth and fifth year pupils should have nine weekly periods of science , an equivalent to 22.5 per cent of total teaching time .
9 chemistry and biology , equivalent to 22.5 per cent of total teaching time .
10 Only eight consultants held one to one teaching or tutorials for their house officers and most consultants estimated their total teaching time to be less than 30 minutes a week .
11 Relative β -galactosidase units ( U ) in cultures induced for 12h with galactose were measured as described and normalized to cell numbers as U=1,000A 420 ( CVt ) -1 , where A 420 is the absorbance at 420nm , C is the density of the cell suspension ( in A 600 ml -1 ) , V is the volume of cell suspension ( ml ) , and t is the total incubation time ( min ) .
12 The three words she adores most are ‘ Clinique Bonus Time ’ .
13 The total interview time was over eight hours .
14 Get them written down whenever possible and work at them in your do-it-yourself practice time .
15 Ideally , the file designer will aim to reduce the time taken to reference this index ; however , when it exceeds a certain threshold value described earlier , a master index , which has one entry for each track of the cylinder index , can be created to reduce the total search time as described above .
16 ‘ The challenge was to shorten the 3D seismic turnaround time . ’
17 Not too often that a company goes back to a previous vendor after switching , but Hydro Mississauga Ltd of the eponymous Ontario town , is returning to the Hewlett-Packard Co HP 3000 with Mitchell Humphrey & Co financials , after three years of using an IBM Corp 4381 : the change is being made in an effort to save $2m in operating costs and gain performance improvements , dumping the 4381 for an HP 3000 Series 957 running HP MPE/iX ; it says the power of the new machine has enabled it to reduce its operations shifts from three to two and to cut overnight batch processing from 11 to four hours , and one table-loading job was shortened from 14 hours to 20 minutes — and on-line response time is ‘ significantly improved ’ ; it switched from an HP 3000 Series 70 that lacked the capacity needed in 1989 , moving to the 4381 with Dun & Bradstreet Corp software .
18 Curbishley already had the English schools time , thanks to a 44.3 secs run in her first track outing at Hull this season , before she was injured in a 400 metres hurdles race at York .
19 Secondly , there should be a daily study guide , indicating how the student might divide up his daily study time .
20 The median study time after fundoplication was 20 ( range 18–20 ) years .
21 One hit was scored against Scharnhorst , but both ships hit the old liner time and time again and 14 minutes after the first shot , it was all over .
22 The Carvery and Wine Bar is a popular lunch time rendezvous .
23 With some pushing and shoving and much hilarity we changed and appeared in reasonably good order for our ten minute rehearsal time .
24 This concern was raised in public question time to Four Marks Parish Council by Burton Mills .
25 So far as to my specific erm , question is on B one , on the white paper , or other target , the public question , thirteen thousand , five hundred pounds of money you do say in the subsequent paragraph , this is to provide public question time at Council meetings .
26 The relative unimportance of extended work time as a determinant of dissatisfaction is confirmed by studies of industrial work .
27 It is recognised that old people and their families are disadvantaged in the amount of care and attention paid to them by social workers as most social work time is spent on children and young families .
28 The key worker or case manager role , identified in the research , uses social work time productively to help maintain a vulnerable person in his/her home , and not using more costly residential care .
29 This is an example of using social work time as a resource rather than day care or a home help .
30 The area of work I am about to discuss is one in which relatively little social work time has been invested .
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