Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 EC Evans-Lombe QC , sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge , referred to the ‘ relevant ’ part of s 349(1) : ‘ … the person by or through whom any payment … is made shall , on making the payment , deduct out of it a sum representing the amount of income thereon ’ .
2 The picture is incomplete , however , if one thinks solely in terms of undifferentiated ‘ kin ’ , without asking between whom these services flowed .
3 That need to draw the boundaries of independence applies particularly to parents and adult children , between whom this safety net operates most predictably .
4 Those who are over thirty , and not fifty or over ( for whom nine months is the norm ) , or who have a theology degree , undertake twenty-one months .
5 Landlords not only were assessed on their directly occupied land but were constantly calling for relief for tenants , for whom increasing poor rates were setting a ceiling for rents .
6 Moreover , it was those that were most likely to suffer long periods of unemployment and non-employment and for whom early retirement was a realistic option , i.e. those aged 60–64 , who were most likely to say that it would be very effective in dealing with unemployment : 46 per cent , compared with 34 per cent of the 55–59 age-group and 30 per cent of those under 30 .
7 The authors of the paper do not suggest ignoring the age of the patient , quite the reverse : ‘ criteria appropriate for younger patients may not be suitable in the elderly , for whom effective stabilisation of disease , a partial remission , or a complete remission of short duration may be sufficient to achieve worthwhile prolongation of life with an acceptable quality of life . ’
8 Interleukin-2 is a new treatment which offers hope to cancer patients for whom successful therapies are not available .
9 it would follow from these findings that the children currently being referred to clinics for anti-social behaviour are the group for whom successful intervention is the more urgently needed , to prevent personal misery for them as adults , for their spouses and children , and for the persons whom they will rob or swindle .
10 For whom MAS acts
11 Apart from these important changes , specialized antiracist work within the local state has been increasingly identified as an embarrassment by the Labour Party for whom political commitments to antiracism and multiculturalism are apparently a vote loser .
12 King of the Slums manage as much social comment in a dozen songs as others do in a decade but they belong among bands that eschew political persuasion in favour of chronicling the lives of the despairing or dispossessed , the people for whom political solutions have failed .
13 Expertly managed by Trusthouse Forte along with some of the world 's prestigious properties , the Forte Hotel Village continues to attract the most discerning Citalia guests for whom highest standards are met .
14 Lawyers for whom ducal service constituted a major part of their career were more likely to have been drawn from outside the duke 's regional orbit .
15 Lawyers for whom ducal service constituted a major part of their career were more likely to have been drawn from outside the duke 's regional orbit .
16 Boro 's second team lost the final of the North Yorkshire Trophy 28–14 to Wharfedale , for whom former West Hartlepool and Sale centre Glyn Harrison scored four tries .
17 It was they who caused a reluctant minister to accept , in 1963 , the introduction of an examination at 15 + other than O level ( the CSE examination ) specifically designed for the next 40 per cent of the ability range below the 20 per cent for whom 0 level was thought to be appropriate .
18 The growing numbers of underemployed middle- or upper-class women , for whom unpaid charitable work was one of the very few socially acceptable occupations , supplied a willing and almost endless supply of volunteers for such activity , such as has been available at no other period of British history .
19 After our first Report the tabloid journalists enjoyed themselves by writing provocative articles about how I was the professor for whom correct English did not matter .
20 What will be the likely effects of such judgements on someone for whom practising meditation has become an important part of life , perhaps helping them to cope with difficulties and gain a sense of freedom and peace ?
21 Such a figure was the perfect model for the everyman figure seeking the meaning of salvation for both individual and society that Langland depicted in the weary , wet-shod Will , so vibrantly aware of the gap between the final metaphysical realities of heaven and hell and the immediate beguiling preoccupations of the field full of folk , for whom hot pies seemed more sustaining than the bread of life .
22 Mounted bird wings , stuffed mammals , galls , acorns , nests , seed heads , fungi , grasses — all sorts of natural objects were on view , or ‘ on feel ’ , for folk who ca n't see , but for whom tactile experience of different shapes and textures is a small compensation .
23 Of the 1111 women for whom vaginal delivery was planned , 467 ( 42% ) had an emergency caesarean section .
24 Treading almost on the heels of this conviction was the bogey of Havelock Wilson himself for whom many employers harboured feelings " perilously near hatred " .
25 As the New Right has denounced and undermined a communitarian form of society , so ‘ The numbers of people for whom such communitarian visions are good and mean something at the level of their everyday experiences are declining , attenuating their moral force . ’
26 A patient for whom such a motive was found was described earlier ( p. 19 ) .
27 Although an advertisement is not the place in which to list all the snags of the job it should mention fundamental conditions like shift work or weekend working so you do not waste time seeing people for whom such conditions would be unacceptable .
28 For every Cardinal Newman there are hundreds for whom such words might be better described as egotism or pig-headedness .
29 But to those for whom such patterns are becoming real , and for whom some rational explanation of the shift is required , then it can fairly be argued that the spreading ethic of Confucianism — exported in the last hundred years or so to every nation on and within the Pacific coastline by the tens of millions of overseas Chinese who have acted as its accidental evangelists — is crucial .
30 Whilst most of us , for example , can cope with having the occasional murderous thought about people we love , or work with , there are other people for whom such thoughts constitute a profound assault on their self-worth , and who must , therefore , either suffer that sense of worthlessness or involve themselves in an intense effort to deny or rationalize the thought .
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