Example sentences of "[prep] [pn reflx] on " in BNC.

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1 Their need for food is easily met and the food we grow for ourselves on agricultural land is little more than a readily-available bonus .
2 He then produced the £15 and counted it out himself on the corner of the table , not letting the chairman or anyone else do so .
3 The key to being naturally beautiful is looking after yourself on the inside as well as the outside and that means eating healthily .
4 ‘ I will escort you up the first flight of stairs , but I shall observe the proprieties by leaving you to look after yourself on the second landing . ’
5 This was because human beings worked things out in their minds in terms of concepts and moral rules , and these concepts and rules were not things the individual made for himself on the spur of the moment .
6 Max Gate , the house Hardy designed for himself on the edge of town , is stranded behind a new roundabout and it is difficult now to imagine him setting out from there to ride along the lanes with Kipling or H. G. Wells .
7 The cast and crew were situated in the picturesque summer tourist trap of St Ives where they virtually took over the comfortable olde-worlde Tregenna Castle Hotel , while Peckinpah rented a small cottage for himself on the moor .
8 Each young gentleman was provided with his own chamber-pot , which he was expected to empty for himself on the common midden , situated behind the houses .
9 After starting out with a Honda VF500 in ‘ 84 , Bradl made it to factory rider in just four and a half years , making a name for himself on the way as a man bursting with aggression .
10 He would , for instance , secretly buy 30,000 of a stock for himself on the account .
11 Either , therefore , Oswiu did become king in 642 , as Bede says , or Bede was able to date the council of Whitby to 664 by reference to the eclipse and plague of that year and he calculated Oswiu 's regnal year at this point for himself on his own assumption of a succession for Oswiu in 642 .
12 In his latter years he created an elaborate water garden at the cottage ornée he had built for himself on the outskirts of Plymouth , and was wont to drive round the streets of the town in a gig disguised as a Roman war chariot , looking , in Wightwick 's words ‘ ( as far as his true English face and costume allowed ) like Ictinus of the Parthenon , ‘ out for a lark ’ . ’
13 His prosperity is shown by the ‘ magnificent dwelling house ’ which he built for himself on the north Thames frontage immediately to the east of the Fleet canal .
14 When he moved abruptly to cover her , to force a place for himself on top of her , levering her legs wider to open her body to him , his coarse , muscled weight was a blissful assuagement of hunger , a hunger burning through her so fiercely that she felt almost faint …
15 The student should now score the passage for himself on the lines indicated .
16 De Gaulle engineered a majority for himself on the CFLN and promptly objected to Giraud 's claim to combine the functions of Commander-in-Chief with the co-presidency .
17 In Cranleigh Precision Engineering Ltd v Bryant Roskill J held that the defendant who had , whilst a director of the plaintiff company , been made aware of a patent held by a third party which affected the plaintiff 's products , could not justify his failure to disclose the existence of the patent to the plaintiffs and his subsequent acquisition of the patent for himself on the ground that it was public knowledge , for what he had misused was his confidential knowledge of the relationship of the information in the patent to the plaintiff 's products .
18 Taylor saw for himself on Saturday how the 24-year-old Aston Villa flyer has matured into a player of genuine international potential .
19 ‘ We should have beaten them a couple of weeks ago when we finished all square and I have every faith in the boys , ’ asserts Nelson , ‘ Since then we went very close against Tipperary and given the self-belief the team now possesses I think we can give a very good account of ourselves on Sunday . ’
20 He had a photograph of himself on his postcards and he signed his letters following the original tailpiece ‘ everbest ’ .
21 He sometimes wondered about his own death , but beyond thinking of himself on some long-distance collision course with annihilation , he could not imagine it .
22 He sat and squinted through watering eyes at a coloured , enlarged picture of himself on the wall ahead of him .
23 He kept a photograph of himself on horseback in full dress uniform in the back of the shop .
24 1859 — 1919 : ‘ They [ Joseph 's contemporaries ] tested every man 's views by his actions , by his carriage of himself on all sorts of occasions .
25 Wittek suggests that Bayezid I was aware of the criticisms of himself on religious grounds and that he sought investiture as Sultan of Rum , a title he already possessed in fact , from the Abbasid caliph in Cairo because he felt the need for a religious sanction for his regime .
26 I 'd like to remind him that 's nothing to the idiot he made of himself on All Fools Day last when he found the dead stoat I 'd placed in the pulpit .
27 And from all these things the soft light proceeded , like the glimmering of pearls in the depth of water , like the phosphorescent light that moves of itself on the night surface of southern seas , or shines round the heaving shoals , milky-white over their silver darts , in our own dark Channel .
28 So Emma sent it over to Pook 's Common and Harriet sent it back with a very nice inscription and a signed photo of herself on her horse .
29 Flavia became aware of her voice and that it was loud , aware of herself on her feet rapidly walking the floor at first light .
30 Think of yourself on the 19th ( the day of the full Moon ) .
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