Example sentences of "[prep] [Wh det] might " in BNC.

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1 Possibly , after what might be described as puritanical streaks through the 1980s , and after the theorising of desire and the occasional turning of the body into a no-go area , there is a need to explore pleasure — in the artist , the artwork and the audience ; the pleasure in that three-way encounter .
2 The second most characteristic external feature of many barns is the pitching hole , a window-like opening , covered by a wooden shutter , several of which might be provided in the side and end walls in order to pitch corn or hay into the barn from a cart standing outside .
3 For example , the nine-member WEU ( perhaps with the other five European NATO members sitting as observers ) could decide on the operation of a European Reaction Force , at least part of which might be drawn from forces committed to NATO .
4 In his Directions for Taking up Plants and Shrubs and Conveying Them by Sea , John Fothergill suggested placing seeds among specimens in boxes , some of which might succeed if the plants failed .
5 They also provide three-dimensional environments of enormous physical complexity , and hence contain numerous different niches , each of which might be exploited in many different ways , and in many different permutations .
6 Information concerning or identifying another pupil should not be disclosed , and information , the disclosure of which might cause serious harm to the mental or physical health or emotional condition of the pupil or anyone else , or which indicates that the pupil has or may be likely to suffer child abuse , should not be disclosed .
7 The invitation should make it clear that a selection procedure is in progress and that all that is required are details , including prices and , if appropriate , samples of products for evaluation , the result of which might be an invitation to conduct trials .
8 Up to five stages in the life cycle could be identified , each of which might respond to a different agent .
9 β-blockade might impair carbohydrate metabolism either as a consequence of direct β-adrenoreceptor blockade or as the result of relatively unopposed α activity , either of which might suppress insulin release .
10 The more powerful , well-established organizations were often able to put forward their own projects — many of which might simply have been cancelled because of capital cut-backs after the International Monetary Fund imposed constraints in 1976 .
11 An activity could be analysed into quite short sections , each of which might be described ( using traditional language ) as a ‘ lesson ’ , or for the learner , ‘ task ’ .
12 It is useful in recording progress in work programmes , e.g. trial and error ward management problems , one example of which might be organising patient allocation for total patient care and delegating responsibilities by senior student nurses .
13 where quantification is already evident in the accounts themselves ( an example of which might be a presentation rather than a measurement matter , such as an adaptation of the headings in the Act 's format requirements not covered by paragraph 3(3) of Schedule 4 ) , or (
14 The death of a sister might involve deep grief , part of which might be for the much earlier death of a small sister .
15 All of which might prompt us to ask the question , what is the real connection between gender and sex ?
16 There are several waterfalls , any of which might be the site of their discovery .
17 The advantages of such a mechanism are clear , it is possible to manipulate the model and thus understand the outside world in the sense of predicting what will happen without the potential costs of attempting to manipulate the real world and allowing things to happen , some of which might be considered to be unfortunate .
18 In his earlier work Hare seemed to believe that there were alternative moral stances to the world , each of which might be equally rational , though we may quite properly condemn some of them from the perspective of the morality which we ourselves advocate .
19 All of which might make the future less bright for Sequent Computer Systems Inc , which currently provides the top-end 6000/75 and 85 multiprocessors for Unisys .
20 Erm , and then we get requests for things from the leader of the Council directly , that he wants us to respond to , the chair of that committee to erm will , will do the same thing , we 'll get requests from other departments relating to our work , some of which might of been you , we erm , the Council has a group for the finance advisory group , which is a small group of Councillor 's and officer 's that meet to discuss not in , in public session , key erm financial and other major policy erm issues that , and the reason why that group was set up , erm was that it felt like with the introduction of Poll Tax and the Local Government Housing and Finance Tax , that it needed outside the committee cycle to erm review the impact of those legislation to look at it 's finances more closely and what , and we as a policy team report into that group and get request from work from that group as well .
21 The uncertain boundaries of the duchy gave rise to numerous disputes , any one of which might flare up into a major conflict , as the war of Saint Sardos demonstrated .
22 In these circumstances tournaments were not confined within enclosed lists but ranged over several square miles of ground , taking in villages , woods and vineyards , all of which might suffer as much damage as in real war .
23 In the abbey church of St Seurin at Bordeaux , for example , he could see Roland 's horn , the sound of which might have summoned reinforcements to Roncesvalles but which Roland , more careful of his reputation than of his life , had refused to blow until it was too late .
24 Besides , there is no reason why the distribution of later preferences , any of which might become operative , would be the same on the 1,476 papers selected for transfer to Craig as it would be on all of the 3,813 papers including those not so selected .
25 It does n't matter whether a sign causes what it signifies , or is caused by it , or whether both are caused by something else ( like thunder and lightning , either of which might be a sign of the other and both of which are caused by an electrical discharge ) .
26 B.B.C. the House of Lords decided that a valuation court was not a court of law , the proceedings of which might be protected from outside influence by the law of contempt .
27 Ltd. v. Hawkins ( 1859 ) 4 H. & N. 87 was authority for the proposition that it was an ordinary incident of all corporations ( including municipal corporations ) that they might sue for libel ; that case was only authority for the proposition that a trading company might sue for libel by which its property was injured ; ( 3 ) in holding that the Manchester Corporation case was decided per incuriam when there was no basis for so holding and he should have followed it ; ( 4 ) in holding that in bringing an action for libel not alleged to have caused actual damage , no valid distinction could be made between trading corporations and municipal corporations , which ignored the true basis on which a trading corporation was permitted to sue for libel , namely that it had a trading character , the defamation of which might ruin it : South Hetton Coal Co . Ltd. v. North-Eastern News Association Ltd. [ 1894 ] 1 Q.B. 133 , 145 .
28 The cellars are full of junk , most of which might have been useful once but all of which is now covered in water or mud or fungus .
29 If being monitored for exposure to external penetrating radiation can be a marker of other exposures in the workplace , some of which might be hazardous , studies of the relation between men 's exposure to external radiation and leukaemia in their children could yield apparently inconsistent results .
30 However , there were other reasons such as ‘ lost documentation ’ and small balances written off , all of which comprised the annual figure , the disclosure of which might result in too much attention being given to his department .
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