Example sentences of "[prep] [num] time " in BNC.

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1 We do not say that if a house is worth eight times as much as another the tax bill should be eight times as much .
2 Behind them the dominions of Russia marched eastward through eleven time zones to the borders of China .
3 The experimental limit on A given later in Section 11.5 is so that on Earth the acceleration due to the cosmological term is about 10–22 times that due to the gravitational pull of the Sun .
4 Amphilepis ingolfiana The arms are about 5–6 times the disk diameter in length .
5 In T.buttikoferi the light and dark bands are about the same width , but in T.joka the dark ones are about 3–4 times as wide as the light .
6 The radial shields are long and thin , about 3–4 times as long as broad , separated from one another and recessed into the disk .
7 The arms are distinctly noded , short , about 3–4 times the disk diameter .
8 A rather larger star — one of mass greater than about 1.2–1.4 times our Sun 's — can not contract in such a controlled way .
9 Second , if a traveller goes eastwards halfway round the Earth he will have passed through 12 time zones and gained 12 hours with respect to GMT ; he will meet another traveller who has travelled westward and so is 12 time zones ( 12 hours ) behind GMT .
10 And with a superior points difference , Vipers seem set to clinch promotion from Midlands Two West after three times finishing runners-up .
11 So just write it as six times ten or ten times six .
12 Hitch , then of Horden and Peterlee , now professional , unluckily lost a majority points decision after a ludicrous bout in which Noi 's headguard came off six times in one round .
13 It will attempt to turn into a commodity software that currently sells for 10 times what Data General will be charging for it .
14 It will attempt to commoditise software that currently sells for 10 times what DG will charge .
15 It 's a shame she gets so much credibility when there are so many women worth 100 times that ; it annoys me that Sinead O'Connor has a great voice but people slag her . ’
16 And picked us up and I went in there and I were yeah half past eleven time .
17 As with any technique , direct mail has basic principles which must be obeyed if the programme is to communicate and raise money over a long period : * It must be regular ( a minimum of eight times a year ) * It must be personal , relevant and informal * It must be good quality * It must ask for and offer something * It must appeal to emotion first and reason second
18 The pilot results were promising and showed that the POI systems were used an average of eight times an hour .
19 And er we went to move this lady , we got there about I suppose quarter past eight time , a summer 's day , nice day it was .
20 They established that 6 copyholds changed hands a total of 36 times and 21 freeholds changed ownership a total of 118 times .
21 The scientists — from the IBM Almaden Research Centre — say the storage capabilities of the new photorefractive polymers were on the order of 100 times better than the first polymer films , which IBM developed two years ago .
22 Extremely luminous water-vapour masers of 100 times the luminosity of the Sun , L and ; ( ref. 3 ) , have been detected within 1parsec ( 3x10 18 cm ) of its nucleus .
23 Polycrystalline silicone cells , which are 12 per cent efficient , are also used in solar panels for other applications , as are amorphous silicone and hydrogen and according to American manufacture Solarex , has a potential of 100 times the absorption of other crystalline types .
24 The change in elastic modulus between the two states is similar for both these materials and is of the order of 100 times , or more .
25 An improvement of 100 times in the information content of existing techniques would allow the absorption coefficient of a transverse slice of an object to be calculated to an accuracy of 0·5 per cent .
26 Members of the sample had consulted their general practitioners a mean of 7.0 times ( range 4–15 ) .
27 A further abnormal discharge , of 10 times the normal weekly level of radioactive iodine-29 , occurred on the day officials from the Inspectorate of Pollution and the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate arrived to investigate the earlier leak .
28 As our diagram shows , a theoretical change with height can amount to an increase of six times from ground level to 60 metres or 200ft , or more realistically by 50% from the gust-free level of 10m to 60m .
29 He was allowed to drive the drill backwards and forwards for a couple of dozen times .
30 No , she bloody ought to after the first couple of dozen times , but anyway , when they come back and we got back at night and we started playing them and putting things on er you know they got to like it
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