Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] would " in BNC.

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1 Whether he would have kept any such agreement is another question , but his capacity for resistance would have been much reduced .
2 JACQUES DELORS , President of the European Commission , told West Germany that its hopes for reunification would best be served by working for a more federal Community , implying that this might one day embrace East Germany .
3 A court that tries to decide as Parliament would have wished is more likely to be right than a court that follows the words believing it was not what Parliament intended .
4 In addition , the tubercle bacillus in patients with sarcoidosis may be present in the form without a cell wall as a slowly growing bacterial infection so agents directed toward the cell wall mycolic acid such as isoniazid would be ineffective .
5 It follows that any proposal for change would be referred to customary ways of thinking , and this provides for the possibility of operational techniques which realize new ideas being devised as an extension of existing practices .
6 The beginning of a strategy for change would be to examine some key stereotypes of disability within that history of misrepresentation which are present today and which need to be challenged .
7 His ideas for change would involve some regrouping of staff , and some need for training with new computer software .
8 If we were to do that , I would not rule out any particular proposed change to the role and structure of the district councils , but proposals for change would need to be likely to command widespread support and to provide an appropriate and fair role for both sides of the community .
9 It would be displayed in a special gallery in the Palace of Arts and the proceeds from the small fee charged for admission would be added to the fund set up by the Queen for the benefit of her many charitable concerns .
10 Eleanor Rathbone firmly believed that the only way to remove a major barrier against equal pay in professions such as teaching would be to take account of the differences in standards of living reflected in the higher costs of bringing up children in the higher income groups .
11 He said they were facing particularly strong competition from a Korean consortium , but he was confident Cleveland 's reputation for reliability would prove the decisive factor .
12 Permission for building would be given only if the occupier of a new house would live in it for at least six months per year and was a person employed or to be employed locally .
13 Bowbazaar links Calcutta 's business district with the hugely-crowded Sealdah suburban railway terminus and an explosion of this intensity during daytime would have killed hundreds of people , he said .
14 At least , not what anyone who knows about money would call money .
15 His unspoken premise was that such a space for freedom would always continue to exist ; he saw Parliament and the courts as guardians of liberty .
16 The assessment would probably be more realistic with Mark at home , given adequate community and extended family support ; his needs for attachment would be prejudiced by a move .
17 It is far from clear that the necessary Listed Building Consent for demolition would have been forthcoming from the local authority .
18 From the early days , the children destined for university would have acquired at least the rudiments of Greek and perhaps even a little Hebrew : books in all three languages had been left to the School by William Nicholson , the Master , in 1597 .
19 The hearing took two days , at the end of which the justices announced that the decision and reasons for decision would be given on the following morning .
20 These would receive greater scrutiny than hitherto , and the period for decision would be increased from the current statutory ( but , when applied to all applications , impracticable ) two months to three months .
21 One option for Aldergrove would be a management-employee buy-out , and despite troubled times in the aviation industry , the Government is confident of a high level of interest .
22 It was unclear where responsibility for child-minders , registration of playgroups , etc. would rest in the new organisation , but it was possible that the new provisions in the Children Bill going through parliament would allow for those services to be provided through education departments .
23 The next day , Mark told Millie , his secretary , that the Corporation 's plans for reorganisation would involve the elimination of regional management .
24 Under the terms of the deal purportedly sealed in Paris , the Iranians would not free the US hostages until after the 1980 presidential election , thus ensuring that President Jimmy Carter 's bid for re-election would gain no credit from an " October Surprise " release .
25 I estimate that $20 plus a couple for postage would be about £15 .
26 Thus a compositor , joiner , tailor or tin smith for instance would normally be identified as skilled , a docker as unskilled .
27 However , one must weigh this potential change in content and focus against the benefits of rendering a smooth , natural translation in contexts where the use of the passive for instance would be stylistically less acceptable than the use of the active or an alternative structure in the target language .
28 Not all triable either way cases that are currently committed to the Crown Court for trial would be suitable for trial by magistrates .
29 We might expect the throne for some generations to be occupied by a more or less yellow king ; but can any one believe that the whole island will gradually acquire a white , or even a yellow population , or that the islanders would acquire the energy , courage , ingenuity , patience , self-control , endurance , in virtue of which qualities our hero killed so many of their ancestors , and begot so many children ; these qualities , in fact , which the struggle for existence would select , if it could select anything ?
30 Better value for money would result from less use of custody for many classes of offender .
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