Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] every " in BNC.

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1 Mr Bell said the system of having one ambulance on call at each of the county 's 11 stations after 7pm every night had been in operation for many years .
2 Durham County Council engineers will be in Darlington at the weekend to put in moveable bollards which will be taken down after 4pm every day .
3 Therefore , in a population of about five millions , there was one royal officer for approximately every 4,000 inhabitants .
4 The structures of related polyamides do not always lead to this neat arrangement of intermolecular bond formation ; for example the geometry of an extended nylon-7,7 chain allows the formation of only every second possible hydrogen bond when the chains are aligned and fully extended .
5 Ask your newsagent to deliver you a copy of best every week
6 For the planted aquarium the total tank volume should be turned over a maximum of once every hour , and filtered gently , with no spraybars , aeration , or jetting effect .
7 Therefore the total water volume of your aquarium ( 100 litres ) should be turned over a maximum of once every hour , and the water should flow very gently back into the aquarium , avoiding strong currents and surface turbulence .
8 Well keep them in the house , and maybe once in a while , sort of once every two months , just put a couple of drops in maybe Saturday night or Sunday night .
9 instead of once every three months
10 I have selected these six passages because they appear to me to call effectively for a rethinking of practically every aspect of the pre-1967 school curriculum in Tanzania — its underlying values , the structure , the balance between in-school and out-of-school activities , the content and pacing of the materials in relation to the age of the learners and the whole process and attitude towards evaluation .
11 The RTC has tenaciously pursued the auditors of practically every failed thrift , and has won some spectacular rulings .
12 Potatoes became the basis of practically every meal .
13 It provides comprehensive coverage of practically every variable involved in the sport , and it makes the extraction of extensive statistics a simple matter .
14 Salha was a woman of strong , open and reassuring character whose links with the women of nearly every household in Huaiwiri through her own daughters and her mother 's sisters ' descent in the women 's line ensured that she had influence in all households .
16 The buses and taxis I determined to avoid became a central part of nearly every painting .
18 The buses and taxis I determined to avoid became a central part of nearly every painting .
19 I think this new ‘ cart ’ is an amalgam of nearly every pop style !
20 The incidence of nearly every illness ( including coronary heart disease ) is higher at the bottom of the organizational hierarchy .
21 This partly explains the desperate desire of nearly every function in the business to be represented on the board or the management committee .
22 Simon Patiño , the family 's patriarch , who rose from being a clerk in a mining supplies store to owner of the largest known tin deposit , accrued revenues from the manufacture of nearly every tin can and piece of tin foil and was ultimately appointed a representative of the Bolivian government in Paris .
23 Another critic who took up the moral cudgels against the ‘ spicy ’ jokes and suggestive songs described how ‘ this kind of garbage is part and parcel of the repertoire of nearly every music hall in the kingdom … it puts decency and clean-living at a discount , and it glorifies immorality all round ’ .
24 On the platforms may be found groups of Germans , Swedes , Poles , of men , women and children of nearly every European nationality , surrounding curious luggage , and , in railway porters ' opinion , ‘ jabbering a lot of nice lingo ’ .
25 The Safety Centre features full size mock-ups of nearly every danger a child could face including house fires and high speed trains .
26 I think , I think it would be a good idea to have , as every sort of maybe every two or three meetings to have something a bit different erm , and we do , we do find if we want to get through the business quickly
27 Moreover , he had ready access to the archive established at Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Charles Weiner , exponent of oral history and interviewer of virtually every individual who had any relationship to the recombinant-DNA controversy .
28 The rest of the Standard 's hardware is a potpourri of virtually every guitar that Mr Carlton has been associated with .
29 In all , this incidence of reported problems can not be said to suggest much more than the occasional misunderstanding , difficulty or other problem which must mark a small proportion of virtually every type of consumer transaction .
30 The survey of Rutland not only covers a complete , if miniature , county , but also records the status of virtually every inhabitant in all but three townships ; although the subsidy rolls contribute useful supplementary material we will , for the present purpose , restrict ourselves to the muster book .
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