Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] would " in BNC.

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1 So Sarazen took on a young caddie , who , it transpired , seemed to do all the things that even the caddies of today would not dream of doing , like pulling the clubs without consultation with Sarazen , and then , if the club did not work , telling Sarazen he had just hit a bad shot — it was not his club selection at fault .
2 The airlines of today would find it difficult to compete with the luxury of meal service on Luft Hansa in 1928 .
3 I expect young people of today would rate the fair rides of the early 1920 's quite tame affairs .
4 Without the miniaturization that they bring , the powerful personal computer of today would have remained an impossibility .
5 I believe that if I 'm given the chance to fight the George Forman of old , the George Forman of today would be the better .
6 Oh I was gon na say , if you could stop them from undoing that door , they would n't never get it out of there would they ?
7 I do n't know whether it is just the advance of modern technology within the family , or whether it is because the type of material the fire is built with nowadays would n't let them taste quite so good .
8 I think that if they had just local lads to contend with there would be no problems .
9 In making it Curtis helped to unleash a force which before long would profoundly challenge the British claim to dominion in India .
10 Anyone entering from outside would only have seen Jim with his feet up in front of the fire , reading a thriller .
11 But he reaffirmed that no ‘ Finnish solution ’ or ‘ conspiracy of accommodation ’ made by the superpowers from outside would be acceptable to the mujahidin or considered binding on them .
12 Hardwick 's complaint at Hall 's conclave about inviting foreign architects to compete probably derived from the implication that architects from elsewhere would produce a better solution than British ones .
13 ‘ If only the people who criticise it from afar would actually come here and see it for themselves .
14 If only the people who criticise it from afar would actually come here and see it for themselves . ’
15 In just 28 days from now would you like to be the proud owner of a new body ?
16 ‘ None the less , returning you to Milano before tomorrow would be . ’
17 Perhaps a few hours away from here would cure the feeling of claustrophobia that was beginning to creep over her .
18 Er there 's only er old people from here would know them see .
19 She was a pretty little thing , but I fear the libido of the young men she encountered in here would be at a low ebb .
20 Word spreads , and some of the clods who come in here would sell their own mothers for profit .
21 Well if it was that easy , I do n't suppose they 'd put it in in here would they ?
22 But I mean that yesterday afternoon you 'd have thought the bloody things were in here would n't
23 Be be perfect round here would n't it .
24 He told me he was about to go into a ‘ sealed camp ’ somewhere in the south of England , and that the letters he wrote from there would not be released until the invasion had safely begun .
25 In one area of Germany a quarry was being excavated for paving slabs and the fossils removed from there would otherwise have been destroyed .
26 What seeped out of the and mixed with some air from there would have been a little dung in it to it stood half the summer and got to be really high .
27 Inward investment from abroad would follow .
28 Keeping Quistgaard in position until then would help this strategy .
29 When they would come in there would be like a all lit up , beacon .
30 It appears from what I can see there , that the density in there would be too high , which it would not if it were sheltered .
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