Example sentences of "[prep] [art] of " in BNC.

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1 On the nearside of the barrier , it was agreed that the existing facilities at Gibraltar , Malta and Cyprus would be adequate for the of British commitments on the southern flank of NATO and to the Baghdad Pact .
2 Trade editors are often for their opinion of an organisation or for the of suppliers , and if the relevant editors know your company well it could be your company which gets the recommendations .
3 Finally , Ebussu'ud Efendi also stipulated the number of students to whom each entitled office-holder in the learned profession might grant and though the numbers which he fixed are not reported , figures have been given above which comprise a partial list for the of 959 and 963 , while Ata'i gives another partial list for the of 973 , in which the kazaskers were each permitted to invest ten students as " the kadis of the three cities ' i.e. those of Istanbul , Edirne and Bursa ) five each , and " the other kadis of the throne " a term of uncertain application , but almost certainly comprising at least the other kadis mentioned in the decree of 963 ) three each : the figures for the kazaskers at least , and probably the others as well , applied down to Ata'i 's own day .
4 Finally , Ebussu'ud Efendi also stipulated the number of students to whom each entitled office-holder in the learned profession might grant and though the numbers which he fixed are not reported , figures have been given above which comprise a partial list for the of 959 and 963 , while Ata'i gives another partial list for the of 973 , in which the kazaskers were each permitted to invest ten students as " the kadis of the three cities ' i.e. those of Istanbul , Edirne and Bursa ) five each , and " the other kadis of the throne " a term of uncertain application , but almost certainly comprising at least the other kadis mentioned in the decree of 963 ) three each : the figures for the kazaskers at least , and probably the others as well , applied down to Ata'i 's own day .
5 Gokbilgin reproduces a for Mehmed II's complex based on the Fatih mosque in Istanbul for the year 1 Dhu " l-Ka'da 894 to the last day of Shawwal 895 ( 26 September 1489 to 15 September 1490 ) from which it is clear that Molla Arab was both muderris at the Sahn and Multi during that year ; while in a document published by Barkan , a conflation of two statements of income and expenditure for the of Murad II in Edirne , written in Rajab 896/May-June 1491 and covering the years mid-893 to mid-895 , one finds a reference to one " Mevlana Isa Halife , [ the ] Sufi , one of the disciples of Mevlana Arab , mufti " .
6 That want economic benefits of Europe for the of the business world but have denied British workers the protection of European social legislation .
7 My Lord this is course made I apologise for the of authority to support it .
8 The first speaker , Canon Ron Mitchinson , industrial commissioner for the of Oxford , says he 's concerned about the effects on the families involved .
9 We have heard a lot today about the of the Trade Union .
10 have we been through the of this group ?
11 Iraq has urged Arabs and Muslims throughout the world to unite , there are fears that the emergency Arab summit will collapse after the of Kuwait walked out .
12 The government may have only some of the of the authority it claims , it may have more authority over one person than over another .
13 There were churches and cathedrals all around this spot which once had been the centre of the of mediaeval town .
14 Some members of the of the committee did not approve , but it made no difference to Stuart ; obstinacy was part of his character .
15 A romantic alternative for your honeymoon is to cruise around the islands and sheltered sea lochs of the of the West coast of Scotland , Britain 's last remaining wilderness .
16 Additionally , two pins are driven into the hardboard on each side of the of the ‘ fielders ’ l.e.d.s , but we return to these points in a short while .
17 Antrim , on 17 October 1990 , a review of the stability of the of the remaining abandoned salt mines in Northern Ireland is under way .
18 Oh what you mean you 're gon na put at the bottom of the of , the same letter or
19 The two ideologies are by and large products of the revolution or in the case of liberalism perhaps of the of enlightened attitudes .
20 Sammlung Goetz will show changing selections from the permanent collection in a handsome new building close to the south side of the of Englischer Garten designed by Basel-based architects Herzog and du Meuron in conjunction with their partner in Munich Josef Meier-Scupin .
21 On receiving a letter from the Chairperson of the of the Hong Kong ‘ Branch ’ Standing Committee resolved that the Branch should be formally constituted with the provision that all members of the Branch were registered members of Convocation .
22 I wa I wanted a a point that er respond er neighbourhood and the manager I spoke to said that the areas that were the case since er , de decentralisation because er people are er er in coming to neighbourhood offices and that of the of the managers arrange er er er aims or er either run in in two neighbourhoods er er I I feel personally it 's been very worthwhile because we were able to talk to the er , they they they were never able to go and and and they came to the er , the neighbourhood offices international conducive er er er or er er ah i i in areas they want to talk to , so I I , I personally would would like to see this continuing er for perhaps a it is n't the best value for money i i i it certainly far better for for for can come to their neighbour office Speak
23 We undoubtedly respect the position of the of the adherents as you describe them , undoubtedly .
24 Erm it can hear from the other side of the of Mike 's living room it can hear the person on the other end of a telephone connection which is is is is
25 economy of the community and to have suburbia creeping in and trying to dictate to what has been the foundation of the of their economy , for many , many years is almost ridiculous !
26 But like everything else they 'll only work with the cooperations of of the of the er motoring public .
27 and it was and you could n't get near it because the heat of the fire was so strong and the smell of the of the smoke was overpow you literally could n't get near it and everyone had to come away .
28 Is the third year what month of the of ?
29 But the purpose of the of the greenbelt is to prevent encroachment into the open countryside .
30 Yes , they are part of the features of the o open countryside , but in this particular case the proximity of Skelton Village to that boundary and the juxtaposition of the of the of the houses around that area and the er other features make this paddock part and the adjoining part of the more visually part of the village .
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