Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] who " in BNC.

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1 I care about you , about Susan , about everyone who has ever worked at that factory .
2 Auditions are nerve-wracking for everyone who does them ( and for that matter , for everyone who watches them ) but being sure of your text is the least you can do .
3 Auditions are nerve-wracking for everyone who does them ( and for that matter , for everyone who watches them ) but being sure of your text is the least you can do .
4 An annual briefing on cable break procedures and other emergencies would be very valuable for everyone who flies gliders , and particularly those who stop flying for long periods over the winter months and so get badly out of practice .
5 It was the temple for everyone who wanted to be involved in something that had nothing to do with what most people thought was ‘ happening ’ in that part of the seventies .
6 Alex Orton-Green , 15 , of the Funky Junky Party , wore his long hair in a pigtail , and Robert Hutchinson , 15 , representing the Football Supporters-Normal Persons Party , was standing for everyone who thinks rugby is boring .
7 It may be for everyone who comes to buy a ticket , but those who do choose to go are a small minority of the population .
8 I am afraid that some of you are going to be disappointed , but you know that there are not places in the Secondary School for everyone who passes Standard Six .
9 So , for everyone who 's designing and building today , make Brohome part of your grand design .
10 In one such performance , James Luna promises to combine ‘ Indian mythology , Christian evangelism , and psychoanalysis to create a double-edged interpretation that has ‘ something for everyone who has ever believed in the romantic vision of the American Indian and bought into the guilt-complex of American history ’ ’ ’ .
11 Formal labour markets in capitalist economies have never been able to provide paid employment for everyone who needed it , and short of allowing wage-labourers and their families of future wage-labourers to starve , either individual capitalists or the state on their behalf had to provide alternative means of support .
12 To argue as some opponents of Wages for Housework do ( Phillips and Wallsgrove , 1978 ) that there should be ‘ adequate payment for everyone who wants to work in these collective childcare facilities ’ while opposing any payment for mothers looking after their own children at home is astonishing .
13 For every pimply , dejected murderer I can give you one who looks like a movie star , for everyone who wo n't talk , one who will gab your ear off .
14 Towards evening the Collector gave the order for everyone who could be spared from the ramparts to assemble in the hall , he wanted to say a few words to the garrison .
15 Their luck had been good , for everyone who had left the warren was still alive .
16 The first step in achieving this objective is to guarantee a place on Employment Training ( ET ) for everyone who has been out of work for a long period of time .
17 ‘ This is for everyone who thinks I ca n't play , ’ Levi said into a CBS camera after nailing a 3-iron into the last green to ensure his two-stroke victory .
18 And , finally , for everyone who groans at the idea of a twice-weekly exercise class , what about trying toning tables ?
19 For everyone who lost his faith , there must have been at least another who went to outcast London or to darkest Africa to convert the faint and hungry heathen ; there was a great deal of Christian confidence , and not simply a Church in retreat before agnostic scientists .
20 Some of the changes can be achieved by improving existing services and arrangements but a major expansion in community services will be needed to make community car a reality for everyone who needs it .
21 Ensure that there is adequate community care available for everyone who comes out of a psychiatric hospital after a stay of six months or more .
22 I am preparing a big adhortatio for everyone who has not yet been utterly suffocated and swallowed up by the present age . "
23 Michael Duffy ( HND Catering and Hotelkeeping , 1976 ) is organising a reunion for everyone who started a catering course in the 1970s .
24 When I was feeling really low , I could have quit if it had n't been for everyone who 'd been following me , and that comes down to everyone here at the schools .
25 He says he 'll fight for compensation for everyone who was sacked .
26 He says ’ I think that for everyone who is objecting to the festival locally there are a lot more who are happy to see it go on and see the space used properly and there are twenty five thousand people here from all over the country that are loving the three days . ’
27 Mr Lamont said : ‘ This is the best possible news for everyone who wants to see a modern and competitive British economy succeeding in world markets in the 1990s . ’
28 The authorities say they 'll provide alternative services for everyone who uses the Centre and that they hope to redeploy the forty staff .
29 I think that we should have access to the schools for everyone who is interested in education , and I think that includes teachers , so that is why I was very grateful to receive your invitation today , and I think the series is good , but I think that why we want an open society within our schools is because everyone has got a tremendous interest in education until people begin to surround it with jargon or to build walls and barriers which create a closed society .
30 And the Cid sent for all his friends and his kinsmen and vassals , and told them how King Don Alfonso had banished him from the land , and asked for them who would follow him into banishment , and who would remain at home .
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