Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] of " in BNC.

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1 Now you 've heard about them of course , you must have heard about them .
2 With such a wide range of displays from around the world in one massive exhibition there is something for everyone of all ages and interests .
3 That 's why it 's so important to kno , for everyone of us , to know what our ministries are .
4 There was an overall majority for them of 44 , which guaranteed a full term in office , with 339 Conservatives .
5 Shavante men in this ceremony act out the glorification of the essence of manhood , comprised for them of both the bellicose , destructive aspect of male power and its sexual/generative side ( ibid. : 266 ) .
6 The Commission calculates , moreover , that the job of cross-checking between the customs departments of each member state into the validity of traders ' declarations would mean an exchange in electronic mail between them of about 20,000 million characters a year .
7 Planes of soap solution have the property that only three can intersect along an edge at an angle between them of 120° .
8 He did not meet his mother from infancy until the age of twelve , when they found themselves accidentally in the same workhouse : but instead of the ‘ gush of tenderness ’ between them of which he had dreamt , ‘ her expression was so chilling that the valves of my heart closed as with a snap …
9 This was an argument between them of which she had no knowledge , but it was clearly a bitter one that rankled on both sides .
10 It was scarcely bearable , talking to Aunt Sarah with this invisible wall between them of things that could n't be mentioned .
11 In this case the process of the acquisition by B. & C. of Atlantic shares created a close relationship between them of which the auditors were well aware .
12 With no more than fourteen university lecturers in the whole country with a knowledge between them of five South Asian languages , there was clearly a dearth of linguistic knowledge in higher education which was unlikely to be rectified through new appointments , given the shortfalls in funding .
13 Now there would be no reason for further contact between them of any kind , a prospect which painted dark shadows beneath Leonora 's eyes , and bleached the colour from her face to the point where Elise began muttering darkly about anaemia .
14 He could n't get my bag back for me , or the other contents , because they had some value — although very little I 'm sure — whereas the letter , having no value at all ( except for me of course ! ) was thrown away .
15 Three tracks are from previous albums — Desperate Move ( driving , excellent and written by JMT stablemate Steve Coleman ) , Body & Soul ( as with Round Midnight below , a standard given a singular and distinctive modern treatment ) and Rock this Calling ( a modern jazz blues ? ) — while four are previously unrecorded by her : the melancholy-then-strident Do n't look Back ( highlight for me of this album ) , the quixotic Soul Melange , the Monk/Williams ‘ standard ’ Round Midnight ( a refreshingly individual rendition ) and My Corner of the Sky ( a modern son , which reminded me of an uptempo Ella Fitzgerald scat rendition … but with a rock group ) ; all bar Round Midnight are Wilson compositions .
16 He told his audience at the French Academy of Political and Moral Sciences : ‘ One of the joys for me of being in France is that you have a particularly strong sense of the ultimate cost to the human spirit of unrelenting migration from the countryside to the big cities . ’
17 The reader in men and masculinity from Bradford University conjured up images for me of a muscular man walking in with a few four-packs of larger under his arms ready to address BASW delegates .
18 ‘ Oh , for me of course , ’ said Lydia , forced into the open .
19 Cos it also brings back memories for me of er Mayday celebrations .
20 Finally I declared that we had no Chiefs only innumerable Indians ; that meetings and even pow-wows were not found necessary ; that communication was by smoke-signal , both between ourselves of the load-bearers form Cubs to Grandfathers/mothers ; and our pipes of peace the traditional Taylor soup and bread and cheese .
21 ‘ She 's a lovely kid and I think she 's handled herself extremely well for someone of her age .
22 She moves very lightly for someone of her size , Marjorie thought .
23 However , although the age of consent is fifteen , it is illegal to prescribe the oral contraceptive for someone of this age .
24 For someone of my temperament it was the worst possible kind of job , and towards the end I was beginning to feel suicidal .
25 If they provide excellent support for someone of heavy build they 're most unlikely to suit anyone lighter .
26 I 've no wish for someone of unknown parentage to inherit after my death . ’
27 But United manager Dave Bassett said : ‘ It 's against my principles to pay money for someone of Chris 's age . ’
28 And Adam would have what was proper for someone of his age and standing in the world , a terraced cottage in North Finchley or maybe Crouch End , the first rung on the slow ladder of upward mobility .
29 I am often congratulated when I draw a map for someone of how to reach somewhere
30 For someone of this persuasion , who does not want to attribute everything to the workings of power , the problem obviously arises of why the sexes should have distinctive linguistic subcultures at all .
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