Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For 1991-92 the DTI 's grant to the regional development agencies increased by £0.5 million to a total of £4.5 million .
2 During 1934 the tensions within the Danzig NSDAP were most evident in the hostility between Gauleiter Forster and Senate President Hermann Rauschning .
3 During 1934 the advantage in rural Spain was allowed to swing violently back to landowners , landlords and employers , many of whom seized every opportunity to reverse by means of sackings , wage-cuts and evictions labour 's modest gains of the previous two-and-a-half years .
4 During 1934 the Music master , Mr. William Sidebotham , retired after 46 years ' service .
5 During 1934 the emphasis in Left politics began to shift from domestic to international affairs .
6 Here fish live that have developed a method of finding their way about that no other creature so far has emulated .
7 Have you have you got any er idea of how i it came about that a group was so organized ?
8 Wan na say a bit more about that a little later on .
9 And I 'll talk about that a bit more .
10 she must think about that a lot .
11 cub like that with a stick , I know a job about that a blind man coming , a blind man was walking down the pavement with a stick , so on the side of the pavement there 's this dog turd
12 Being technically aware of your body is very important and the more drama school does about that the better .
13 So how do you feel about that the fact that there are more coloured people
14 I 'm sorry about that the room , erm , okay the six pads that you 've got .
15 Did you get the feeling when you moved about that the members felt this that the the organizers of the union was a wee bit adrift ?
16 er the communists would n't be very happy about that the ownership of production is this is , this is the problem .
17 It also puts money into the Yorkshire and Humberside Development Association which is wholly involved and has been for the last two years in trying to get large scale erm strategic inward investment into the county , and erm it is a erm awkwardness I think that it 's best to be open about that the planning policy of the county is out of tune with the day factor activities of the economic development side of the of the county council .
18 One of the exciting things about the erm introduction of this into schools is that we might actually begin to get , from a very early age , erm children clear about that the need to communicate their intentions , and that that 's what actually that 's what mathematics and similar formal systems has always been about .
19 At either end of the state saloon , and entirely unconnected with it , are small compartments , for each a guard , who has the control of a powerful argand lamp which , on passing through the tunnels along the line , reflects a strong light through a ground glass of globular form inserted in the panelling .
20 Definition 2.6.1 A function ( also called map , mapping , or transformation ) from a non-empty set A to a non-empty set B is a non-empty subset f of A x B such that for each a ε A there exists exactly one b ε B for which ( a , b ) ) ε f .
21 That is , f = g iff A = C and af = ag for each a ε A ( = C ) .
22 To check that we have the correct total number of vibrational degrees of freedom , we count one for each a ( or b ) species vibration , and two for each e ( doubly degenerate ) vibration .
23 0 for each NO answer
24 For each the example pattern you compute er this input tuple vector .
25 Fell wants to simulate loss-of-coolant accident and then use about two-thirds the usual emergency cooling water to mimic what could occur at Sizewell .
26 The freeholder refused to put in writing any guarantee , such as that no comprehensive redevelopment of the site was planned .
27 Between 1909–55 the season-long championship was known as the AAA National Championship .
28 In London a survey has recently been carried out of Holborn and Westminster area firms and the High Court taxing officers have accepted for 1992/3 the broad average direct cost for carrying out litigation in an area will be £88 per hour .
29 For Labour the traditional family has always been a moral absolute and not at all a changing social relationship , statistics on single-parent families notwithstanding — not to mention ‘ pretended families ’ .
30 The Women 's Cooperative Guild played a decisive role in helping to secure for Labour the newly-enfranchised female vote .
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