Example sentences of "[noun sg] seen with " in BNC.

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1 Although more potent than salbutamol on human airways , salmeterol is a partial agonist achieving about 70% of the maximum effect seen with salbutamol .
2 When the change with salmeterol was above the highest or below the lowest change seen with salbutamol the highest or lowest salbutamol dose was used in the analysis as a censored value .
3 In theory the increased prostaglandin synthesis seen with Helicobacter pylori might explain such a reduction in minor mucosal injury .
4 Therefore , the central domain might provide the protein with the ability to form the tetrameric self-aggregate seen with native HeLa TFIIF ( 24 ) .
5 Paintings which describe the natural world are indeed easiest for the critic to describe , since any observer can compare an object seen with the same thing depicted .
6 The slowest time constant , measured by SDS sequestration , is similar to the slowest dissociation rate seen with DNase I footprinting .
7 Influenza B impaired performance of the simple reaction time task by about 20–40% , which is comparable to the 5–10% deterioration seen with alcohol consumption or work at night .
8 He wondered aloud why they had not heard from the officer who had gone to check on the man seen with MacQuillan at the Black Friar .
9 Police never traced a scruffy looking man seen with her the day before she died .
10 These data suggest that a cohort effect may contribute to the pattern of increasing prevalence of H pylori infection seen with increasing age .
11 Moreover , verbs that involve the same primitive automatically have the same case frame , eliminating the duplication of effort seen with the other approaches .
12 It says a lot for our common social perceptions that various observers can agree in their assessments of an individual seen with different people , in different places at different times , but only a detailed inventory , as Robert Cairns and James Green at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , have pointed out , can tell us how actual forms of behaviour are elicited , maintained and organised .
13 Tatum seen with new ‘ love match ’
14 An HIV enteropathy would probably worsen with disease progression , and our study shows that other intestinal infections are of uncertain relevance ; however , it is tempting to assume as synergistic effect of HIV with other infectious agents to explain the progressive gastrointestinal dysfunction seen with the advancement of the disease .
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