Example sentences of "[noun sg] here have " in BNC.

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1 Regeneration here has been impressive ; indeed , Sir Terence expects to build here again .
2 The main historical tension here has been between the institution ( typically the university ) and the professional body .
3 The appreciation here has been absolutely fantastic .
4 In many parts of the world there are big restrictions on the way we trade , but the industry here has not been preventing from growing and we have a good environment in which to do business .
5 Mr he had a lot to do with this and the Royal Artillery Club here had and er I thought it were a nice gesture .
6 MV The poet here has acquired a political status because of our peculiar history .
7 Those who have genuinely fled from persecution and who carry on normal , non-violent political activity and demonstration here have nothing to fear .
8 ‘ And hope my up-and-coming team-mate here has n't decided to annihilate me and grab all the glory for himself . ’
9 The kind of letter writing in question here has nothing at all to do with word processing .
10 And we , our little machine here has calculated it that that 's forty miles an hour .
11 In his usual cold manner , Falkenhayn summed up the March results as follows : ‘ owing to the peculiar conformation we could not use these successes to bring our artillery far enough forward , and consequently the preparatory work here had to be continued . ’
12 Well how do you feel I mean a lot of a lot if not all of your work here has been done face to face .
13 She said well I should imagine that 's what 's happened the paper work here has got muddled up with the other .
14 Southern Italy was under Norman domination and architecture here has much in common with Norman buildings in France and England , taking into account the different climatic conditions and needs of the area .
15 But Mrs. Jewkes , to assure you that my good girl here has no malice , she chooses you to be her attendant at the ceremony tomorrow .
16 An important influence here has been William Burroughs 's The Naked Lunch ( 1959 ) which abandons linear sequence in favour of smaller episodes often beginning with pastiches of other texts ( detective novels of the 1940s , film-scripts , etc. ) which are then broken down .
17 But he says it 's got this wee arrow here 's got to be in the middle of this dial , you know .
18 This bloke here has only just come about fifteen miles up the road .
19 A sine qua non of environmental traffic management here has been the reduction of through traffic by closing access from the Rhein Allee Within the treated area , the most radically changed streets have been repaved at a uniform level so that there is scarcely a distinction between pavement and carriageway ( Figure 6.40 ) .
20 You made a bit of a mess here have n't you ?
21 My attention here has been held far more by the enigma of syntactic structure , and how its development might mesh with the conceptual analyses of meaning and intentionality offered by philosophers of language .
22 Restoration here has not only led to the repair of townscape , it has also created jobs for skilled craftsmen ( conservation creates more employment per pound than new build ) , and led to much needed housing for homeless and disadvantaged people .
23 The community here has always been very supportive of what we do on the base .
24 All the team here has turned them into citizens of the world with dignity , honour and a great future .
25 You 've got a job here have n't you ?
26 The place here has n't always been so welcoming , believe me .
27 Residence here had always had a holiday atmosphere , since formality and etiquette were kept to a minimum and it was possible to relax .
28 ‘ Every room here has been booked since a year ago , and I was dearly hoping Donna would screw up the nerve to send her packing , but Mrs Foster happened by , and Matthew 's fiancée recognised her .
29 It may not work out that way , but the teacher here has , of course , had matching , ordering and sorting in mind .
30 We see this in : ( 59 ) the bicycles damaged all had red handlebars The article here has virtually no function except to commend the entity identified as one which the audience should be able to recognize , and recognition focuses on the property damaged .
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