Example sentences of "[noun sg] only [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 That ratification depends on Parliament only dissenting in legally ambiguous ways ?
2 There is an index to the schedules , but this has been criticized in connection with the inadequate size of its entry vocabulary , the number of entries in the index only exceeding those subjects listed in the schedules by about 25 per cent .
3 Although Moss won four rounds , he lost out to fellow Briton Mike Hawthorn only winning one championship race .
4 The local residents were of course only exercising their rights under the 1870 Education Act , which allowed the establishment of School Boards .
5 ( In this way they were of course only following the examples set down in the 1820s and '30s by British visitors to America such as Captain Basil Hall or Mrs Frances Trollope. ) ln 1850 the Teetotal Times recorded an ‘ atrocious outrage ’ .
6 The entrepreneurial characteristics of agency workers , and the regional/occupational labour market conditions which encourage agency working as an institution , can be likened to the entrepreneurial characteristics of self-employed , or labour only , subcontracting , building workers , and the regional/occupational labour market conditions which encouraged the growth of labour only subcontracting in the building industry in the late 1950s and early 1960s ( see Phelps Brown , 1968 ) .
7 State-owned British Leyland , for example , had ( barely ) managed to get by with each employee only making six cars in 1979 .
8 Neck and spoke they raced for mile after mile , the horse only drawing breath to ensure Ian was there to open the gates along the way , and to use Ian as a guide when Sally got lost in the maze of the Clubhouse car park !
9 The costs payable by a client to a solicitor in a civil matter will depend upon whether or not the matter is classified as ‘ contentious , ’ that term only applying where an action has begun .
10 Again , the liability depends upon the money or property in question being received in the ordinary course of the receiving partner 's activities within the firm and not upon any authority vested in himsee Willett v Chambers ( 1778 ) Cowp 814 ( misapplication of moneys received from a client for investment on mortgage , the client being billed in the name of the firm ) , Rhodes v Moules [ 1895 ] 1 Ch 236 ( partner absconding with bearer share warrants proffered by client as collateral security for a mortgage loan , where the firm was in the habit of receiving such securities from its clients ) and Blair v Bromley ( 1847 ) 12 Ph 354 ( misapplication of money by a partner who paid interest on it to the client , the fraud only coming to light on the partner 's bankruptcy .
11 Because Boo is locked away , it makes his character very mysterious and at first it 's hard to know if the rumours spread around about Boo only coming out at night to hunt for his dinner , eating squirrels and peering in through people 's windows are true , but gradually as we read more into the book , we are given clues to suggest that he is not the monster , people make him out to be .
12 He had said ‘ we ’ , which heartened McAllister enormously but also meant that she must try to justify his confidence , and not let him down ; he must not think her a fine lady only playing at life — she meant to do her share , and yet try not to hinder him .
13 A four-year investor is looking for a 25 per cent return here , against a Japanese counterpart only asking for 7 per cent over 14 years .
14 He found himself involved in an argument about silver wrapping-paper only serving to accentuate the paltriness of a gift .
15 As a way of dealing with a crisis this seemed repugnant — a bit like a child only turning to his parents when he or she wants something .
16 With the group only breaking even , having lucrative colour advertising is crucial .
17 We got a free bus pass and we , we used our money to , which I 'm glad we did with my husband only having a few years .
18 A little after the end of the war when people were beginning to relax and reminisce about blackouts and air-raids , yesterday 's terror and agony only adding a little zest to the stones .
19 Sam and Doone were already in the boatyard by the time I 'd found my way there , neither of them radiating joy , Sam 's multicoloured jacket only emphasising the personality clash with grey plain clothes .
20 If one thought of the head only going forward , and not upward , it would invariably drop downwards , causing an increase of muscular tension in the neck area .
21 What if you 're a single person only getting thirty nine something ?
22 Harold operated purely bilaterally , ringing up some Ministers on some things and others on others ( 'And only ringing us up when he wants something ’ , interjected Wedgie ) .
23 The department is slack at present with its five-strong workforce only working at 50% capacity .
24 It is no use only treating areas where holes are seen — treat all surfaces .
25 Initially , the systems will be targeted at VAX customers that require the VMS operating system , with OSF/1 Unix only becoming available early next year .
26 But you ca n't spend your life only mixing with people who flatter your ego .
27 Doubtless there is a batteur in the wings or for the chorus , the orchestra only needing a maître de musique , or let us say a conducteur ; a batteur de mesure being not the ‘ most essential artist at the Opera ’ but the most intolerable …
28 The surface was badly pockmarked and the car bumped and bounced over the uneven thoroughfare , its journey only becoming smoother as they reached the main road that would lead them into Chichester itself .
29 A great many anthropogenic wastes — pollution by any other name — could be rehabilitated by being treated as a positive resource only awaiting an inventive ecological design .
30 It is possible , though not mandatory , to record this version for user information only using the LAST-CHECKED-ISSUE keyword .
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