Example sentences of "[noun sg] than [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The comparisons in the Allegro giocoso finale are also fascinating , when Thea King at a slightly slower speed than either Johnson or Collins finds a more relaxed manner for the haunting main theme with its trotting rhythms .
2 The instrument of resurrection was to be the turnpike. this custom prevailing , 't is more than probable , that our posterity may see the roads all over England restored in their time to such a perfection , that travelling and carriage of goods will be much more easy both to man and horse than ever it was since the Romans lost this island .
3 The R.A. 's exhibition is more about the survival of a civilisation than just about art
4 And a packet of cigarettes costs £1 less on the Continent than here .
5 I asked him whether I was right in supposing that over the years British music had been influenced much more by the Continent than vice-versa .
6 I was more of an outsider than ever , but something in me must still have wanted to belong to the family because I was still making deliberate attempts to communicate with the other members .
7 Lorentz 's view was that the movies since their inception had offered cheap and comfortable relief ; time had to be killed somehow and one could ‘ be bored with more comfort at a movie than anywhere else ’ .
8 Mothers who had finished full time education before age 17 were more likely to have their membranes artificially ruptured before labour than more educated women ( 120/972 ( 12% ) v 33/422 ( 8% ) , p<0.05 ) .
9 Unfortunately some of this work was done without a proper appreciation of the fact that the presence of tree growth , and the shade it gave , prevented or at least discouraged the growth of water weeds , the existence of which could form an even greater obstruction than much of the tree growth .
10 As a result of social investigation there was greater recognition than before of the causes of unemployment , in particular of the distinction between the chronic underemployment of the casual poor of big cities and the recurrent temporary unemployment of large numbers of superior workers in periods of depression .
11 They also argue that far from there being a decline of religious fervour in fifteenth and sixteenth century Europe , there was more interest and deeper involvement in religion than ever before .
12 they are capable of much more sophisticated thinking than previously ( which means the likelihood of involved debates and arguments ) ;
13 ‘ There is more to fishing than just to fish ’ and how right he was .
14 For all that , it is wise to know a little more about search than just that method , so here are a few relatively elaborate algorithms which are also sometimes useful .
15 The chief minister , 70-year-old Krishnan Nayanar , claims that because people are literate , Kerala has less crime and alcoholism than elsewhere in India .
16 But it was n't to be and as a result we now have fewer engineers and probably fewer skilled people in industry than ever before : crumbly foundations to build upon if it is going to be built along the old traditional lines .
17 Frivolity is a better marketing strategy for the bottled-water industry than actually telling consumers about its products .
18 He began to step from one foot to the other , more like a boxer than ever .
19 Bacon and bread can be eaten more easily as a sandwich than as separate items .
20 He was younger at entry than either his predecessor ( Bonar Law ) or his successor ( Neville Chamberlain ) as leader of the Conservative Party , but older , and in most cases significantly so , than any other Prime Minister , of any party , of the past two hundred years .
21 Individual works may be studied more carefully for a catalogue entry than ever before .
22 Our success in attracting more investment from the United States than has been attracted by all the countries of western Europe put together is proof that we have created a more attractive climate for investment than anywhere else in Europe .
23 ‘ In a year which has seen more investment than ever in drama on S4C , it is wonderful not only to have audience acclaim in Wales but critical acclaim of professional peers in the RTS. ’ he said .
24 Be that as it may , these books are certainly easier to find in fine condition than almost any other kind , even after fifty or sixty years .
25 A compromise might be agreed with whaling nations who dissent from voting for moratoria by allowing them a more restricted quota than originally proposed .
26 The prevalence of the disease in the gay community may also be related to the upsurge of interest and propaganda about homosexuality , while its first appearance in the US correlates with the American investment in paramedical research , ensuring that these ideas are at a higher concentration than elsewhere .
27 ONE of Cleveland biggest annual fundraising events is challenging local businesses to make a bigger splash than ever this year .
28 He quickly noticed that , although he had been convinced that he was putting his head forward , he was in fact pulling his head back with even more tension than before .
29 Heath , ‘ the grocer ’ , showed the Tories in a truer light than Home had done , as an increasingly ‘ middle class ’ ( as opposed to aristocratic ) party .
30 And as the disease progressed , all the anxieties became more difficult to ignore — necessarily , because I was growing older and , in my regressive , pre-pubertal state , more of an anomaly than ever among my peers .
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