Example sentences of "[noun sg] but for " in BNC.

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1 His parents had neglected this aspect of his upbringing , having largely abandoned their religion but for a few outer forms before he was born .
2 Before leaving London I saw the sights , from the Tower to Trafalgar Square and I also had a wander through Soho which I remember not so much for its more dubious side but for all the stalls of fruit and vegetables , every type , colour and description .
3 The Co-op has a three-level charge on its Robert Owen card but for monthly spending above £300 or repaying by direct debit , the APR is 22.42 .
4 And we offered a mini-prize , of £250 ( plus two £ 100 prizes for the runners-up ) , not for carrying out such an experiment but for providing an idea for a critical experiment .
5 ‘ Younger men find it easier to learn the language of self-expression and emotion but for some older men it is a jump that is simply not possible .
6 Younger men find it easier to learn the language of self-expression and emotion but for some older men it is a jump that is simply not possible
7 Sand dunes are often the highest elevation not just on the coast but for miles inland .
8 It is not worth a mention but for the fact its distribution and promotion is funded by our own dear British Film Institute .
9 The 76-year-old Euro-MP , who currently lives in West Germany , said he would of course not rule out a run some time in the future but for the moment he feels he can do more to promote his country in the European parliament .
10 Unlike the mystic , the prophetic visionary believes that he undergoes this fearful experience for the sake of mankind : God does not send these revelations for their own edification but for the sake of their people .
11 At one end is an opening called the anus , though the term is not completely appropriate for the animal uses it not only for excretion but for breathing as well , sucking water gently in and out over tubules just inside the body .
12 That the triumphing of the wicked is short , and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment ? …
13 Harry would have felt inclined to dismiss it as the invention of a hysterical mind but for the fact that Mrs Diamond 's mind was clearly anything but hysterical .
14 For His Royal Highness , it was yet another official engagement but for those getting a close-up look at the behind-the-scenes activity , the precise nature of the planning was both effective and impressive .
15 But I mean basically , that means that for the , tomorrow morning 's breakfast programme , I want a package including lots of different views , but for drive time which is five till six in the evening , I just want a straightforward , two minute head-to-head , one-to-one interview but for lunchtime which is C A T O , which is Cambridgeshire at One , which is our lunchtime programme , I 'd like you to put all the views into a script of about forty seconds , and do n't forget , for the two o'clock bulletin , which is a very short one , I 'd just like three sentences of copy which sums up the story .
16 At the same meeting at which the Vial memorandum was read , on 6 September 1791 , a letter to the secretary from Messrs Kirkman and Hendy ( who were present ) was produced : ‘ Sir , In consequence of your Advertisement we beg leave to inform you , that we have contracted with Lord Camden for about 100 acres of building land , near [ Old ] St Pancras Church , abutting on the Turnpike Road leading to Kentish Town , which is intended to be called Camden Town conceiving the situation eligible for your truly valuable Institution we request you will lay this our proposal before the Society — We hold this Land under his Lordship for 99 years from Michaelmas last , the three first subject to no Ground Rent , our proposal is , that Lord Camden does and he will under our direction grant the Society a lease for 99 years from that time , the three first subject to no rent but for the remainder of the term an Annual Rent of thirty pounds per acre , should this proposal meet with approbation , the Society have only to direct their Surveyor to make out any quantity of land and in what position they conceive will best answer their purpose ’ .
17 What is my authority 's policy on improving language training — not simply for those at school or college but for executives and senior officers within the authority ?
18 Tolkien 's romance is not a book for the trained critic but for the enthusiastic semi-amateur with an avidity for self-improvement ; and in intention , at least , it is essentially sexless .
19 Whatever the causes of construction delays , they were to remain a persistent and seemingly insoluble problem , not only for the electricity supply industry but for a wide range of other British industries embarking on such large capital projects for decades thereafter .
20 Once again the Macintosh has the upper hand with its graphics capability but for much of this market WYSIWYG is irrelevant , the trained operator ‘ knows ’ what 's going to happen to the text when it is run out on the page printer or phototypesetter .
21 Below , a tightly-packed steel chamber , dark but for a few naked bulbs , was filled with squat metal ten-gallon drums .
22 I pretend I am at my father 's in the spring of my eighth year , staying awake late together , the two of us , miles past bedtime , eating cold takeout spaghetti from the local Italian deli , watching My Man Godfrey on hastily edited late night television , the tiny room dark but for the flicker of a tatty late night screen , our tired eyes bleary but soft , placid , from feeding .
23 Theda 's gaze ran over the shadowed building , dark but for a faint glimmer behind one or two of the myriad windows , dismay flooding her breast .
24 As the title of the Department implies , the University recognizes the fact that university education is not merely for the undergraduate but for all who retain an interest in learning , whether at a highly academic or purely recreational level .
25 Once the system of fixed exchange rates had been abandoned there was no alternative but for currencies to float .
26 But if the Prime Minister does not get a grip soon , even those who have staunchly backed him up to now will conclude that there is no alternative but for him to go .
27 The money is not for top-heavy administration but for research .
28 For an ordinary Joe , two years spent in the open prison at Parkhurst was no big deal but for Henry , to be starved of decent food , a regular intake of recreational drugs and all but the most basic of sexual activity was deprivation on a grand scale .
29 Goals espoused by WHO/HFA may have numbed our consciousness but for many health workers in the Philippines , despite the change in government , a health initiative becomes the front line in a struggle some do not survive .
30 Plaintiffs may sue for libel even though they have suffered no financial loss but for slander ( with certain exceptions ) they must be able to prove actual damage and not mere injury to feelings .
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