Example sentences of "[noun sg] 's [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This may help to increase the bladder 's capacity .
2 This will help them to become sensitive to the bladder 's warning signals .
3 They are a cold , northern intellectual 's idea of Venice . ’
4 ‘ Too English for me , ’ she will sometimes add , in her impeccably English middle-class intellectual 's voice .
5 Law could become once more an intellectual 's chess-game .
6 Before proceeding any further , it is important to be clear about the falsificationist 's usage of the term ‘ falsifiable ’ .
7 However , exclusive attention to falsifying instances amounts to a misrepresentation of the more sophisticated falsificationist 's position .
8 Theorists operating in this way are guilty of the fortune-teller 's evasion and are subject to the falsificationist 's criticism .
9 The closely associated demands for precision and clarity of expression both follow naturally from the falsificationist 's account of science .
10 Isobel Wilson is one of thousands of people in Milton Keynes taking part in the borough 's recycling scheme .
11 However , the practices and procedures which the team has adopted seem to have been shaped more directly by a -latent agenda of issues : a preference amongst the team 's management for a " hands on service ; the maintenance , until recently , of a strong health authority orientation to the team ( a hospital base , the dominance of the psychiatrist 's authority , the hospital itself as a central feature of the Borough 's service pattern ) ; a separatism which has been maintained between the social workers and the CMHNs over the team 's access to health and social service resources , so that social workers may refer clients for social service resources , and nurses for health authority resources , but not vice versa ; These features have tended to rule out for the team any sustained attention to the developmental role — a role which is certainly a part of its official brief , but which is clearly not a priority in terms of its current practice .
12 Little enough of the borough 's wealth appears to have filtered down to the townsfolk .
13 Council leader Michael Carr said the authority had no faith in the fairness of the appeals procedure and that further delays would increase the burden on the borough 's poll tax payers .
14 The court decided that the leaflet was not sufficiently misleading to justify finding in the Borough 's favour ; but implicit in the court 's decision is a further decision that the court had jurisdiction to decide the issue of legality — in other words , that the decision to distribute the leaflet was amenable to judicial review .
15 It was considered that Scorton with its playing field contributes to Wyre Borough 's tourism policy and therefore perhaps the tourism budget should contribute towards the local facilities .
16 Talks are well advanced with a mystery company prepared to enter into a partnership , Clwyd 's planning director Phillip Eyton-Jones has told Rhuddlan borough 's tourism and amenities committee .
17 A quarter of a million empty bottles added £616 to Langbaurgh Council 's Mayor 's charity fund yesterday the return on almost 125 tons of glass left in the borough 's bottle banks .
18 Sefton warden Sue MacDonald with Pepsy and Tanya two dogs neutered in the borough 's campaign against unwanted pups Picture : RICHARD WILLIAMS
19 The scheme 's been so successful since it 's launch in 1990 that about 60 percent of the Borough 's household waste is now recycled .
20 Coun Tony Chilton told the Borough 's development and environment committee yesterday : ‘ The benefits which are going to the towns seem very unfair , very biased .
21 The borough 's director of housing and property , John Arthur Jones , said the talks centred on the needs of each side , as well as a programme for the renovation of the hall .
22 John Marsden , the borough 's director of education , said : ‘ Intruder alarm installations are installed in 142 education premises and are connected by means of a digital communicator to Sefton Security Force HQ in Bootle .
23 Under the borough 's jurisdiction , electricity was readily made available and residents were encouraged to have their home wired at very low cost , if necessary payable on weekly hire terms .
24 Middlesbrough Council housing chairman Bob Brady welcomed its £12m allocation but warned there were no ‘ overnight solutions ’ to the borough 's housing problems .
25 The borough plans to house its archives in this ‘ lilla huset ’ ( Swedish for ‘ little house ’ ) , together with an urban study centre for local schools and a business studies centre for the borough 's training programme .
26 Figures produced by the borough 's finance director , Jack Clark , show that more than £5.7m in council tax had been paid by the end of May , 20.4pc of the total .
27 But the borough 's finance director Jack Clark disagrees .
28 Figures produced by the borough 's finance director , Jack Clark , show that more than £5.7m council tax had been paid by the end of May 20.4% of the total .
29 But the borough 's finance director Jack Clark , disagrees .
30 Last week 's meeting of the borough 's policy and finance committee was all but devoid of dissenting voices , a mood summed up by one Labour councillor afterwards : ‘ What 's the point of arguing ?
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