Example sentences of "[noun sg] to such " in BNC.

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1 The Reich bought from members and supported the association to such an extent that in 1942 they celebrated their 75th anniversary with a big exhibition of German women artists !
2 While this was a huge boost to such manufacturers as Acorn and Research Machines , it meant that British schools still found themselves committed to relatively basic , 8-bit technology at a time when the rest of Europe was establishing a base of more powerful 16-bit MS-DOS technology .
3 My hon. Friend knows as well as I do that no Government have brought the police force to such a level as this Conservative Government have done .
4 Their loss to such schools is considerable .
5 Christians are ‘ believers ’ , but the appropriate Christian reply to such questions would not be ‘ I believe so ’ but ‘ Yes ! ’
6 The author seemed somewhat stumped for a reply to such an unusual question and stared into the camera , as if in search of inspiration .
7 He waved to the bartender , knowing that he could n't expect her to make any coherent reply to such compliments .
8 De Tocqueville 's notes reveal not only the conscious opposition to such a mode of religious power but also how deep the solidarity between clergy and people was , the degree to which the poor , half the catholic population at the time , looked to the clergy for material and spiritual leadership , guidance , and assistance , and how much they trusted them .
9 The gypsies say they need a site for up to 40 caravans but there is continuing opposition to such a plan .
10 The member states have , however , come out in almost unanimous opposition to such a change , arguing , in a paper prepared for today 's meeting by national treasury officials , that it is too cumbersome and bureaucratic ( although an unwillingness to cede fiscal control to Brussels is probably more relevant ) .
11 That there will be fierce opposition to such changes is fairly certain , and there will be vociferant arguments against them , and whilst these must be listened to , they must be allowed to have influence only if they can help in the process of bringing into being the new philosophy or religion .
12 Mr Hughes summarily dealt with opposition to such proposals : ‘ It is often necessary to counter negative images with positive images .
13 In opposition to such worrying and cavalier approaches to the subject of pornography , a new group was launched towards the end of 1989 .
14 A united partnership of opposition to such developments is something that the MEG warmly welcomes ’ , Mr Hopkins told a local paper .
15 Now I think , er and I 'm sure that Mrs will , I 've I 've got other information as well , that we could , I , I , I 'd like to recommend that we had an on going petition which could be in Welfare Rights , the Town Hall , The Libraries , but there 's no , I do n't think there 's an opposition to such a thing , whereby we ask for a P D S A clinic in Harlow , I 'm sure there 's room round where they were sit , sited before , and I do n't know , you know , I 'd like to know what Mrs 's thinks , also I 've got information er , a , following lots of phone calls erm there is an organisation called The Blue Cross , they have a clinic in Victoria and they 're , they have a head office in Oxford and they will help if they know the name of the vet and have the invoice and I 'm afraid it 's tested , but they will help pensioner 's and other low paid people to meet there bill 's , so that 's another outcome , while were doing the petition .
16 First , the Conservatives who were in favour of family allowances mostly advocated contributory or employer-financed schemes , and the grounds for the Labour movement 's opposition to such schemes , which they had voiced in the 1920s , were still valid .
17 In the absence of other acceptable proposals or of the will on the part of government to override opposition to such proposals as existed , shortage of revenue remained an obstacle to central government action and was acutely worsened by the high cost of the Boer War which opened in 1899 .
18 However , he then backed down in the face of sustained UDF opposition to such a move ( the ruling Parti socialiste requiring UDF support if such a rejection were to go through ) .
19 Strong opposition to such Assemblies was silenced by a very modern excuse — they were doing it for Charity .
20 In 1850 , however , the Gawthorpe villagers boasted of their fine maypole and its weathercock to such an extent that the men of neighbouring Chickenley determined to saw it down .
21 At the risk of stating the obvious , we could describe the situation presented in the Renaissance love-sonnet as one in which the poet adores , often from afar , a woman who either surpasses the worth of the poet to such a degree that union with her is inconceivable , or else rejects his advances with scorn and cruelty .
22 That means that Woolwich were asserting a legal right to recover the payments in the event of the relevant Regulations being held to be ultra vires , and stating that the payments were made without prejudice to such right .
23 The tail wriggles and writhes in its mouth , or in its claws , and its liveliness preoccupies the would-be killer to such an extent that it hardly notices the rapidly escaping form of the rest of the lizard .
24 Since it would be absurd to regard the organisation as a stranger to such a treaty , this third party relationship must be regarded as an exceptional one .
25 I am a stranger to such matters .
26 Not that Hoskins is a stranger to such surroundings .
27 It 's the first time a leading drinks company has lent its weight to such a campaign .
28 We shall confine our discussion in this chapter to such ‘ officials ’ as HM Inspectorate , leaving the observation by ‘ consultants ’ , more common in the USA , to Chapter 6 which considers combined strategies of evaluation .
29 His Lordship could not accept that a sensible construction of paragraph 19 involved that , provided only the commercial deputising service was large and efficient enough , the FPC was in practice obliged to give its consent even though it knew that the doctor in question intended to delegate his entire practice to such an organisation .
30 The proposition that fax was invented by a Scot in the middle of the 19th century sounds rather as if it might come from the repertoire of E. L. Wisty , a companion piece to such wisdoms as " Did you know that Leonardo da Vinci invented the compact disc ? "
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