Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 They were the 70.2% of a stratified random sample of women in this age group who accepted an invitation to have ultrasonography of the gall bladder and to answer questions about bowel function , etc .
2 Continence is the ability to control the contents of the bladder and to pass urine only when you want to .
3 Second , because governments and ministers still retain political objectives and motivations , they will attempt to guard jealously information within their purview and to use it in such ways as to influence and direct public opinion .
4 Wycliffe tried to concentrate on the Wheel and to ignore the veritable forest of giant rock pinnacles with which they were surrounded .
5 On 10 November 1921 , a new agreement was drawn up between the Company and Croydon Corporation for maintenance of track within the Borough and to permit the construction of a curve at the top of Tamworth Road , only to be used for the transfer of cars .
6 This research project is concerned to determine the level of participation of young people in formal and informal , statutory and voluntary youth provision by age , sex , and religion and to investigate how young people see that service ; and to examine the alternatives open to them .
7 In other words , all religion and morality are the product of the class struggle and communism does indeed intend to abolish eternal truths , to abolish all religion and to abolish all morality .
8 They did , however , want to experience this new approach in isolation and to transfer the lessons .
9 In countries like Egypt , instructions to workers to stay out of fields after spraying and to wear protective clothing are widely ignored , she said .
10 Another consequence was that the TUC was forced to push through its reorganization and to form the General Council , an alternative to its Parliamentary Committee , as its executive body .
11 This will pay to study feasibility and to inform people who live close to the proposed MRS facilities .
12 For the profession at large the most important thing is to be guided by the professional association and to act professionally and challenge attempts at censorship from whatever direction .
13 The Branch Clubs have continued to receive the support of the Committee of Registered Clubs Association and to benefit from the work of the All Party Parliamentary Committee for Non-Profit Making Members Clubs .
14 But its effect was to cast serious doubt on the policy of association and to hasten negotiations with the GPRA with a view to total independence .
15 The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to set out the standards of professional conduct expected of members of the Association and to indicate what matters may be regarded by the Disciplinary Committee as being contrary to the aims , objects and interests of the Association or contrary to the profession of librarianship .
16 Sequencing is at its most important in the interview situation where the respondent can not ‘ look ahead ’ ; but , whatever the method of data collection , it is sound policy for questionnaire designers to give some thought to this aspect both to clarify their own thinking and to simplify the respondent 's task .
17 A joyful Lou called Melissa to thank her for her kindness and to say that Rick was now reconciled with his parents .
18 If successful , it would be their intention to maintain Ferranti 's position as a leading UK defence contractor and to share operational responsibility for Ferranti 's businesses with overall management vested in British Aerospace .
19 Among tabloid readers there was also a strong awareness of their paper 's sensationalism , tendency to invade private grief and to print too many silly or trivial stories .
20 Despite these real successes , however , my sense is that now is a time to take stock and to reflect on the theoretical , pedagogic and political foundations of multiculturalism and antiracism .
21 Well perhaps this is a good time just to take stock and to say I know that I 'm not all that I should be and all that I ought to be , but by this time next year I 'm going to be a bit better than I am just now , in spiritual terms .
22 At a time of crisis when teenagers and their parents ( or brothers and sisters ) are at loggerheads , angry and resentful , contracts provide an opportunity for the family to take stock and to break through vicious circles of retribution and unreason .
23 The bicentenary year is an opportunity and a challenge , as well as a danger : an opportunity to take stock and to hear and see Mozart at his best , a challenge to clear away the sentimental cobwebs and let Mozart speak , but a danger that the world will be engulfed in mass-marketed whimsy .
24 Yet being able to step off the treadmill and stop judging yourself for a while is the only way to begin to take stock and to start to unwind from the stress spiral .
25 This project aims to establish the chronology and to explain the decline of linen in the context of the experience of other natural fibre industries between 1914 and 1960 .
26 If the doctor suspects that the medicine has caused an affect like that , he 's asked to fill in a card and to send it in .
27 The best way to further enhance it is for every citizen to carry a donor card and to ensure that their families are aware of their view that their organs should be available for transplantation after their death .
28 He was believed to sleep a good deal and to groan occasionally .
29 There they would force Khomeini to negotiate a deal and to broadcast it to the people .
30 Can not you trust me to ensure a square deal and to ensure even justice between man and man ?
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