Example sentences of "[noun sg] begin [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 On the spire of a disused church , the metal clamps that hold a weathercock begin to strain and weaken .
2 She lay in a huge , curtained bed and felt the ice around her heart begin to melt , her mind begin to function again .
3 This is the point at which I as a mathematical physicist begin to splutter and go red in the face .
4 With the emergence of Pop , bells of recognition begin to go off , but otherwise it can be difficult going .
5 The billhook had sliced into his naked thigh and , turning , she saw the great curve of red blood begin to bubble in the air , saw him slowly sink like a wounded animal , his hands plucking the air .
6 She listened , still half drugged from sleep , straining her ears intently , a touch of uneasiness making her blood begin to pound like a deep sea-swell in her veins .
7 Nora felt the blood begin to race .
8 Once you feel comfortable in a particular pair it can be a wrenching , if not expensive , experience to give them up when the inevitable signs of wear begin to show .
9 As Greg broke into a sprint , he saw almost simultaneously — water beginning to play on the upstairs windows , a sudden spurt of flame , and a part of the roof begin to sag ominously .
10 She may understand that this habit is one that develops in many otherwise unselfish old people when their powers of concentration begin to weaken slightly , just as a child tosses an unwanted toy out of its pram , and that no hurt is intended .
11 She had even felt her mouth begin to twist itself into a grin … .
12 Only when this phantasy is well on the way to realization as a practical mode of government does the citizen begin to notice that the state 's omnipresence means the total bureaucratization and control of life , that its omniscience dictates the need for total state surveillance , and that its omnipotence can only come about as a consequence of the total impotence of its subjects .
13 ‘ What … ’ she began as , fully awake by then , she felt fingers of fear begin to nip .
14 Sales in excess of this figure begin to produce a profit .
15 She shut the door behind her , and , in the solitude of the bedroom , felt some of the tension begin to leave her .
16 In the discovery that you were not mistaken , that you do fancy each other , the levels of tension begin to die back .
17 There were a few complaints of poverty , but no signs of serious opposition ; and the revenue began to flow in , reaching about £60,000 .
18 With the slowing down of inflation in the mid-late 1970s , the ratio of direct to indirect taxes in total revenue began to fall .
19 Later minuets drew the shape of an ‘ S ’ as the footwork began to flow more easily .
20 Thus the doctrine of the mandate began to emerge .
21 Dust from the tailings pond began to blow over the countryside again in 1985 , starting on 10 February , a Sunday .
22 The artillery began to arrive the following day , large and small , but none , so far as the Scots could see , more powerful than their own .
23 Lissa watched , her mind beginning to tick over , like a little bomb , set to explode .
24 ‘ Ah , so that 's the way the wind blows , is it ? ’ said Henry , his mind beginning to stray .
25 In fact , ’ said Owen , his mind beginning to stray on to a quite different tack , ‘ you 're altogether extraordinary — ’
26 Shortly after that we rounded a bend and there was sheet ice on the bend , and I felt the car beginning to slip away from me .
27 Suddenly he felt the car beginning to skid and in his panic trod on the brakes .
28 Now the audience 's concentration began to guide him : his inflections were simple , his rhythms true : this in turn increased the audience 's interest and so the two-way current began to flow .
29 The samples go back over 30 000 years , and they show that after being constant for most of that time the methane concentration began to increase in 1580 ( Geophysical Research Letters , vol 9. p 1221 ) At the end of the 16th century , the methane concentration began increasing at a rate of 0.114 ppmv per century ( parts per million by volume ) and around 1915 the rate accelerated to the present figure of 2.5 ppmv per century — if the data can be taken at face value .
30 The talk began to waft over me , Halema 's guttural Arabic being too quick and too difficult for me to catch .
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