Example sentences of "[noun sg] leave him " in BNC.

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1 One set was all they needed from the match but coach Tommy Dowens admitted the defeat left him a little flat in spite of the fact his team clinched the title .
2 The sight of a wounded soldier left him raw and angry .
3 Orton 's torture left him permanently ill .
4 CD 's experiences as a reporter of Parliamentary debates for The Morning Chronicle left him with a profound contempt for the quality of the majority of MPs ( early reflected in such satirical sketches as Cornelius Dingwall in SB 47 , and Mr Gregsbury in NN 16 ) , and for the standard of debate and general conduct in the House of Commons ; in AN 8 , for example , he observes that ‘ farm-yard imitations ’ have not as yet been imported into the American Congress from the UK Parliament , and he satirizes Parliamentary oratory and manœuvres in LD i 34 .
5 But a stroke left him paralysed , and after a spell in hospital he moved in with his daughter and son-in-law .
6 I worked with a man whose severe stroke left him only able to say ‘ Yes , yes , yes ’ .
7 In 1919 , a stroke left him paralysed down the left side , confused , unable to read or dictate , and staring vacantly into space .
8 Bernard could not fail to have been impressed by such spontaneous enthusiasm ; equally , Peter felt Bernard was ‘ obviously a man of excitement heading a most intriguing company , I could see that he needed someone to deal with the administration leaving him free to run his company . ’
9 An inquest in Liverpool heard that unemployed printer Philip Banks , 31 , moved back in with his aunt , Hilda Barrett , after his girlfriend left him and returned to her husband .
10 The barge carrying the body springs a leak , his ceremonial uniform is soaked as he frantically bales , he worries about the expensive watch which he has inadvertently left on the coffin , the ceremony leaves him with a bad cold which he tries , not altogether successfully , to hide when he is presented to the King .
11 He had been angered by her obvious , if unspoken , suspicion that he had persuaded the old lady to leave him the half share of the house .
12 To reach Ariel and her mother , he had to cross the stream ; he did so , night after night , using stepping stones over unearthly flashes of phosphorescence in the water , and stepping up on to the further bank , still unwilling , still keeping his mind on Rebecca and the love he had sworn to her , until once more he found himself at the entrance of Ariel 's cabin , once more gave orders to the guard to leave him , and entered to speak to her , disturbing her rest , though she had come to expect his call ; then after their unsatisfactory exchanges , he would lift the fronds at the entrance and leave again , only to succumb once more , and toss himself off in rage and helplessness , before he skulked back to Belmont .
13 At the touch of these words , Miles felt calmness leave him .
14 Miraculously , the fall left him whole , with no injury internal or external , but ‘ it had shaken the beauty out of his movements .
15 TV STAR Leslie Crowther went home for Christmas dinner yesterday two months after a road crash left him in a coma .
16 Mr Hale told the court his ordeal left him ‘ ratty , unbearable and not caring about anybody ’ .
17 But the man at the front had n't been told this of course , naturally enough and he could n't see that so suddenly with a jolt the wardrobe left him , two steps ' worth instead of one at a time .
18 As we noted earlier , one of the reasons why Franco ultimately revised his former anti-western attitudes was that the crisis of economic autarchy left him little choice .
19 His observation of the way in which after 1942 Churchill took on the role of Roosevelt 's faithful second left him with long-lasting suspicions of Britain 's priorities .
20 This act left him with an interest in the company that was for most practical purposes worthless since the previous practice among the three member-directors had been to take the money out of the firm in the form of directors ' fees rather than shareholders ' dividends .
21 She went out his wife , shopping left him tinkering with this scooter came back , could n't get in then she did get in and he was dead on the floor !
22 In the end , however , the Ukrainian decision to vote for full independence left him with little alternative but to withdraw from the USSR and in effect bring about its demise ( see pp. 179–85 ) .
23 The tough-guy actor — filming smash hit movie Patriot Games which is released in Britain to-morrow — had to be rescued by emergency crews after a tough underwater fight scene left him exhausted and close to drowning .
24 Sudden changes of mood left him rattling sarcasms like a snake , and he fell easily into disputes with others , including the Moynihans and Muriel Belcher .
25 As the Devil ( feeling the final breath of his adversary leaving him ) lurched forward to seize his prize , and as the demons howled their triumph like a frenzied pack of wolves falling upon their slaughtered prey , Jesus appeared to them in terrifying power .
26 Joan 's unconscious encouragement of Bob 's selfishness may lead him to more extreme behaviour ( in psychoanalytic terms , her projection leaves him carrying a ‘ double dose ’ ) .
27 BIRD 'S EYE VIEW : Dickie Bird 's 47th Test leaves him one short of the record
28 There 's no point leaving him with half a harem , and there 's no way of telling who 's important and who 's not . ’
29 Rain left him supporting himself against a table as she fetched her shoulder bag .
30 His vigour left him in September 1422 .
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