Example sentences of "[noun sg] leave [art] " in BNC.

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1 Well , it would be between the County Council and the College , I mean I , I ca n't envisage the situation that we would actually serve notice on the , on the College to leave the site and therefore trigger that part of the agreement .
2 The justices found that there had been a breach of the peace before the police arrived , because the mother-in-law of the person who had asked the defendant to leave the swings had been ‘ alarmed ’ by the defendant 's conduct .
3 On Dec. 6 , with the US Marine force offshore awaiting orders to land , a 100-truck aid convoy with armed guards was reported to have transported the first food aid to leave the port for over a month .
4 Walking despondently upstairs , and into Mrs McMahon 's bedroom to leave the outfit , she came to a shocked halt .
5 Mike 's voice , commanding , imperative , had him reluctantly obeying its uncompromising call as he ran lightly back to sit in the car in readiness to leave the pits and take his place on the grid .
6 As Coleman discovered later , it was not uncommon for the Justice Department to leave a case dangling over the head of a former government employee whom it wished to intimidate .
7 Silva , who reportedly resented the increasing centralization of government economic decision-making in the hands of Economy Minister Zélia Cardoso de Mello , was the most important figure to leave the Collor government to date , his ministry the most powerful ( in budgetary terms ) after that of the economy .
8 Jean Ping , Minister of Mines , Petroleum , Energy and Water Resources , who had failed to win a seat in elections in September 1990 , was another prominent figure to leave the government , his post going to his former deputy , Hervo Akendengue .
9 He also announced his intention to form a neutral Cabinet , and instructed all ministers and vice-ministers in his administration to leave the party by Sept. 30 .
10 A partnership will end by notice given by a partner of intention to leave the partnership ( s. 32(c) Partnership Act 1890 ) .
11 As the prosecution still seemed in no hurry to have a trial date set , Chief Judge Moran overruled the government 's objections and ordered that Coleman 's legal passport be returned , subject to his giving the prosecutor two weeks ’ notice of his intention to leave the country and to his reporting in to his pre-trial services officer every other week by telephone .
12 On Dec. 9 and 25 the Macedonian representative Vasil Turpovski announced his intention to leave the Presidency .
13 It 's their intention to leave the boat station there , but as a boat hiring station only , and to let rent that to somebody , not to have boat building enterprises , not to have a car park , not to have a chandlery and so on which was put there by the person whose who used to own it , and we will recoup all of that money from renting that boat station so it can be run as a boat hiring station again , and from three or four of the moorings that are will have been there for a long time , with proper permission .
14 And Southampton secretary Brian Truscott said : ‘ As far as we are concerned all David was doing was encouraging a fan to leave the pitch . ’
15 She was only disturbed by the fact that , once the funeral was over , her mother-in-law made no attempt to leave the Manor and take up residence in the dower house .
16 Beatrice Webb 's admiration for the philanthropic work of Mary Booth rested on the way in which the latter expressed ‘ gentle and loving contempt for any special work outside the ordinary sphere of a woman 's life , [ and ] her high standard of excellence which should discourage any vain attempt to leave the beaten track of a woman 's duty ’ .
17 When a man as attractive as Crilly makes an attempt to leave the circle , the girls get bothered .
18 Tatarstan 's leaders , however , denied that the Constitution signified an attempt to leave the Russian Federation altogether .
19 ‘ I feel as if we failed that man somewhere , ’ she said a little later as together with David and Martin Foulds she watched the ambulance leave the factory .
20 The speed and urgency of cartoon action leave no time for reflection .
21 Private scheme , Page 4 JONATHAN BAINBRIDGE/REUTER MARTIN CLEAVER/AP Shared rage : the crowd screams abuse as the two boys accused of James 's murder leave the Liverpool court in police vans , which were pelted with missiles while people hammered on their sides .
22 But the entire episode left the party looking damaged and fragile .
23 By the time Pink left the Embassy , worried now as to whether he was fit to drive , a Major who dealt only with Intelligence matters was preparing a report to send to Baghdad .
24 Further down the alleyway the wood had shrunk in a fence leaving a knot-hole big enough to see through .
25 This in effect left the UK and USA , together with other supporters of eventual exploitation such as Saudi Arabia and South Africa , in an untenable position , with a majority of the Treaty 's 26 voting members in favour of a ban .
26 This in effect left the UK and USA , together with other supporters of eventual exploitation such as Saudi Arabia and South Africa , in an untenable position , with a majority of the Treaty 's voting members in favour of a ban .
27 The boat left a wake that rocked the long drifts of dead leaves on the water and slapped against the quay below them .
28 The flying boat left the African coast and landed by the depot ship .
29 Dudley Clarke had been the only casualty , hit in the ear , which had been sewn back in place by a petty officer as the boat left the beach .
30 At the close of the fishing season , the fishing folks always sang as the boat left the Stronsay pier and to hear the song , We 're no away to bide a while , always brings back memories .
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